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Hero Quest - the Film!

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Hero Quest - the Film!

Postby DC1346 » Wednesday July 4th, 2018 9:21pm

I had a lot of fun writing the travel piece about Hero Quest player characters vacationing in Balqash.

Last night I decided to create a short film about this very theme. I just uploaded it to YouTube.

It may be found at:


I hope it's okay that I also put in a blurb for Ye Olde Inn. I've had a lot of fun visiting this site and will remain active for about 3 more weeks after which I'll be returning to work as the chef instructor of a high school's Culinary Arts program.

If time permits, I'll continue visiting this site intermittently as the year progresses, but my time and energy will be largely focused on work.



Posts: 44
Joined: Wednesday January 24th, 2018 2:46pm
Forum Language: English (United States)
Evil Sorcerer: Zargon
Champion Group Member


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