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Blind Hero Quest player helped

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Re: Blind Hero Quest player helped

Postby Favre » Sunday June 2nd, 2019 5:28pm

Thanks for taking the time to do this it is really helpful.

We have Hero Quest Advanced Quest.
Would you mind doing the same for the quests in that book please?

Thanks again,


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The Dark Company transcription...!

Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 12th, 2020 2:46pm

Can your text reader do PDF? Because Phoenix's remakes (this link here ) should be text readable unlike the plain scans of the actual papers or that are straight up images. Oh I see the problem, it's the way the text is formatted, in parallel columns, and the letters are images.


What the hey, I'll get things rolling again, obviously spoilers galore...

The Emperor's Court:

The Emperor gazed at the assembled Lords as he listened to the man crouched before him. They stood impatiently, looking intently upon the frail figure, their eyes filling with rage as his story unfolded. They were restless, uncomfortable at hearing of such treachery.“Listen not to this poison my Lord!” “Silence!” The Emperor's voice echoed angrily around the vaulted hall.“Teor, though it wounds our hearts, these words we must all hear.” The Emperor turned again to the man before him. “Please continue.”Eshlil looked nervously about him. He glanced again at the Emperor before continuing, his voice low and uncertain. “Thus I served with Hinsgrim. I have stood within the ranks of the Dark Company and there can be no mistake. Hinsgrim has succumbed to darkness. He and his men have sworn allegiance to Chaos. The Captain of your Elite Guard is your would-be assassin.”No one dared speak. Many wished to cut Eshlil down, as though this would redeem their dear companion, refute this lie. Yet the spy's words had rung true. The Emperor gathered his robe and stood before his council. “This is a sad day for us all. I have watched Hinsgrim fall from honor. Mentor warned us of this, yet we have been too slow. Hinsgrim has fled beneath the old city along with the Dark Company. The task falls to you my Lords to find Heroes that can purge us of this evil.”“By your leave my Lord! Give me but one legion and I shall lead an assault that will rid you of these scum.”“I want no more of my Lords turned against me Lorric! You are a brave knight but neither you nor your warriors can beat this evil. Find me the men I need, bring to me warriors, men of stout heart. Champions! The Dark Company must be destroyed. I want Hinsgrim DEAD!” End quote.

Next follows my short paraphrase of the rules introduction:

There are four boards (each is its own quest that Heroes can cross over between but not monsters, this resets the monsters on the previous quest if you return to it later) for the Advanced Quest entitled "the Dark Company." In fact, when the Heroes all cross over from one board to the next, their Body/Mind and used spells are not replenished, as if it is all one giant quest. But if they go back, everything is as if they had never visited it before, the Treasure deck is restocked and shuffled, and the only difference is that any special quest treasures they have found, cannot be found again. They are looking for a door at the edge of each board to cross over.

New monsters include Dark Warriors which use the Mercenary or Men at Arms figures. Zargon (Morcar) picks the one he wants when one is called for from those available. If a Dark Warrior rolls even 1 black shield, he blocks all skulls when defending. The same is true of the Doom Guards, special Chaos Warriors in these quests. These are very difficult quests so it is recommended that you play most or all of the 14 regular quests first.

Begin Quote:

Map #1 Notes:

A: This secret door may be opened by you, Zargon, on your turn. The monsters in the room are placed onto the gameboard and may immediately move and attack.

B: When this door is opened, Mentor appears as a specter to the Heroes and says the following before disappearing: “Beware the ghost of Vadim Gorfell. Fight him not.”

C: This treasure chest contains 50 Gold coins.

D: A Hero searching for treasure in this room will find a magic scroll of spells. If the Elf or Wizard find this they may choose to miss one turn and read the scroll. Once the scroll has been read, it disappears. The reader may then regain all the spells he had at the beginning of the adventure.

E: A Hero stepping into this room will notice how warm it is. Any Hero who finishes his move standing in the room must roll 1d6. If he rolls equal to or greater than his Mind points, he falls into a Wasting Sleep and loses 1 Body Point. On his next and subsequent turn, he must attempt to roll equal to or lower than his Mind Points on 1d6 or remain asleep and lose another Body Point. If he does awake, he may take his turn in the normal way.

