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Discuss the creation of new Heroes and share Heroes you've created.


Postby TechnoBiologist » December 21st, 2023, 6:39 pm

The inspiration for this new hero comes from the D&D cartoon that I am now re-watching with my children. Their most popular hero is Diana, the acrobat and this is how I envision her in the HeroQuest universe.

You are the acrobat, you are an atlethic agile fighter. Your favorite weapon is the quarterstaff and you can do multiple movements and attacks during your turn. The only armour you can use are the bracers.

Movement: 2 red dice + 1 or 2 when doing an acrobatic attack
Body: 6
Mind: 4
Attack: 2 dice
Defend: 2 dice
Start weapon: staff

Special actions:
- Agility: you can jump over exposed pit traps and succeed with everything except a black skull. When you activate a pit trap, spear trap or a trap from the treasure deck, you can try to avoid the damage by throwing 1 die, a white shield means that you avoided the damage in a reflex.
- Athletics: you can split your movement points into before and after you take your action
- Acrobatic action: Once a round, when you attack you can make an extra ,acrobatic, attack (before or after the regular attack). For that you need to have one or two spaces free (orthogonal) between you and the monster. With the acrobatic action you move one or two squares towards the monster until you are directly orthogenal with it and attack with one die (optional two if you have the quarterstaff). The moving towards the monster during the acrobatic action does NOT cost any movement points. The acrobatic attack and the normal attack can be on the same monster or on two different mosters. When attacking the same monster twice with the acrobatic attack, the monster can defend on both attacks as if they were two seperated regular attacks.

Special weapon: Quarterstaff, cost: 300 gold, can only be used by the Acrobat
With the Quarterstaff you have 3 batle dice for attacking AND defending. You can attack diagonal with the quarterstaff and when performing an acrobatic attack, you can choose to attack either with 3:1 or 2:2 for the normal attack and acrobatic attack respectively.

Max stats with Quarterstaff and bracers: 4 (3+1) attack dice and 4 defend dice.
Posts: 5
Joined: November 10th, 2023, 12:25 pm
Forum Language: Nederlands
Evil Sorcerer: Morcar


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