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Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the World

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Quest Pack [12 Quests,14 Encounters]-Crossroads of the World

Postby clmckay » Friday November 18th, 2016 9:41am

I finally got this QP presentation ready. We finished our trek through it nearly a year ago. It just took this long to get it typed and ready for presentation.

It plays like a choose your path adventure type book. We had a blast playing it but I doubt that I'll make any this complicated in the future. The two custom ones since have been much simpler in structure.

Anyway.....as always, have fun. You will need to adjust difficulty level for your group. Special thanks to both GimmeYerGold and Teldurn for letting me put their cards into the zip file. They have made fantastic card sets. I hope everyone has checked them out. It's a wonderful source to add spice to your games!



https://www.dropbox.com/s/no3y78uz6ojic ... s.zip?dl=0

The cards are in dropbox. I'll try to keep it active as long as possible. The Inns upload limit is too low for me to put it here.

As with all my sets, I have multiple versions of many of the cards to allow Zargon's out there to choose the version that suits their player's best.

I should also note, that the special room tiles in this QP are not in the archive. However, they are in the archive for the previous Quest Pack - Out of the Wastes. I forgot to copy them into this zipfile, but they can readily be downloaded from that other thread.

I hope you all enjoy.

EDIT: I replaced the original file after I noticed that I'd uploaded an older revision with the endings out of whack. This one is proper, though I'm sure there are spelling and punctuation errors galore.

I finally got this QP presentation ready. We finished our trek through it nearly a year ago. It just took this long to get it typed and ready for presentation.

It plays like a choose your path adventure type book. We had a blast playing it but I doubt that I'll make any this complicated in the future. The two custom ones since have been much simpler in structure.

Anyway.....as always, have fun. You will need to adjust difficulty level for your group. Special thanks to both GimmeYerGold and Teldurn for letting me put their cards into the zip file. They have made fantastic card sets. I hope everyone has checked them out. It's a wonderful source to add spice to your games!



https://www.dropbox.com/s/no3y78uz6ojic ... s.zip?dl=0

The cards are in dropbox. I'll try to keep it active as long as possible. The Inns upload limit is too low for me to put it here.

As with all my sets, I have multiple versions of many of the cards to allow Zargon's out there to choose the version that suits their player's best.

I should also note, that the special room tiles in this QP are not in the archive. However, they are in the archive for the previous Quest Pack - Out of the Wastes. I forgot to copy them into this zipfile, but they can readily be downloaded from that other thread.

I hope you all enjoy.

EDIT: I replaced the original file after I noticed that I'd uploaded an older revision with the endings out of whack. This one is proper, though I'm sure there are spelling and punctuation errors galore.

[Additional components needed: 3 Black Orcs, 1 Bull Centaur, 6 Chaos Dwarves, 2 Chaos Dwarves w/ shield*, 1 Demonsmith, 1 Doomguard Warrior, 4 Giant Bats, 6 Giant Rats, 2 Giant Wolves, 10 Goblin Runts, 12 Hobgoblins, 6 Infernal Guards, Mercenaries (1 Halberdier, 1 Swordsman), 1 Monster Hunter, 4 Ogres, 7 Orc Warriors, 4 Orc Warriors w/ bows, 3 Orc Warriors w/ double weapons, 2 Orc Warriors w/shields*, 2 Thieves, 1 Undead Dragon
1 Bridge Tile (from ForgottenStuffzip), 9 Desert Wilderness Tiles (from Heroic Maps), 3 Closed and 11 Open Double Doors (from Ye Olde Inn), Dragon Bones Tile (from Ye Olde Inn), 7 Falling Block Trap Tiles, 2 Fireburst Tiles (from WoM), 1 Idol Statue Tile (from Advanced Heroquest), 1 Iron Entrance and 1 Wooden Exit Door (from KK or RotWL), 1 Long Pit Trap Tile (from MotM), 3 Long and 1 Short Stairway Tiles (from KK), 3 Mine Carts (from Ye Olde Inn), 3 Open Doors, Pathway Tile (from ForgottenStuffzip), 6 Pit of Darkness Tiles (from AtOH), 16 Pit Trap Tiles (from MotM), 1 Portcullis (from MotM or Marvel Winter Special), 1 Runes Tile, 1 Running the Gauntlet Tile (from Ye Olde Inn), 1 Small Alter, 7 Stairs Tiles (from MotM), 1 Stone Portal (from Ye Olde Inn), 1 Trap Door Tile (from KK, MotM, or RotWL), Volcanic Wasteland Tiles (from Heroic Maps). 2 Weapons Forge Tiles (from KK)
*A standard Warrior figure may be used if figures with shields aren't available. -edit]
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Last edited by Daedalus on Tuesday May 2nd, 2017 12:58am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Formatting

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby knightkrawler » Friday November 18th, 2016 10:18am

Downloaded both. Thank you. |_P
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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby QorDaq » Friday November 18th, 2016 4:30pm

Though I have no idea when/ if I'll be playing HQ again, I did DL as I know how hard you've worked on it. So it'll go into the personal library of "Someday" quests...

