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Reiksguard Spear, Alchemist, and Deathwalker Heroes

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Reiksguard Spear, Alchemist, and Deathwalker Heroes

Postby Nyst » Wednesday October 21st, 2020 4:33pm

Reiksguard Spear
Here is a new hero in the works for my game. The idea is to have a more defensive hero and to try out abilities that utilize formations or positional bonuses also. The hero has a military background which makes sense for the abilities. Spear types are the hero's weapon (as per my son's request). My wording might not be the best on the abilities, but hopefully it makes sense without diagrams.
BP: 6
MP: 4
Atk: 2
Def: 2

Starting Weapon: Spear
Starting Armour: None
Magic: None
Restrictions: No bows. Can only use the spear, javelin, and halberd. Hold max. 3 javelins.

1. Pincer Attack: An enemy is adjacent to the hero and an ally is positioned on the opposite, adjacent space of the enemy. The hero gains +2A against that enemy.
2. Push Back: An ally is adjacent to the hero and also diagonally adjacent to the enemy. The hero gains +1A against that enemy. If the enemy survives the attack, they are pushed back 1 space. An enemy that is pushed back into another character, wall, or object loses their next turn and stays on the same space. An enemy that is pushed back into an empty space does not lose a turn.
3. Spear Point: An ally is adjacently behind the hero and an enemy is adjacently in front of the hero. The hero gains +1A against that enemy. If the adjacent enemy is killed and there are unused skulls on the combat dice, the next enemy behind the killed enemy is damaged, without defending.

New Armoury Items:
Javelin 100G 3A, thrown only but lost once thrown, Reiksguard Spear only
Spear 150G 2A, can attack diagonally, can be thrown but lost once thrown
Halberd 400G 3A, two handed, can attack diagonally, Reiksguard Spear only
Tower Shield 500G +2D, Reiksguard Spear only

With inspiration from the Alchemist threads on the forum, I made this version of the Alchemist. I was hoping to keep the class fairly simple but still have a discovery mechanic that makes it fun to get new potions.
BP: 5
MP: 5
Atk: 1
Def: 2

Starting Weapon: Dagger
Starting Armour: None
Magic: Alchemy Deck
Restrictions: Same armoury restrictions as the wizard, except they can use leather armour. Can use a shortsword. Cannot use bows.

1. Alchemy: In between quests, the Alchemist chooses up to a total of 6 alchemy potions from their discovered alchemy potions to take with them for the next quest. Unused alchemy potions cannot be saved as they only last for one quest.
◦ The Alchemist can take any number of Common potions and a max 1 of any one Uncommon/ Rare/Very Rare potion.

2. Discovery:
The player would have two piles from the Alchemy deck: A discovered potions pile and an undiscovered pile.

In between quests, the Alchemist rolls CD equal to their MP. 2 white shields discovers an Uncommon potion. 3 white shields discovers a Rare potion. 2 white shields and 1 black shield discovers a Very Rare potion. Multiple discoveries can occur in the same roll of dice.

If a discovery is made, the Alchemist gathers all the cards of that discovered potion type (Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare), removing the already discovered potions, and shuffles them. Take the top card. That potion is now available to the Alchemist to select whenever they select from the alchemy deck.

When the Alchemist encounters a cupboard or cabinet, they roll for discovery when using the search for treasure action.

When the Alchemist encounters an alchemy bench, they roll for discovery and gain an extra 2 alchemy potions when using the search for treasure action.

Potions Deck:
The Alchemist starts with only the Common potions available to choose from. They must discover the other potions.
Alchemy Potions.zip

1. Common:
• Alchemist’s Fire – Thrown, target takes 1BP of damage if they roll a skull on 1CD.
• Smoke Bomb – Thrown, target loses their next turn if they roll a skull on 1CD.
• Vial of Acid – Thrown, target uses -1A on their next turn if they roll a skull on 1CD.
• Potion of Strength – Hero gets +1A on their next melee attack.

2. Uncommon:
• Potion of Fire Breath – Adjacent or diagonal attack, 3A.
• Elixir of Illusion – Enemies attacking the hero roll -1A. Lasts until the hero cannot see any enemies.
• Potion of Stone – Hero negates 1BP damage next time they take damage.
• Sticky Gum – Thrown. The target cannot move on their next turn.

