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DND monsters

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DND monsters

Postby LucaRocks » Sunday February 18th, 2024 2:58pm

Has anyone incorporated DND monsters into HQ? What stats and/or abilities have you given them? I'm talking mainly Owlbears, beholders, displacer beasts but I'd love any others as well.

Thinking of throwing some random monsters into quests here and there. Or I may use them to beef up the druid for my friend. Make the druid roll for shapeshift and make one of the numbers rolled allow her to become an owlbear or something else tougher than the normal shapeshift.
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Re: DND monsters

Postby LucaRocks » Tuesday February 20th, 2024 1:02pm

After thinking about this a bit more, I think I came up with some stats I like for a couple of DND monsters.

I figure a dispapcwr beast could go 10 move, 3 attack, 6 defense, 4 body and 2 mind. The hight defense is to account for the "displacement" power that they have.

For the Owlbear I was thinking of going with 6 move, 4 attack, 4 defense, 5 BP and 2 mp.

Not sure about special abilities. They both technically can do 2 attacks at once from what I read. But I don't want to give both of them that. We'll see though.
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Re: DND monsters

Postby Malcadon » Thursday February 22nd, 2024 5:23am

Do DragonStrike monsters count? Cuz I totally converted them back in the day.

Oddly enough, I did not do much on converting D&D monsters into HeroQuest as I liked to keep them separate. I should have, as a means to workout a list of special attacks and abilities to use across the board.

Although, I did like the way Basic/Expert D&D had commanders that raised moral to the warrior monsters in the area. In the case of HQ, that could mean a simple state-boost akin to the Orc Shaman Spells Sharpen Blades and Shield of Protection, but lasting for as long as the leader remains alive.

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Re: DND monsters

Postby LucaRocks » Monday March 11th, 2024 4:07pm

Thanks for the suggestions. I will have to see if I can incorporate them!

I am still thinking about this topic now that I have minis of said creatures. I think I may have the druid roll a D8 when using shapeshift and if they get a 1 or an 8 they can choose to turn into the Owlbear.

Owlbear stats... 5 attack, 5 defend. Since it's a transformation, the body, mind would be whatever the druid has. Movement is 2 red dice. Special ability double attack. It's basically a polar warbear with a little better stats. Would revert back to the druid when damaged.

Druid player in my group is pretty good at this point with equipment and moreso using the regular transformation. I just figure having the chance to become a powerful owlbear would be a cool bonus.
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Re: DND monsters

Postby Palindala » Monday July 22nd, 2024 4:30am

Hey there!

In our house rules we included almost all d&d monsters and I made up a database containing attack and defend dice, intelligence and body point for all.
Send me a private message, if you are interested. 8-)
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