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Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the World

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby Daedalus » Monday May 1st, 2017 1:02am

A Sprint through Dark Places

Quest 8: Do the Wizard and Elf begin with their spells? I'd assume yes, but Legacy of the Orc Warlord (MGS) and The Halls of the Dead (RotWL) took them away from prisoners.
C) A Sorcerer is mentioned, but not present. Perhaps a Demonsmith belongs here?

Quest 5: What is a Thief's movement?
Shops: Sorcerer's Table: Master Sorcerer: What determines if a Hero is qualified to learn a spell group--is it being a spellcaster? Does paying a teaching fee mean only access to the group is gained as a choice, with no increase in total spells to cast (9)? Does purchasing a book in addition increase the total spells that can be cast (to 12)? Maybe Spellbook cards could be made, like the Necromancer's Spell book.

Quest 10: It could help to add an entry arrow at the secret door (remove the X's) or note the Heroes begin at the squares marked with X's.

Well, that's everything. What an epic, innovative, Warhammer-inspired campaign! You may not want to bother with an update this late in, but anyone reading this thread can use it as an FAQ to smooth over the gameplay.

I reformatted the post title and included a components section at the end of the OP. Adjust the numbers as you see fit--I set needed monster counts to include those in an adjacent room, as well.

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby The Admiral » Thursday May 25th, 2017 1:22pm

Wow, you have a lot of quests to write now, as the Heroes can end the quest on multiple paths!
I noticed a couple of things: E10 is labelled B-3, and Quest 9 is labelled Quest 5.
Also, in Quest 7 it mentions you can go to the upper or lower levels of the fort via stairways A and B, but there are no maps for those levels? Where do stairways C and D lead to, are they alternative quest exits?

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby clmckay » Thursday May 25th, 2017 1:45pm

Ah Yes. Good catch.

Those labeling errors are a carrying over from when I was compiling the various paths and deciding how I wanted to number them.

And Yes....there were a lot of exits to tie up. Fortunately they are all done. Only about half have been playtested (which is the road my group ultimately ended up going down), but the rest are at least finished.

On Quest 7. The main path takes you to the center chamber, in which there are 2 staircases. Each goes to the corresponding stairway tile, representing going up or down the tower.

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby The Admiral » Saturday May 27th, 2017 6:39am

clmckay wrote:Yes....there were a lot of exits to tie up. Fortunately they are all done. Only about half have been playtested (which is the road my group ultimately ended up going down), but the rest are at least finished.

So which way did your group go?

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby clmckay » Saturday May 27th, 2017 6:48am

Pigsbarter, they took a ship around to the badlands and played the pack I had made for the area. It's the same as the two other exits that led to the badlands. They just had an initial quest for each possible entry point then the same remaining quests.

From there they worked their way back north, again hitting what would have been exits from crossroads. I'm still waiting for them to decide to head back to Ogre Kingdoms. I really would like to try those quests, but for now, they wander the various areas of the old world.

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby Gold Bearer » Friday September 1st, 2017 11:38am

Card link's dead. :(
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

Expanded Combined Spells: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4296

A psychedelic substance occasionally causes psychotic behaviour in people who have not taken it. - Terence McKenna
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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby clmckay » Tuesday September 5th, 2017 12:37pm

Gold Bearer wrote:P>S. Where's your cards for the quest pack at clmckay? :)


I started to make a new dropbox with as much archived HQ material as possible, but got sidetracked when drathe announced he was going to try and update the website (not the BB). I'd moved those cards from my regular Dropbox then to make room for some stuff.

Since that's all on hold for now, I'll see if there's anything I can clear out. I really should just make a paid one sometime, I use it so much.

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby Gold Bearer » Wednesday September 6th, 2017 7:12am

No probs, just thought you'd want to be able to off your stuff, I'll wait for the cards to check out the quest pack.
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

Expanded Combined Spells: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4296

A psychedelic substance occasionally causes psychotic behaviour in people who have not taken it. - Terence McKenna
DMT - The Spirit Molecule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwZqVqbkyLM

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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby Gold Bearer » Friday September 8th, 2017 10:55am

I like this a lot it's similar to something I wanted to try with the Altdorf chronicles, to have a main overland city with various ways of picking up quests and as you do more the main area expands. Your overland areas look really well done and the overall presentation is excellent. Giving the players a path choice is really nice, I was thinking of doing that but it seems like a waste of work because so much won't get used. I think I'm going to do a minor version of a path split in my next quest pack, whenever that will be. Things happening differently depending on what they've found is also really good and so is not being able to replace dead heroes right away but having to find new ones, it makes dying mean more. I like what you did with the town using the main board. You've got a wizard's sword too, I swear I didn't copy it from yours. :) Mine just gives three attack dice, not sure if yours is the same.

There's a couple of things about the intro that I think could do with a polish. I don't mean to be over critical, this is just what I'd do.

"...these giant's bones emerge from the very ground."
I'm not sure the use of the word 'very' works here. Where else would they emerge from? Also you emphasise the ground in a similar way in the next sentence. I'm not sure about 'giant's', 'these giant reptilian's bones' works better for me or maybe 'these giant reptilian bones'.

"This land is infested by Orcs, but not the Orcs of the Old World. The Orcs here are much larger and stronger, legendary black orcs can even be found leading Orc Warbands, or worse - as soldier-slaves of the Chaos Dwarves."
No capital in 'warbands' and too many 'orcs', three in eleven words. 'This land is infested by Orcs, but not like those of the Old World.' You're heavily drawing from WH world lore but in that it's not just black orcs that live with chaos dwarves and also black orcs do inhabit the old world, in fact isn't where the chaos dwarves live part of the old world? Assuming it's not, 'This land is infested by Orcs, but not all are like those commonly found inhabiting the Old World.' There badly needs to be a 'these' right before legendary, I don't think even works because it's not at all surprising that stronger orcs would lead weaker ones, and although - works, you use a different looking - in a bit. I'm not sure why the second one is there, "...the lure of treasure - too much to pass up."
'This land is infested by Orcs, but not all are like those commonly found inhabiting the Old World. Many of the Orcs here are much larger and stronger, these legendary Black Orcs can be found leading Orc warbands, or worse, as soldier-slaves of the Chaos Dwarves.'

I'd end the intro with a ? rather than a !.

There's a dodgy sentence in the intro to the border princes. "There is no doubt but that you could easily find adventurer amongst these kingdoms,..." No but and adventurerS.

I haven't read it through properly yet but the first encounter could do with some clarification. It says don't place the hobgoblins on the board until they've crossed the line, what about the chaos dwarf? If not then it could do with saying that and it says they can end the encounter by moving off the edge of the board because the hobgoblins have blocked the road so shouldn't it say the north edge of the board?

The circling back around in quest 1 doesn't seem to quite work. Maybe they could spot the secret door as the last hero steps through the door into the first you and tell the EWP that the hobgoblins that come onto the board at the NW corner have to chase the heroes.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest and seeing the cards.
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

Expanded Combined Spells: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4296

A psychedelic substance occasionally causes psychotic behaviour in people who have not taken it. - Terence McKenna
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Re: Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the W

Postby Anderas » Tuesday August 28th, 2018 1:58am

I just opened the thread, found out that I was already here in an acute burnout-phase of the work (which means I just immediately forgot again).

Then I tried to download and found out that I already have downloaded this quest pack.

Until clmckay protests or puts it back online, anybody can download the quest pack and the cards in my google drive.

have fun

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