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Additional Druid Transformations

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Additional Druid Transformations

Postby LucaRocks » Sunday March 24th, 2024 3:46pm

Starting to expand on the Druid's transformation ability by giving her the ability to transforms into different animals and monsters. I envision each animal as having special abilities and/or stat modifiers and its own unique mini (plenty to choose from on Etsy).

I am thinking of getting 8 or 10 forms and having the druid roll for transformation using a d8 / d10. But I'm not sure if this is the best way to go as the transformation would probably be too random to be useful. Maybe rolling a certain number would unlock a super transformation? Something like the yeti or giant wolf? Still haven't nailed anything down so I am open to suggestions.

My first draft list of animals/monsters minis is below with some ideas I had. Most grant the additional +1 to attack and defense unless stated otherwise.

Were-bear - this is the mini we use in my group for the basic transformation that does plus 1 to Att and def

Sabertooth tiger - Maybe this one does not give the plus one bonus but grants the ability to move, attack, move?

Spider - definitely can see this one as being able to enter rooms (revealing what's inside) without opening the door. Maybe attack and defend will only be 1 and 2 for this transformation.

Python - has the ability to make one monster miss a turn (coils around the monster). Gets the plus one to Att and def.

Toad - I'm thinking of using this as a "gag" transformation. Like if the Druid has to roll for a transformation and misses, they have to become a toad instead. Only 1 att and 1 def.

Displacer Beast - grants flat 10 movement, no other stat bonus. When defending, if they roll a black shield all damage is negated (to represent the DB's power to make an illusion of itself).

Owlbear - Grants +2 to Att and def. Able to do a double attack. Takes 2 damage before reverting back to druid.

Girallon - can move through monsters and can also do 2 attacks. No stat bonus

Basilisk - the supreme transformation. 6 attack, 5 defense. Able to make three monsters lose a turn at once. Might make this one limited to a certain number of turns.

That's what I got so far. I also have the wolf from Ogre Horde which could be another transformation but looking at it in one place, I think that the list is maybe getting too long already. I feel that five forms may be enough. And the frog and basilisk would be extra transformations to signify a very good or bad roll or something.

Anyway, let me know what you think. If you have used different forms for your druid, please share your mechanics. Thank you!
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Re: Additional Druid Transformations

Postby HispaZargon » Sunday March 24th, 2024 11:27pm

Lots of ideas!

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Re: Additional Druid Transformations

Postby LucaRocks » Monday March 25th, 2024 12:29pm

Thanks! I hope that means some of them are good lol

After thinking about it some more, I think what I will do is make the Druid able to pick any 4 monsters to use during a quest. That way the number of monsters available can grow without making the druid overpowered. So basically, the druid would cast transform and, as an option, they could choose to become one of the four animals/monsters they chose for that quest. The default transform ability (were-bear) could be used as many times as allowed by the rule of the card. But using transform to turn into a bonus monster would be limited to 4 times per quest. Could be one monster 4 times or four monsters 1 time each (or any combo adding up to 4).

I am also adjusting a couple monsters in my previous list:

Girallon - 2 Att, 4 def. Can move through Zargon's monsters. Able to attack up to four monsters at the same time (because it has four arms). But the monsters have to be in a square next to the Girallon. One attack roll only for the girallon. All monsters may defend normally.

Basilisk - 5 attack 6 defend. Costs 1 BP and 1 MP to transform into. Can stay up to 3 turns on the board but will cost 1 BP and 1 MP each turn. Can 'petrify' 3 other monsters at once (aka make them lose a turn). Monsters must be in a square next to the basilisk.

Toad - can move through monsters. Druid cannot attack or be attacked in toad form. Can set off traps without taking damage as well. (I'm thinking that slimy toads are hard to hold or even catch due to their jumping ability so I figure making them basically invulnerable would be a cool way to make this animal a useful transformation).

Sabertooth Tiger - can move attack and move. Any damage dealt get +1 (to symbolize it's vicious teeth doing damage in addition to its claws)

So there are some updates for now. Will post anything else I come up with.

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Re: Additional Druid Transformations

Postby cornixt » Monday March 25th, 2024 4:19pm

If it is a random pick, then I'd say to max it out at 6 so you can do D6 rolls.

If it's a pick, then maybe do them in batches of three like the spell cards so they can pick from a different set for each quest. After the first few they are all going to be a bit similar so having a different set is going to allow for several without the player just picking the same ones each time - fighter, supporting fighters, utility.

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Re: Additional Druid Transformations

Postby LucaRocks » Tuesday March 26th, 2024 7:14am

Great ideas! Thanks so much for the input!

I think that I am liking the "rolling dice" idea less and less. I mean, what good are utilitarian monsters when your in the middle of a fight?

Splitting them up into groups of 3 might be the way to go. As you said, it would make it more interesting to see how they would use them. It would also allow for more balance. Have one very strong monster, one less strong animal and a third totally utilitarian animal. Still not completely sure because I am all for as much as variety in the combos as possible. Maybe I will let him choose 3 but also give a bonus roll for a 4th? We'll see.

Will have to adjust my monsters some more but thats half the fun lol. Thanks again!
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Re: Additional Druid Transformations

Postby LucaRocks » Friday March 29th, 2024 7:47pm

I have adjusted some transformations and added others. I added some animals that grant the druid semi-mystical abilities. Sort of like totem animals. I think some of these will be useful! I particularly think that the ram will be great for FH lol.

Owl - Grants wisdom. Move through monsters (flight). 1 att, 1 def. Can search for traps and secret doors same time. Able to give info from quest book. Heroes can ask if the quest contains artifacts, bosses, special mechanics etc... Only one reveal allowed per quest.

Deer - Healing. 1 att, 1 def. Can heal 2 BP per turn for 3 turns.

Fox - 2att, 3 def. Grants cunning. Avoids any and all traps (but does not spring them). Can search for treasure and ignores all hazards and Wandering Monsters until 1 good treasure is found.

Ram - Gets normal stat boost. Can traverse any terrain hazards without taking damage or dying Can open doors (ram).

Toad - Cannot attack or be attacked. Can set off traps without being damaged. Can move through monsters.

Large Spider - can walk through doors and walls to reveal what's in a room. 1 att, 2 def.

Python - No stat boost. Can make a monster lose a turn as an action (coils). Can open doors. Can attack adjacent.

Owlbear - Roll dice when using regular transform. If Druid rolls a black shield, transforms into owlbear instead. +2 to Att and Def. Double attack. 2 damage taken before transform back.

Displacer beast - 12 movement. If roll a black shield when attacked, all damage is negated (illusion was attacked instead). No stat boost.

Sabertooth Tiger - can move attack and move. No bonus to stats.

Girallon - 3 att, 4 def. Can attack up to 4 adjacent monsters in one action. Rolls once to attack all monsters. Monsters all defend as normal.

Basilisk - 6 att, 6 Def. Limited to 3 turns only or 1 damage (whichever comes first). Can make two enemies miss their next turns (petrify).

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