3. Rare:
• Potion of Health – Restore 2BP, cannot gain more BP than your max BP.
• Potion of Poison – Thrown, 2A to target. Target rolls 1CD and becomes poisoned if they roll a skull.
• Incendiary – Thrown, 3A to target. Splash damage of 1A to all adjacent spaces (including diagonal). Characters taking splash damage roll 1A and take damage if they roll a skull.
• Potion of Confusion – Thrown. When the target next attacks, they must roll 1CD. If they roll a white shield, they attack as normal. Anything else on the die results in a failed attack.

4. Very Rare:
• Oil of Sharpness – Hero gains +2A with a bladed weapon until they cannot see an enemy.
• Blast Charge – Use on a closed door to blow it open. Any character behind the door in a straight line takes 2BP damage, undefended. Any characters behind and diagonal (one space) to the door lose their next turn.
• Potion of Invisibility – Hero becomes invisible and cannot be attacked. The effect is lost once the hero performs an action.
• Rejuvenating Salve – If another hero is unconscious and you take the treat wounds action, the unconscious hero is restored to 2BP and does not take a Lingering Wounds card.

Inspired by Frosthaven, I created a Deathwalker hero. This hero is a caster that needs Shadows to cast spells.
BP: 4
MP: 6
Atk: 1
Def: 2

Starting Weapon: Dagger
Starting Armour: None
Magic: Shadow Deck
Restrictions: Same armoury restrictions as the wizard.

The Deathwalker uses Shadows (Shadow Tokens) to cast spells from the Shadow Deck. The Deathwalker starts each quest with 4 Shadows. A max of 5 Shadows can be available to the Deathwalker.
1. Summon Shadows: Shadows are acquired when the hero:
◦ Reduces an enemy’s BP to 0, killing them = 1 Shadow.
◦ Using a card’s ability from the Shadows Deck = amount determined by the card.
◦ Searching a room with a tomb or grave = 1 Shadow.

Shadow Deck:
Shadow Spells.zip

• Apparition: Cost = 2 Shadows. This card can be played when the Deathwalker takes damage. Teleport the hero to any free space within line of sight and take no damage.
• Meld With the Dark: Cost = 3 Shadows. For each Shadow the hero has, including the cost, add +1A to make a melee attack. Discard all Shadows.
• Lingering Rot: Cost = 1 Shadow. This card can be played when an enemy is killed. The Deathwalker immediately makes a melee attack +1A to any adjacent enemy of the killed enemy.
• Call to the Shadows: Sacrificing movement and an action this turn, the hero calls to the Shadows when no enemies are in line of sight. Gain 1 Shadow. Cannot have more than 5 Shadows.
• Rest in Shade: Cost = 1 Shadow. Heal 1BP.Cannot be used on other Heroes.
• Dark Summon: Cost = 2 Shadows. Place a Shadow Beast figure in a free space within line of sight. Only 1 Shadow Beast can be in play. Shadow Beast – 2BP, 0MP, 2A, 2D, 6MV. The Shadow Beast moves on the Deathwalker’s turn.
• Rage of the Shadow: Cost = 1 Shadow, ranged attack, 2A or cost = 2 Shadows, ranged attack, 3A.
• Spirit Circle: Cost = 2 Shadows. All enemies that are within a 3x3 radius, centered on the Deathwalker, must roll 1A. If a skull is rolled, the enemy loses 1BP. Lasts for 2 of the hero’s turns, including this one.
• Shadow Step: Cost = 1 Shadow. The Hero can walk through enemy spaces this turn.

New Armoury Items:
Spirit Totem 400G Allows the Deathwalker to use Lingering Rot without direct line of sight. Only walls, closed doors, and building structures block line of sight.
Ritual Dagger 120G 2A, if 2CD land on a black shield, the Hero receives 1 Shadow, Deathwalker only.
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Last edited by Nyst on Monday April 26th, 2021 12:55pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear Hero

Postby Oftkilted » Wednesday October 21st, 2020 10:44pm

So are these abilities like spells? They seem very overpowering... How do they refresh? What resource do they use?