That said, I had a cursory look over all the cards and also through the Quest book. I have not, however, read every word yet. I do like the inclusion of larger scale maps for locations and encounters... Pretty great stuff here. Thanks for posting.

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby StratosVX » Friday November 18th, 2016 5:17pm

Awesome! Thanks! |_P

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday November 19th, 2016 6:23am

Corrections in bold. Punctuation corrections are mostly a matter of taste:
p.3, "...these giants' bones..."
In that chapter the word "Orcs" appears too often. If you work the thing over, take it away where you can, twice or thrice should be quite enough. If you don't, it's not really much of a bother.
Under 3., I would italize the QP title.
p.14, the o in you after the Y-graphic is capitalized.
p.17, "refugees from the Empire".
"ground. You can tell..."
"the tunnel, at first..."
"bred of chaos"
"they push out..." (the plague thingis is a repetition from one line up).
p.20, "Worlds Edge Mountains"
"borderlands" or "Border Lands" or "Border Lands" - not quite sure about that one, but "Border lands" as of now seems wrong.
"a desolate hell"
"dwarf port", else harbor is repeated nearby.
"...world. However, it..."
p.26, "Zharr-Naggrund"
p.32, "The Darklands, so sinister and evil, thwarted..."
"attack by Ogres looking"
"unknown. Who knows..."
"so much as a seam to indicate"
"floor. Perhaps"
"clues, so if you" or "clues. If you"
p.38, "you see a massive"
"are steep": looks like there's two spaces in between.
"accursed place?" or "What an accursed place!"
"their victory"
"neverending horrors"
"blood than this"
"Gnoblar Country" (?) - I might be wrong here if it has nothing to do with gnoblars or is a case of spelling after pronunciation by non-Empire linguisitc means. I came up with that.
"Gnoblar and Hill Goblin warrens"
"and heading through"
"fields, following"
"Ogre tribes."
The Fortress of Skulls is repeated here.
p.40, "or perhaps you..."
"companion has an idea."
"dread overcomes you. Zargon..."
"of the river Ruin"
"Goblins and Gnoblars"
"plains and forests that"
"far east" - reason explained below
"Into the Sea of the Dead"

All through the texts, keep the orientations consistent. I'm all for uncapitalized, but there's at least one instance where you capitalized it ("Far East": far is to be uncapitalized as well, of course). Uncapitalized just looks better, there's not even a debate here, I think. Unless it's part of a proper name, of course. I think the capitalization of the orientations (which I learned in school and at university as being the only correct way!) should be a thing of the past. Even leo.org now has the two alternate ways.

In general, the letter graphics starting the fluff texts, seem to be offset to the left. The other version with a wider gap between the graphic and the second letter
as well as (parts of) the first paragraphs being set off to the right a little further (example page 26) looks better to me.

Your prose writing is pretty awesome, and that's coming from someone who did literary and linguistic studies. It just flows and carries over the mood from these barren lands.
Just from the looks and conception, this must be an awesome quest pack! You certainly have a grip on Warhammer fluff.
I can point several references to the old Undead, Skaven, Orks & Goblins, and Chaos Dwarfs army books.
That binds this quest pack tightly into the Warhammer world, without fault probably.

For now, I only had the time to proofread the flufftext introduction, conclusion and the ones for the encounters.
Didn't have the time for the quest and encounter notes.
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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby clmckay » Saturday November 19th, 2016 9:23am

Thank you so much for this, KK.

It's a tremendous help. After looking at it for so long you start to miss very obvious things (like the differing alignment of the paragraphs with drop caps!).

If you would want to redownload the file in the top post, I have fixed the problem with the duplicated conclusion and added the missing one. Yet another case of seeing something so much you go blind.

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday November 19th, 2016 2:11pm

I know the feeling, dude.
I just can't promise I can do the rest, too, though.
It is pretty freakin' worth it.
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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby Daedalus » Friday April 28th, 2017 3:28pm

Outstanding work, as usual! There's a lot to comment on, so I'll break things up into three posts, one for each of the branches.

But first, some general concerns:
I couldn't find the Rune Tile (Quests 5 and 7) needed from the archive at Out of the Wastes. Perhaps you could post it again or suggest a substitution. I think the Sun-Eye Room Tile from AtOH could work okay, or nothing but the notes.
Would you say a new group of Heroes without extra equipment could manage the first Encounters and Quests? If not, how much equipment (AD and DD) would you recommend to begin?

I've read through this Quest Pack and found some errata. You don't need to bother with any of it, as the pack is playable as is. Then again, maybe you'd like the extra fine tuning. I skipped over punctuation which many won't notice.

A Journey through the Sand

3. Overland Tiles: Change "...Overland locations may be search for traps,...A few exceptions may be made for special tiles that may be entirely search with a single action." > ...Overland locations may be searched for traps,...A few exceptions may be made for special tiles that may be entirely searched with a single action.