F: This is a Shrine of Strength. Once all the monsters in the room have been defeated, the Heroes can attempt to rebuild full strength through meditations. On his next turn, the Hero rolls 1d6. If he rolls equal to or less than his Body Points, he can regain all the strength he possessed at the beginning of the Quest. If he rolls a number greater than his Body Points, he is gripped by a magical vortex and loses 1 Body Point. When a player meditates, he may do nothing else on his turn.

G: This treasure chest contains 100 Gold Coins.

H: This secret door may be opened by you, Zargon, on your turn. The monsters in the room beyond are placed onto the gameboard and may immediately move and attack.

Wandering Monster in this quest: Dark Warrior (It is the same Wandering Monster in all four "Maps").

To Map #2...

End quote. There are three more pages like this.

The Maps are laid out like this:

2, 1,
4, 3.

Like a grid, with 2 and 1 on top and 4 and 3 on the bottom, they are linked by many doors on each touched edge.

Next follows my paraphrase of the Monster text at the end of the document:

Dark Warriors (these are the evil Men at Arms who serve Zargon): They each will block any number of skulls rolled against them if they roll even one black shield in defense.

Crossbowman: Movment 6, Attack 3 (2 at range), Defend 3, Body 2, Mind 2. Attacks adjacently with a shortsword, at range with a crossbow.

Halberdier: Movement 6, Attack 3, Defend 3, Body 2, Mind 2. Makes diagonal attacks.

Scout: Movement 9, Attack 2, Defend 3, Body 2, Mind 2. Has dwarf-like ability to search for and disarm traps.

Swordsman: Movement 5, Attack 4, Defend 5, Body 2, Mind 2.

I believe this was a change made by Phoenix, in the original they each only had 1 body point, just like the Men at Arms in Wizards of Morcar.

Doomguard (elite Chaos Warriors): He also blocks any skulls with even one black shield.
Movement 8, Attack 4, Defend 6, Body 3, Mind 3.

Again in the EU version, all Monsters generally have only one Body Point so Phoenix gave the Doomguard 3 like the NA Chaos Warriors.

More spoilers to follow...
Last edited by Kurgan on Sunday December 13th, 2020 3:47pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blind Hero Quest player helped

Postby Kurgan » Sunday December 13th, 2020 2:40pm

Here's Map # 2... Again, this is from Phoenix's remaster of the Dark Company Advanced Quest.

Begin Quote:

Map #2 Notes:

A: This treasure chest contains two daggers. The weapons on the rack are of poor quality and no use to the character players.

B: A Hero searching for treasure will find a crossbow on the weapons rack. However, there are only 6 quarrels. Each time the Hero fires the crossbow, mark off one quarrel on the back of your Character Sheet. If you run out of quarrels, you may not use the crossbow again until you find some more.

C: This treasure chest contains a Potion of Healing, which will restore up to 4 lost Body Points.

D: This is the Tomb of Vadim Gorfell. The Zombie, who represents his restless spirit, cannot be defeated in combat. If any Hero attacks the Zombie, roll the Defend Dice in the normal way, but then inform the player the Zombie has survived. The only way the Zombie can be killed is by a spell that inflicts 1 Body Point of damage.

E: If a Hero searches for treasure in this room, read out the following: “You notice upon the altar a magic Rune book. As you read the pages you feel raw power flowing through your body. Your strength increases and you see great spells before you. Movement! A growing shadow! The Gargoyle strikes, leaping from the pages. You lose one Body point.” Place the Gargoyle anywhere in the room. The Gargoyle makes one more attack immediately.

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Dark Warrior.

Map #3...

End Quote.

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Re: Blind Hero Quest player helped

Postby Kurgan » Sunday December 13th, 2020 3:39pm

Part 3 of the Dark Company transcription...

Begin Quote:

Map #3 Notes:

A: This treasure chest contains 100 Gold Coins and a Potion of Healing, which will restore up to 4 lost Body Points.

