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First Miniature to produce?

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday August 16th, 2015 7:45am

Decipher wrote:
Goblin-King wrote:It's a long list already, but here is my shot at a prioritized list.
Personally I'm not that interested in "remaking" any models, but rather expanding. I understand people who want remakes, but this is not for me personally.
I also deem variant models low priority. For starters I don't think it's important with several different versions of the same heroes eg Female Barbarian II...
The high priority list could probably also be further refined, but you get the general idea...

Top priority - These are either actually needed or thematically missing:
-Dwarf Skeleton
-Witch Queen
-Female Dwarf - (important to me she has same proportions as original dwarf! The dwarf model has no legs!)
-Female Mage WIZARD

I think the Princess and prisoner should be added to this list.

...and Goblin Archers, Orc Crossbowmen, and Doomguard. Skeletons in armor, too (as standins for both Spirit Riders and the buffed up Skeletons of Fanrax the Necromancer).
Also, in regards to GK's list, everything exclusive to The Frozen Horror and Mage in the Mirror should be sliding up the list because these QPs are so much rarer. This includes Henchmen with weapon bits (preferably in two different colors) and Ogres. Four generic evil Wizards, too, as standins for the different chaos sorcerers. Then we're set with high priority in regards to all four rare questpacks.

And I was willing to shut up... |_P
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday August 16th, 2015 8:51am

Aren't wights basically skeletons in armor?
Wights are already on the list, so as far as I'm concerned: Armored Skeletons = Wights = Spirit Riders = Fanrax' Creations

Also, fair enough if you want special models for the Doomguard, but don't they replace ALL Chaos Warriors in DC?
The same way as Fanrax' Creations, Zanrath's Elite Force and Grawshak's Elite Bodyguard replace all Skeletons, Chaos Warriors and Orcs in their respective quests?

I remember Orc Crossbowmen which, yes, should be added to the Top Priority list as they are literally needed to play the official quests.
Where does Goblin Archers appear?

Basically the Top and High priority list is the same list. The differentiation is just that Top are models which are NEEDED as the game uses characters with no fitting official models.
Sir Ragnar would also be on that list as using a Chaos Sorcerer to represent an Imperial knight is not fitting!

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday August 16th, 2015 9:42am

Goblin Archers are in AtOH, as far as I recall. I think originally it's Goblin Crossbowmen, replaced by Archers by Phoenix because of the 2 AD.
You're right about wights. I just didn't see them in the list and if I did, I still wouldn't be sure if everyone agrees about that they are armored skeletons. Some might see something like a wraith in them or any other undead trope.
Doomguard. Well, yeah, OK, no necessity. But sometimes a special Chaos Warrior is needed like the one owning Orc's Bane, which would be covered by making four Chaos Warriors different from the originals.

Something else would be nice: the Death Mist as a mini. And the rolling boulder, while we're at it. I can't remember if Thantos covered this in his Kickstarter.
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 12:27pm

I'm going with Princess 1st. After that female barbarian.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby cynthialee » Sunday August 16th, 2015 2:26pm

The princess needs servants. :D

A Gnome Medic.
Gnome Nurses.
A Dwarf Zombie.
An Orc Zombie.
A Lady Lich.
Orc Villagers.
A gallows, complete with hangman, condemned and a Judge.
A Pugilist.
Fleeing Miniatures. (For those moments when the Heroes decide to bug out. Cowardly renditions of them would make me laugh so hard I would cry.)
Elvin Gangbangers with a High Fantasy Theme.
An anthropomorphic rabbit, bounty hunter, who is also a lady rabbit. She carries dual wield rapiers and does not answer to Ms. Bunny. Natasha will do thank you.
ok that last one was a little specific to my game table....
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby cynthialee » Sunday August 16th, 2015 2:42pm

To be serious for a moment I will give you, the mini designer, the idea I would run with if I had the skill. I ain't ever going to have the skills or crew to do it, so here you go:

Furry Miniatures that are designed with a High Fantasy RPG in mind.
Furry's are a big thing right now, and as it also drifts into the fetish arena for some of them, it isn't going anywhere any time soon. Furry's are here to stay.
Furry communities are also full of people who play RPG style games, Magic and LARP.
I suspect as time goes by, that we will see allot more Furry concept type characters at our collective tables, and perhaps RPG's that are specifically designed with the Furry Community in mind.
Recently I have had no less than 3 Player Characters that might as well been called Furry's. The players (teen girls) were very excited to have the chance to play these characters because it crosses over into 2 of their interests; furry life and RPG. With an RPG they get to vicariously live their furry life. {As long as the heroes are written up with the same limits to other heroes I am cool with just about any character concept. So long as it doesn't break the story.}
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Thantos » Sunday August 16th, 2015 4:24pm

Definitely good realistically kitted out female miniatures with correct faces that are not drag queens :P So many sculptors get the face wrong.
Look forward to seeing what you come up with :D

Also are you sure your artist's are using autocad? Autocad is mainly for industrial design


I have never met anyone who produced an organic miniature with it.
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 4:36pm

Thantos wrote:Definitely good realistically kitted out female miniatures with correct faces that are not drag queens :P So many sculptors get the face wrong.
Look forward to seeing what you come up with :D

Also are you sure your artist's are using autocad? Autocad is mainly for industrial design


I have never met anyone who produced an organic miniature with it.

No, something called 3DS Max.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Thantos » Sunday August 16th, 2015 6:14pm

Yea Autodesk 3Ds Max, that's' my main software of choice too :D (and Big Bene's also if I recall correctly?) Although Max isnt for the sculpting. Im guessing its zbrush / mudbox / geomagic sculpt / claytools for the actual sculpting.

You going to run one mini through as a test piece? Look forward to the first pics :)
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Goblin-King » Monday August 17th, 2015 9:45am

Will the minis be sculpted to a HQ base?
Or how do you plan on handling that?

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