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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby The Admiral » Friday July 24th, 2015 4:26pm

Thanks for your input. I will reply to your points as follows:
1) I see your point but I will just keep it as it is. It is simpler by allowing it to effect all weapons. I am just assuming that the the staff is aslo 'sharpened', perhaps gaining an iron tip like a spear.
2) The intention is for the player to be able to re-roll one complete set of defence dice again, once. e.g I must try to defend 2 skulls rolled against me. I roll my, lets say 3 defence dice, and roll 1 white shield. I anticipate more and bigger attacks coming and so I don't do a re-roll. Another monster attacks me and rolls 3 skulls. I roll my 3 dice on defence again and get no white shields. I activate my future sight and re-roll my 3 dice again and get 1 white shield. Not a great re-roll, but I must accept it. I am attacked by a third monster and it won't matter how many skulls I need to defend against, I have used my ability and can not re-roll any more defence dice.
If you can re-write the spell to reflect this it would be most appreciated.
3) Crikey, the EU version. I hadn't considered that as I haven't played it in probably over 20 years. I only play NA. This quest pack is pure NA.
4) Sure. I can remember actually looking this up at the time and seeing the two versions. I just chose one at random really. They are both fine with me.

This is on the backburner at the moment. I have been preparing for my summer gaming session with my brother for which I have prepared quite an epic for his Barbarion & Co. We also have to finish my wizards 'Rise of Ramiah' quest 10. Then it will be the Elf next summer, the Dwarf the year after and then finally my Wizard will be doing this new quest. I will definitely be doing it, but my main problem is that I am completely computer illiterate! So I am going to have to figure out Heroscibe at some time.

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby slev » Friday August 14th, 2015 9:51am

Quest theme asside, you've had many of the same ideas I had.

This, for example, works for what you're looking at:

And my four potions are not a million miles away, this one especially:

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby cornixt » Friday August 14th, 2015 10:00am

Just realised how similar your die symbol is to the diamond (body points?)

I guess it is a little late to change either of them now.

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby slev » Friday August 14th, 2015 10:54am

cornixt wrote:Just realised how similar your die symbol is to the diamond (body points?)

I guess it is a little late to change either of them now.

Nahhhh, I found an error and now have to re-create ALL those cards :cry:

There's a colour difference too, which helps. I can look at changing the symbol, although there are two additional symbols in the advanced set (Fate & Threat), that you won't have seen. Perhaps a star?

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby cornixt » Friday August 14th, 2015 2:28pm

A 5-pointed star would definitely be sufficiently different to the hexagon shape of the die.

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday August 19th, 2015 12:13pm

slev wrote:Quest theme asside, you've had many of the same ideas I had.

This, for example, works for what you're looking at:

And my four potions are not a million miles away, this one especially:

I'd be interested in seeing what you posted but I can't view your images?

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby slev » Wednesday August 19th, 2015 1:25pm

Wierd. Neither can I.
I'll get some new linakge sorted.

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday August 20th, 2015 6:42am

I don't know how I ever missed this topic!
But now that it has resurfaced I got a little C&C...

First of all I love to see the return of Balur. He was a very memorable (albeit minor) adversary in the original. Nice.

I would cut the whole part of the four mages.
You write it's "based on" WoM? What does that mean? Is it a continuation? Or a mod? Or...?
I think you should rather imagine something new. Perhaps Balur has discovered an ancient magical library on his travels?

Finally, don't blurb out all the new enemies in the introduction!
Have mentor mention them gradually during the quests or give small hints through the quest notes.

A. The creature before you is a Minotaur of ancient myth. How did Balur manage to bind it to his will?
It has the following stats... you get the idea...

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby The Admiral » Friday August 21st, 2015 4:08am

I understand what you are saying GK, but my hands are sort of tied, by myself to be honest. The pack is a homage to WoM and what I think would have been in the official Wizards quest pack. As I seriously believe that it would have contained the four evil wizard miniatures then these have to be in the pack, along with the other creatures that it seems would also have been included i.e the Minotaur, Giant Spider and Ratman.

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Re: My Wizard Quest Pack

Postby Goblin-King » Friday August 21st, 2015 6:12am

Fair enough on the four wizards part - that's a creative decision.

But I think you misunderstand me in regard to the monsters. Your selection of monsters is fine. No problems. Good selection |_P
I just want you to not literally mention them in Mentor's introduction.
That is like if Mentor said in the game system:
"On your quest to defend the Empire from evil you will encounter goblins, orcs, fimirs, skeletons, zombies, mummies, chaos warriors and gargoyles."

Let the players be amazed the first time they encounter a minotaur instead of having them anticipate it.
It's a storytelling problem, not a game mechanic problem.

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