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Postby Tott » Tuesday May 18th, 2021 7:39am

Thought I'd post this up here but if anyone has a VR system, I'd strongly recomend checking out Demeo, an animated dungeon crawler board game. i have it on the Oculus Quest and ive played the single player campiagn which im really enjoying- if you like HQ (and you have a VR system) i think its well worth a look. :)

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Re: Demeo

Postby iKarith » Tuesday May 18th, 2021 8:57am

I haven't really researched VR much because as far as I know the options these days are Faceyspace and Sony? and um … a rogue Faceyspace employee did some rather unreasonable things with my FB account (manually placed it into effectively "FB jail" status without any actual guideline strikes + literally deleted every post I ever made on the whole site, in any group, on any page, etc…) resulting in an unusable account. Moreover, because Facebook literally gives zero Fs about their products' concerns with their bait, I could not contact any human at the company if my life depended on it.

So I made sure that it never will, in any capacity whatsoever, ever again. I don't have a PS4/PS5 … but I won't buy an Occulus anything.
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Re: Demeo

Postby lestodante » Tuesday May 18th, 2021 4:23pm

it seems nice! Or at least the trailer do

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