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torilen wrote:Me like.
As I understand it, if you use one of the special powers for each of these, you must have at least one of
the stated spell group...and those remaining spells are used up to use the special power, right?
Keeps the overpower down to a minimum. Good designs. May have to snag those in a document for future
use...should I ever find people to play again. (sigh)
Thrawn wrote:Actually, I believe it's as long as I have a spell still uncast from a spell set, I can use the ability. For example, if I have the fire staff, I can cast my courage and fire of wrath, but as long as I hold onto my ball of flame, my flame staff will still function. As soon as I cast ball of flame, then I no longer get the bonus damage die on attacks.
Zenithfleet wrote:EDIT: Thrawn, your comment about free arrows just gave me an intriguing idea... I tend to think the Crossbow is too cheap for its price. What if you had to buy a new quiver of arrows for it each Quest? (in the same way as paying to hire a Man-at-Arms / Mercenary?) That way you wouldn't need to raise the initial price.
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