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Meeting in flesh

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Meeting in flesh

Postby Big Bene » Friday April 17th, 2015 5:16am

So, this is my 1000th post in the Inn.

I've been here for some years now, seeing great people come and develope, having the opportunity to make and share interesting stuff. It was a great time.
While not explecitely looking for something special for my Nr. 1000, I did not want to waste it in the unpleasant clash of ideologies that I got involved in and where it would have been my turn to answer. I will take a timeout from this until monday. After all, I'm here to have fun.

So I decided to put forward an idea that lingered in the back of my head for some time.

We know each other by name, and to some degree by character. Some of us have revealed their real world look - I myself was rather reluctant until now, posting only pictures with heavy makeup.

But there is a real world outside the internet and travelling is not as complicated as it used to be.

How about a meeting of forum members "in flesh"?

I was thinking about the following:
It is probably unrealistic that many members will make a transcontinental flight for a hobby. So, we should organize a meeting that covers a given area. I think a continent like Europe or North America is not too big, a jurney inside Europe is affordable for most.
The event will take time to prepare, both for the organizer(s) and for the participants, so I would schedule it summer 2016 or later.
I would vote for Germany as place for an European meeting, as it lies fairly in the middle of Europe (so travelling distances are minimized), plus, having come up with the idea, chances are that it will be me who organizes the event.
I would also propose to share the travelling costs evenly among the participants, so nobody is excluded justg because he lives far away or doesn't have much money.

Is there any interest in such a thing?
Have a look ;)

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby tasoe » Friday April 17th, 2015 7:27am

it sounds a great idea but to be honest I don't think it can be easily accomplished.
I assume people would have to schedule a small vacation around that meeting, to justify the plane travel.

personally I couldn't take part 'cause I don't fly, but if I was nearby I would totally want to meet some guys in here (and punch some others :p )

anyway, I hope you guys can get such a meeting on the way, even if it gets 3-4 participants.
I would donate some cash as part of the community so when you meet you could drink an extra beer or two on our behalf. |_P

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Anderas » Friday April 17th, 2015 7:31am

If I had a vote, I'd say "yes". 2016 is good, like that there is a chance that i finished some models in my Heroquest so that i can show off.

But: As it is likely that I come with Kid and Wife, i vote against shared travel cost: It would be unfair for the others.

For Germany, I don't care the country. But maybe you make it near some kind of big Aircraft Hub, like Frankfurt, Heathrow, Dublin, Paris, Porto or Madrid. Like that, many people will be able to have a direct flight without waiting half a holiday-day for interconnections. Frankfurt is small, though; it won't be very expensive to sleep there - so is Dublin; and maybe (need to check the details after we know who participates - after all, Dublin has less connections) easier to reach if some american wants to participate.

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Big Bene » Friday April 17th, 2015 8:42am

Frankfurt is about a hour's travel from where I life. It may be small compared to megacities like Paris, but it is a business center and therefore rather expensive.
Anyway, if I would be the organizer, I would of course invite the participants to sleep in my house, or, if they are too many, try to find cheap rooms in my neighborhood.
Also, of course the meeting should last several days (a week?) to justify the travel, and to really have the opportunity to do something together. We could make trips in the days, barbecue in the afternoons and play HQ in the evenings. Something like this.
Have a look ;)

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Goblin-King » Friday April 17th, 2015 12:48pm

I wouldn't reject the idea of getting together.
If we can work everything out I'm in. :)

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Baylor_OgreBane » Friday April 17th, 2015 3:53pm

If I could afford it I would also be in, I would much rather pay my own way.

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Gold Bearer » Sunday April 19th, 2015 6:42pm

It's a pity you're not doing it this year. I'm about go to the continent for a while.

tasoe wrote:personally I couldn't take part 'cause I don't fly, but if I was nearby I would totally want to meet some guys in here (and punch some others :p )
I know what you mean. Cornixt needs a slap and el_flesh needs his teeth knocked down his throat. Pretending to be a martial artist is bad enough.
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Big Bene » Monday April 20th, 2015 3:59am

Gold Bearer wrote:It's a pity you're not doing it this year. I'm about go to the continent for a while.

I think most people will need some time to prepare. Many will have a job and need to plan their holidays.
If you come to me, I will also need to finish the renovation work on my house to some degree.
Of course it's a pity that you can't kill two birds with one stone this year, but well, the continent has enough to justify a second visit, and until next year, you should be able to make it possble. Would like to meet you.
I know what you mean. Cornixt needs a slap and el_flesh needs his teeth knocked down his throat. Pretending to be a martial artist is bad enough.
I would not go so far. I normally like El Flesh as a forum member and I loved his games in the Saturday night dungeon.

You are one of the (European) inn members I would have most liked to meet some time. Pity you don't fly. Is there any other way to get you somewhare? Or should we meet in Greece?

Having said this, back to the organisation of the event
- There are at least some people interested, so I'd say we'll do it. We'll have to agree on a place, a date and a person who organizes everything on site.
- If we want to play in the evenings, for the people with children we'll have to have some sort of childcare (wich should be possible, we just have to keep it in mind). I have a little son, so there's at least one.
Have a look ;)

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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby Gold Bearer » Monday April 20th, 2015 5:31am

Big Bene wrote:
Gold Bearer wrote:I know what you mean. Cornixt needs a slap and el_flesh needs his teeth knocked down his throat. Pretending to be a martial artist is bad enough.
I would not go so far.
Nor would I really, but I'd feel like doing it.

Big Bene wrote:@Tasoe:
You are one of the (European) inn members I would have most liked to meet some time. Pity you don't fly. Is there any other way to get you somewhare? Or should we meet in Greece?
There's quite few Greeks here, Sotiris, Patroclus, Tasoe and at least one other that I can't remember I think. There's probably more people in Germany though.
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Re: Meeting in flesh

Postby knightkrawler » Monday April 20th, 2015 10:11am

Of the more active or longterm members there's surprisingly only four of us: BB himself, Anderas (who lives in France), Mophus and myself. Don't wanna forget anyone, of course.
But indeed, Frankfurt am Main (or the area) would be pretty central. Judging from distance, quite a few people could be bothered to take the trip: Goblin-King and Schmidt from Denmark, Toco from Belgium, Sjeng, Sinned, Infje from the Country That Shall Not Be Spoken, maybe even goldendboy82 could come. He's not a member, but I'd sure would like to get my hands on him... to, uhm, ask a few questions. Then again, nah, he's not worth it.

That all being said, with me such a thing might never work out. I'm just too bound by money and circumstance to plan something like this. Also, I don't want anybody to find out that I'm a professional Bundesliga footballer. Gotta keep my privacy, now that I've signed a new overpaid contract including product endorsement deals worth more than...
Aah, but I digress.
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