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Meeting in flesh

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Big Bene » Thursday April 30th, 2015 6:47am

I visited the Spiel once, and it was great. If I can manage it, I'll go threre again this year (but chances are rather small). Many of my offline friends will be there, too. If other forum members will come, we could agree on a meeting point to say "hello".

However It's still not the same as the meeting I have in mind. I thought of staying together for some time, getting to know each other better, discussing HeroQuest stuff and last not least playing HeroQuest. Even if we could manage to do this at the Spiel it would take too many time away from the many other things this gigantic games fare has to offer.

Perhaps we should open up another thread "Meeting in Essen"?

Having said this, I would much appreciate if you could manage to join in in the meeting I'm planning. I'd like to meet you very much, and if Germany will make it as the place, it's not too far from the Netherlands.
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Teldurn » Thursday April 30th, 2015 9:56am

Big Bene wrote:And of course you should not restrict it to the US, but include Canada and Mexico.
Or would this be unrealistic? I dunno. Distances in America are bigger than here in Europe, but then again, inhabitants are more used to it, and transportation is more adapted to it.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think the land distances are far enough apart that we would need a separate one for Canuckistan and Frijoleville. Some southern Canadians might be able to attend something in northern America, but still.
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby sajungzak » Saturday May 2nd, 2015 5:17am

I'd be down for a NA meeting. First issue, obviously, is location. East is pretty darn far away from West, and there's nothing in the middle. There would likely have to be flying involved for many, but fewer customs to bother with. But heck, if it were affordable I'd go to one in Europe. I have a friend in Germany who has visited twice in ten years.
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Lemmeron » Saturday May 2nd, 2015 7:45pm

I reckon you just put everyone on an even playing field and hold the gathering on the other side of the globe in Australia :D
It is a nice place honest !
I will lock my pet funnel webs and snakes away specially for the event.

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Big Bene » Thursday May 28th, 2015 9:15am

Lemmeron wrote:It is a nice place honest !
Would love to visit Australia someday, but it's way out of my financial scope. Would be great if the Aussie inn members would manage to get together.
sajungzak wrote:I'd be down for a NA meeting. First issue, obviously, is location. East is pretty darn far away from West, and there's nothing in the middle. There would likely have to be flying involved for many, but fewer customs to bother with.
I don't know about inland flight costs in the US. It would in any case not be an everyday event, would cost some efford for everyone involved, in Europe just as well as in America. That's why I said we should plan some time ahead. But if in the US a separate west and east meeting would work better, why not?
knightkrawler wrote:If I was an actual Bundesliga footballer I'd slit open my thigh right now, have it stitched up again, have the team physician tell the coach that I'm out for six weeks, get my trained chunky ass in my Lamborghini and drive to you to help you with renovations.
What are you waiting for? Every bit of help is appreciated. You can do the wall tiles in the kitchen.
So, you are not an actual Bundesliga footballer? All the better for me - but then again, whith no danger of compromising your privacy, why don't you join in?
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby TMU » Friday July 24th, 2015 4:42am

Finland wouldn't be a bad place either, I know you all want to come here some time or another ;)
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Big Bene » Friday July 24th, 2015 5:22am

Thanks for your interest - I'm glad someone else helped keeping this thread from oblivion.
I don't know very much about Finland, but I've met quite some Fins in my life and think they are a very likeable people.
It may be a bit out of the way when we look for a "central" meeting point where no one has to travel too far. But this depends after all on who is partaking in the end.
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby IvenBach » Saturday July 25th, 2015 2:42pm

If you want a more centralized location you could just all drill deep holes and meet with the Morlocks.

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I meeting of forum goers would be an interesting idea. I live in California but am in Florida presently. Travel doesn't bother me but I'm here by myself, family stayed at home. If there's enough interest for the 'new-worlders' it could merit its own thread. There are a few people that I've conversed with on the forums and would like to meet, David Bowie being one of the more famous. Interested to see how far along this idea comes. If a gathering does happen make sure that you take some photos, assuming everyone wouldn't mind, and post them so we can see a game played by the forum members.

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Silvermanewolf » Saturday July 25th, 2015 6:45pm

That would be Awesome. Though I think I would rather start smaller. In the US, I would try to meet up with members in my State (Florida) then Region (Southeast US). Maybe coordinate around the Convention circuit. Meet for DragonCon for SouthEast. Then for All US try to make something happen for GenCon one year. I don't mind travelling for gaming. I have done so for years running Battletech.

One day hope to make it across the pond and get to visit Europe again. Hit some ports when I was in the Navy. Cant wait to go just for fun!
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby IvenBach » Saturday July 25th, 2015 8:32pm

What part of Florida? I'm at KSC and it'd be nice to see another forumgoer. Sarcasm: Albeit a slightly inactive one... *cough* 6 posts in 3 years :shock: /Sarcasm

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