B: This treasure chest is a trap. If a Hero opens the chest, it will explode and cause the Hero to lose 2 Body Points. It is empty.

C: This treasure chest contains 1 magic crossbow quarrel. When fired at a monster, it automatically inflicts 1 Body Point of damage. There is also an unlimited supply of normal crossbow quarrels.

D: This treasure chest is empty

E: If a Hero searches for treasure in this room he will find a Potion of Healing, that will restore up to 4 lost Body Points.

F: If a Hero opens this chest, the secret door will slam shut. The room then begins to fill with a green gas. The Hero must roll a White Shield on 1 Combat Die to force the door open again. The Hero can attempt one such roll each turn. If the roll is unsuccessful he loses 1 Body Point. Heroes outside the room may not attempt to open the door.

G: This treasure chest is empty. If a Hero searches for treasure in this room, he will find a life-giving elixir (See Elixir of Life) on the table.

H: In this room is Hinsgrim, the Chaos Warrior and Delzarron, a Chaos Sorcerer. Delzarron may also cast a spell, once per turn. This spell will summon one undead creature (Zombie, Skeleton or Mummy) which may be placed anywhere in the room and may attack and move immediately.

Hinsgrim: Movement: 6, Attack: 4, Defend: 5, Body: 5, Mind: 3.

Delzarron: Movement: 7, Attack: 4, Defend: 4, Body: 3, Mind: 3.

Once Hinsgrim and the other monsters in the Stage have been defeated, read the following to the Heroes:
"“There is a whirl of blue light in the corner of the room and mentor appears to you. 'You have done well my Champions. Each of you shall be rewarded with a Ring of Brilliance. Come now! I shall return you to the Emperor.' ” There is a blinding flash as you are thrown through a gate of teleportation. The Emperor rewards each of you with a Ring of Brilliance. (See page 7 for description.)

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Dark Warrior

To Map #4...

END QUOTE. Here again I think Phoenix may have increased the Body Points, as Monsters tend to only have 1 Body Point. I can double check the main Inn page to verify...
Last edited by Kurgan on Friday December 18th, 2020 1:09pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blind Hero Quest player helped

Postby Kurgan » Sunday December 13th, 2020 3:46pm

And now the final part of "Advanced Quest" aka "The Dark Company follows...


Map #4 Notes...

A: This chest contains a trap which will be found if a Hero searches for traps or secret doors. If the Hero opens the chest he will lose 1 Body Point.

B: This treasure chest contains 100 Gold Coins.

C: This chest is a trap. Even if a Hero searches for traps and secret doors, he will not find the trap. If any Hero opens the chest, he will lose 1 Body Point.

D: This is a Shrine of Learning. Once all the monsters in the room have been defeated, the Elf or the Wizard can attempt to rebuild a full complement of spells through meditations. On his next turn, the Hero rolls 1d6. If he rolls equal to or less than his Mind Points, he can regain all the spells he possessed at the beginning of the Quest. If he rolls a number greater than his Mind Points, he is gripped by a magical vortex and loses 1 Body Point. When a Hero meditates, he may do nothing else on his turn.

E: All the Dark Warriors in this room are armed with Crossbows.

F: If a Hero searches for treasure in this room he will find a Potion of Healing hidden in the bookcase. It will restore up to 4 lost Body Points.

G: This treasure chest contains a trap. If the chest is opened, three darts shoot from the lid. Roll 3 Combat Dice and for each Skull rolled, the Hero who opened the chest loses 1 Body Point.

(Box with picture of an ornate, glowing ring) Ring of Brilliance: Each Hero has the option to enhance one ability (Attack Die, Defend Die, Body Point or Mind Point). This increase becomes permanent to that Hero. The effect is permanent & non-transferrable.

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Dark Warrior.

All Doom Guard and Dark Warriors: These monsters need roll only 1 Black Shield to fend off any number of Skulls rolled against them.

END QUOTE. THE END. Enjoy! Picture of Orc raising a mug of ale insert here. |_P

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Re: Blind Hero Quest player helped

Postby Kurgan » Friday December 18th, 2020 1:42pm

Here is the Word Doc version of the Dark Company transcription see attachment below:
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