Encounter 3: The four X's at the top-left corner of the map seem to infer the Heroes start there. I'd add a note.
B) Change "...They are unable to retreat back to the road though and must advance to Quest 2: The Basted Wastes." > ...They are unable to retreat back to the road though and must advance to Quest 2: The Blasted Lands.

Quest 2: B. ...(Side Quest:__________ ) What does this refer to?

The Border Princes: "YOu run out of the deep mines..." > You run out of the deep mines...

Encounter 5: Zargon: "...The Heroes exit the encounter by moving off the board
at the 4 X’s on the opposite side." > ...The Heroes exit the encounter by moving off the board
at the 4 X’s on the opposite side or at the 8 X's at the bottom.

Encounter 6: The four X's at the middle-right of the map seem to infer the Heroes start there. I'd add a note.
Is the fluff in the Parchment Text meant to convey that there is no return back to Encounter 5? If not, shouldn't The Great Wolf Lands be listed as an exit choice?
Exits: 2: "...If the Heroes choose to drop into this this trap door,..." > ...If the Heroes choose to drop into this trap door,...

Encounter 7: The four X's at the top-left corner of the map seem to infer the Heroes start there. I'd add a note.

Special Quest:A) If I understand correctly, the dragon gets to attack and breathe in the same turn, every turn. If not: "...In addition to his usual attack the Dragon also may
attempt to breathe on the Heroes...." > ...Rather than his usual attack, the Dragon may instead
attempt to breathe on the Heroes as a special action. Instead of breathing fire, an unholy wind emerges causing madness in every Hero in the same room or adjacent corridor. The Hero/Heroes must roll 1 Combat Die. If a Black Shield is rolled, the Hero loses 1 Mind Point.

In the bottom-right quadrant, the room closest to the central chamber has a false secret door. Is this intentional? If so, I'd include a note.

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby Daedalus » Friday April 28th, 2017 5:52pm

Earth, Wind, and Fire

Encounter 9: Where do the Heroes begin? Also, shouldn't there be a note about the areas being divided by blue lines that are treated as separate "rooms" without doors? This would include something about entering and placing contents, including monsters.

Encounter B3: Where do the Heroes start?

Quest 4: D) Table: What is the price of an Orc Slave? It's not on the card. Does an Ogre Mercenary defend with black shields? I assume so, as there are no mercenary rules for this expansion.

Quest 5: B) This is the room tiles missing from both the Crossroads of the World archive as well as the Out of the Wastes archive. Where can it be downloaded from? Did you have a specific stone circle portal in mind? (I referenced the Ron Shirtz portal.)
D) Is there a specific idol figure you suggest for the map icon, or should the AHQ Terror in the Dark statue tile be used? What about the alter? Did you have a specific tile or furniture piece in mind?

Encounter 12: Where should the Heroes begin? My guess is somewhere on the left of the board, as they were traveling east from Quest 6. Are all monsters placed at the start of the Quest, or are monsters only placed when a Hero moves within 5 squares, as with searches? Also, how are the Heroes to know where to exit, which seems to be the objective. A clue could be added to the Parchment Text.
NOTES: "...On a Skull a gust of wind catches the figure and blows them in the direction of that zones blue arrows....It may be possible to trigger more than wind zone if a figure is blown from one blue space onto another...." > ...On a Skull a gust of wind catches the figure and blows them in the direction of that zone's blue arrows....It may be possible to trigger more than one wind zone if a figure is blown from one blue space onto another.
As being blown into a zone triggers another roll for further involuntary movement, it seems to me a figure must also roll a die to check if he remains in a current zone or is blown further out. Also, I assume a figure that moves voluntarily adjacent to a Lava Patch doesn't lose 1 Body Point.

Quest 7:Should it be The Demon's Stump"? While it can be figured how the stairways are meant to connect like trap doors, it isn't immediately apparent. I'd suggest adding an exit arrow to the entrance/exit and this change following NOTES: "The Heroes may exit this encounter at any time by returning to the door. Tell them Stairway A goes deeper into the dungeons of the tower and Stairway B goes up to the tower’s top floors." > Stairways are meant to vertically connect levels. Tell the Heroes Stairway A descends into the dungeons while Stairway B ascends to the upper floors. A Hero that moves onto a stairway immediately moves onto the matching stairway, ending his turn.
The Rune Tile in room F has the same issue mentioned above in room B of Quest 5.

The Fortress of Skulls: "...All around you are jet black walls, smooth and without so much as a seem to indicate..." > ...All around you are jet black walls, smooth and without so much as a seam to indicate...

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Re: Quest Pack - Crossroads of the World

Postby Anderas » Saturday April 29th, 2017 2:09am

Wow, that's the first time i stumble over this quest pack. Well, no wonder, in my company between November and end of January there are crazy times, always, with too much work.

I was reading some of the first quests - i rather like the concept and some of the ideas. Thanks for sharing!

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