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Having a dragon in HQ?

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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby el_flesh » Thursday June 10th, 2010 3:01pm

Well our DM already has plans for the Hero Scape dragons - never mind the Kaiju size yet! Since his son already has a few of the HeroScape dragons, we will probably be starting with weaker ones and then grauating upwards to a shitload of stronger ones. That huge one - you would have to be godly to even think of taking it on.
That's the point of 20 AD which I totally agree with for a dragon of that size. Of course - you would be suicidally insane to go hunting that! Not to mention its lair would probably be almost impossible to get to!

I only read up a little on Beholders. I understood they have Dragon-like stats themselves?
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby Daniel Anteron » Thursday June 10th, 2010 4:34pm

el_flesh wrote:Well our DM already has plans for the Hero Scape dragons - never mind the Kaiju size yet! Since his son already has a few of the HeroScape dragons, we will probably be starting with weaker ones and then grauating upwards to a shitload of stronger ones. That huge one - you would have to be godly to even think of taking it on.
That's the point of 20 AD which I totally agree with for a dragon of that size. Of course - you would be suicidally insane to go hunting that! Not to mention its lair would probably be almost impossible to get to!

I only read up a little on Beholders. I understood they have Dragon-like stats themselves?

The HeroScape dragons are perfect for the smaller dragons. Beholders are really cool. I wouldn't say they're dragon-like there are some low level ones, and then there's some really nasty ones. But they don't cause as many nightmares to any wayward adventurer like a red dragon does. Basically what makes beholders so nasty is they have a bunch of different eye stalks, and if you look into it's eyes really bad stuff can happen (you could even be turned into stone). This is from one of the D&D monster manuals: "It floats before you, a bulbous body with a central, unblinking eye, and a large maw filled with daggerlike teeth. Smaller eyes, attached to wriggling stalks, sprout from the top of the orblike body. Beholders are the stuff of nightmares. These creatures, also called the "spheres of the many eyes" or "eye tyrants" are deadly adversaries. Beholders often attack without provocation. Though not powerful physically, they often plow right into groups of opponents and use as many of their eyes as they can." Here's a picture of one.

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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby el_flesh » Thursday June 10th, 2010 8:10pm

The one on the video game of A D&D kinda blew it for me - they cheapened him too much.

All you need to do to adapt it to HQ is make a list of the magic spells it has...and then decide how many BPs and AD and DD.

Any suggestions guys?
I gotta get a beholder mini now!
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby link_triforce21 » Friday June 11th, 2010 1:13am

i vote the lair of the dragon should be like Dark Company using 4 boards. and beholders are probably equal to or stronger then a dragon by the sheer fact that they have great sight and sound and can see in all directions. and if a dragon that big were to be in a quest i would make a set of armor and weapons that are a one time use. Excalibur and an EPIC form of Borin's Armor.
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby el_flesh » Friday June 11th, 2010 7:47am

That big dragon is like a class all its own. It's a god in animal-ish form.

like they say about Gojira: A force of nature. How do you fight to destroy a Tornado? How do you destroy a Hurricane? A massive Earthquake?
They can't even cap the man-made Caribbean Oil leak!

If I had to do it in a quest; I would seek to use my necromancy skills to revive a defeated Beholder (in itself mighty hard to do!) and lesser dragons...since obviously I wouldn't have the weapons or even hit points to take on a Kaiju. The barb might have some kind of Dragonslayer weapon. Maybe the elf could find special Dragon-hide piercing bolts that cannot be defended against except with a blast of fire (burning the wood the flying bolt head is attached to). The bolt head would fall to the ground where it could be picked up again - only it would have to be attached to a bolt shaft again.

So, at the moment my goal is to find a Beholder mini that is within the scale of HQ. Anybody know some, or will I have to paint a big marble? As for Kaiju size Dragon....
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby torilen » Friday June 11th, 2010 2:42pm

daniel anteron - great stats on the dragon - I may "steal" those for myself - hahaha
and el flesh - yeah - I like the idea of a beholder too - it would be EASY to make one
for heroquest - if anyone wants, I can attempt to put one together

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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby Daniel Anteron » Friday June 11th, 2010 4:26pm

el_flesh wrote:So, at the moment my goal is to find a Beholder mini that is within the scale of HQ. Anybody know some, or will I have to paint a big marble? As for Kaiju size Dragon....

Sadly the only beholder mini's I know of are bigger than all the HeroQuest Monster's. Now if you wanted to still use one then that's cool I think their bases are either 2x2 or 3x3 can't remember. Look on ebay I saw one that you had to paint yourself, but it was only like 3 bucks.

torilen wrote:daniel anteron - great stats on the dragon - I may "steal" those for myself - hahaha
and el flesh - yeah - I like the idea of a beholder too - it would be EASY to make one
for heroquest - if anyone wants, I can attempt to put one together

:lol: Go for it man steal away.
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby el_flesh » Friday June 11th, 2010 4:41pm

2x2 wouldn't be too bad...There's gotta be some in the games shops around here...
all the ones on ebay are $14; a little much...
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby Daniel Anteron » Wednesday June 16th, 2010 4:20pm

el_flesh wrote:2x2 wouldn't be too bad...There's gotta be some in the games shops around here...
all the ones on ebay are $14; a little much...

You can always try looking around at the different game shops. You never know what you might find.
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Re: Having a dragon in HQ?

Postby HeroQuestFrance » Saturday June 26th, 2010 5:21am

I use the Tiny Black Dragon of D&D basic box (2000) and the Icy dragon of D&D hasbro 2003 :


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