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Mortimer’s HeroQuest Bestiary v1.3 by jbroz

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Mortimer’s HeroQuest Bestiary v1.3 by jbroz

Postby Oftkilted » Thursday April 22nd, 2021 11:25pm

I ran across a rather interesting HeroQuest Bestiary that was based on Mortimer’s HeroQuest Bestiary (Internet Archive Link)

It’s a 149 page doc with a “create your own monster” section with a unified build cost for statistics. (Apparently based on old Heroscape.)

It appears to have a bit of everything, including some Dragons. (Which are surprisingly low HP, comparatively.)

HeroQuest Bestiary v1.3 based on Mortimer’s Bestiary [Media Fire Download Link]

Orc Shaman
Orc Shaman
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Re: Mortimer’s HeroQuest Bestiary v1.3 by jbroz

Postby Dreadaxe » Tuesday January 11th, 2022 2:51pm

Fabulous document! Congrat! I want pimped tthe layout can you have a editing version to share?

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