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Re: Reiksguard Spear Hero

Postby Nyst » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 10:25am

Initial thoughts would be that these are just abilities that the hero would have all the time. There are two maxed out options you would get with this hero:
1. Spear and Tower Shield, Plate Mail, Helmet. Max. Def = 7, Atk = 2.
2. Halberd, Plate Mail, Helmet. Max. Def = 5, Atk = 3.

Option 1: High defense, 1 red die movement, low attack. The abilities give you 3A and 4A IF you are in a formation that allows an ability to trigger.
Option 2: Average defense and attack, 1 red die movement. The abilities give you 4A and 5A IF you are in a formation that allows an ability to trigger.

Looking at the numbers above, the hero isn't much stronger than a plate mail, battleaxe wielding character and that's only if you get into a formation. This would mean that there would need to be group coordination to use the abilities to their fullest. The Pincer Attack, I'm not sure how often that would happen in a tight dungeon, especially if the hero only had 1 red die movement.

If I was to nerf this hero a bit, the first reduction would be to remove the +1A on the Push Back ability and only push back if you score a hit.
Last edited by Nyst on Sunday February 7th, 2021 5:07pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear and Alchemist Heroes

Postby Nyst » Friday February 5th, 2021 11:36am

I added the Alchemist hero to the first post.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear and Alchemist Heroes

Postby Kurgan » Friday February 5th, 2021 11:41am

Even though I have my own Alchemist, I'm interested... and the tactics also sound interesting (my Scrolls of Battle deals with formations of players, but not a single one).

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Re: Reiksguard Spear and Alchemist Heroes

Postby Nyst » Sunday February 7th, 2021 5:07pm

The Reiksguard Spear (RS) has seen some action and that hero can be powerful if played in coordination with others. There was an instance of a single goblin taking 3BP off of the hero in a 1v1 melee battle though, haha. What I like about the hero is that in situations where a lot of enemies get stuck fighting in a 1 space corridor, the heroes can move the RS to the front and use the Spear Point ability to speed up those sluggish battles. Especially when the quest spawns constant enemies.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear and Alchemist Heroes

Postby Nyst » Monday April 19th, 2021 5:15pm

I added a Deathwalker hero to the first post. That hero has had a couple play throughs and they worked well.

The spell Dark Summon, I am thinking of changing to not need another figure to represent the Shadow Beast and make the spell summon a beast 'figuratively' with an attack + possible status effect on the target.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear and Alchemist Heroes

Postby Nyst » Monday April 19th, 2021 5:19pm

I have been working on the Alchemy Deck and Shadow Deck. I'll upload those when I get some time to finish those up. Just a few cards left for each deck left.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear, Alchemist, and Deathwalker Heroes

Postby Nyst » Saturday April 24th, 2021 9:34pm

Added the cards to the Alchemist and Deathwalker. I added the additional Armoury items for the Deathwalker as well.

Within the Shadow Spells, I would personally not use the Dark Summon spell if you don't want to use another mini for it. I added the Shadow Step spell to replace that or you can use all the spells if you want! The Deathwalker is opportunistic, with a low attack, and elusive if the player has Shadows available. It's a fun Hero to play.
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Re: Reiksguard Spear, Alchemist, and Deathwalker Heroes

Postby Caitiff18 » Thursday August 4th, 2022 8:54pm

The Deathwalker is similar to the Shadowdancer from D&D 3.5. I like it! Have you by any chance made a Hero card? I was trying to convert a Shadowdancer to HeroQuest but it looks like you beat me to it. I was thinking:

You are the Shadowdancer.
So effortless and graceful is your ability to move from shadow to shadow that the few who have witnessed it and survived describe it as a beautiful dance of terrifying lethality. You may pass over monsters (and move diagonally?).
Attack: 2 Dice
Defend: 2 Dice
Body: 5
Mind: 4
Movement Dice: 2 Red Dice
Starting Weapon: Short Sword
Starting Armor: None

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Joined: Tuesday April 19th, 2022 8:32am
Evil Sorcerer: Zargon


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