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Sanctuary Shrinkage

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Sanctuary Shrinkage

Postby zep » Saturday March 7th, 2009 9:52pm

Wow wow wow. its smaller smaller smaller. where are you guys guys guys....

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Re: Sanctuary Shrinkage

Postby drathe » Saturday March 7th, 2009 9:54pm

It is... It is... It is...

No need for a HeroQuest section here when the Ye Olde Inn forum is up and somewhat active with new members. I also cut some excess fat. Areas that were never, or no longer needed/used. I lost quite a bit of my post count in their deletion, but you guys need a chance to close the gap anyway. I haven't actually deleted the HQ forum cause you'll all lose a lot of your post count, but once dayio gets off his twees and joins the Ye Olde Inn forum, I'm going to copy the posts over. Then I'll delete it and cut everyone's post count (but you'll get the posts at Ye Olde Inn).

I've still been here. Been keeping busy with various things. I'll be going out of town at any moment as my Big Sis is ready to pop. I've never been an Uncle before so I'm kind of excited.

Phoenix is still around, but very busy at the moment. He's only popped onto his own forum a couple times the last few weeks.

Dayio has stopped in, but not posted. He's stopped by a couple times at my place to play some HeroQuest though. He's also anxious to play some more between classes/homework. When he's more experienced (more quests under his belt/loin cloth) he may be taking Blackmane's place in the development of Rise of Darkness (since he's really into HQ now, has a lot of great ideas, lots of RPG experience, and I only hear from Blackmane about twice a year nowadays).

I scored a great copy of Dragon Strike at a second hand store for $5 this past week. It's in amazing condition with the card unpunched, barely any box wear, and the crappy VHS tape is still sealed. The miniatures were off the sprues but in perfect condition. I have extras of most of the miniatures which I picked up a few months back. Once I'm finished with a few of my current projects, I'm going to create some HeroQuest quests using some of the Dragon Strike minis. The two double-sided game boards are kind of cool, but not good enough to use for HQ in my opinion. Great for stealing ideas from though. I've got lots of ideas for mini game boards I could create for HQ as extra rooms, upper/lower floors, outdoor areas etc. But any info on that stuff won't be released until I've started and completed a significant amount of work on them.

I see on Old Scratch's that you've been busy too. I love the name of your new puppy!

Post Transfer from Old Forum - Original Post Date: Thursday October 2nd, 2008 11:04pm

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Re: Sanctuary Shrinkage

Postby zep » Saturday March 7th, 2009 9:54pm

That Dragon Strike Video is classic. Have you watched it yet? Its probably the greatest piece of cinematic genius of the 20th century. The boards are cool, but limited to what you can do with them because of all the details on them. The generic room structure of the HQ board makes it much more diverse in what you can do with it. I did make a series of quests using the 4 boards from DS and the board from Dragon Quest (see image below). Not sure if I ever finished those or not...


Post Transfer from Old Forum - Original Post Date: Monday October 6th, 2008 09:53am
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Re: Sanctuary Shrinkage

Postby drathe » Saturday March 7th, 2009 9:55pm

Cool board! I never heard of Dragon Quest before (as a board game. The video games I have). I must seek that one out! Just looking at the board... so many... quest possibilities... brain... hurt!

You should find those quests and share them with us. Phoenix agrees! :wink:

EDIT: I just finished watching the video. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but wow... I thought the narrator/"Dragon Master" guy was really good though.

Post Transfer from Old Forum - Original Post Date: Monday October 6th, 2008 11:06am

Played a turn in a Play-by-Post game. Wrote an article for the Blog. Created a Hot Topic. Participated in a Miniature Exchange. Zealot Miniatures: Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter Backer
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Re: Sanctuary Shrinkage

Postby zep » Saturday March 7th, 2009 9:56pm

I'll try to do some poking around to find them. I believe I had incorporated the dragon strike figures into the game. I was also working on quest map templates for each of the boards that fit with Malechi's Questmaker Color, a quest building setup for microsoft excel.

Post Transfer from Old Forum - Original Post Date: Sunday October 19th, 2008 08:54pm
Rosemary baby, I got the thyme
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