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First Miniature to produce?

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First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 3:39am

Ideas? We start tomorrow! Should I start with the basic heroes or start off with monsters?

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby TMU » Sunday August 16th, 2015 4:46am

I'd go with the heroes :)
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 4:57am

TMU wrote:I'd go with the heroes :)

Female warrior/barbarian? Cause I know everyone wants more female minis.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Anderas » Sunday August 16th, 2015 5:03am

Female Ogre? :D
Who is "we"? Do you work in a company? Is it you and your family? You and a friend?

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 5:10am

Anderas wrote:Female Ogre? :D
Who is "we"? Do you work in a company? Is it you and your family? You and a friend?

Two Autocad artists and myself.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday August 16th, 2015 5:21am

As I'm pretty much set with minis for my own version, I'll not vote for anything probably... maybe if I have a very strong opinion.
Aside from that, I'll likely buy a set anyway for several reasons (provided I have the money at that point).
1. The idea is awesome.
2. For playing (theoretically) vanilla HQ and quest packs.
3. The idea is awesome. Another forum member and I discussed basically the same thing 2 years ago based on a list of miniatures (troops, heroes, NPCs) needed for all official quest packs plus ideas for Dwarf and Wizard quest pack miniature. I would be happy to see such a project come to fruition.
4. The idea is awesome.
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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 5:27am

Given enough time, I can promise everyone who has input on what miniature(s) they would like to have, will be made at some point. Input will always be appreciated and needed.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Goblin-King » Sunday August 16th, 2015 6:05am

It's a long list already, but here is my shot at a prioritized list.
Personally I'm not that interested in "remaking" any models, but rather expanding. I understand people who want remakes, but this is not for me personally.
I also deem variant models low priority. For starters I don't think it's important with several different versions of the same heroes eg Female Barbarian II...
The high priority list could probably also be further refined, but you get the general idea...

Top priority - These are either actually needed or thematically missing:
-Dwarf Skeleton
-Witch Queen
-Female Dwarf - (important to me she has same proportions as original dwarf! The dwarf model has no legs!)
-Female Mage WIZARD

High priority - The ones that would be really nice to have:
-Female Prisoner
-Male Prisoner
-Male Knight
-Chaos Cultist
-Female Knight
-Female Rogue
-Female Elf Archer
-Female Cleric
-Male Elf Archer
-Male Rogue
-Male Cleric
-Male Assassin
-Female Assassin
-Female Amazon
-Male Druid
-Female Druid
-Male Ranger
-Female Ranger
-Vampire Lord
-Centaur (Intelligent Warrior in Armor)
-Giant Rat
-Giant Spider
-Giant Rat
-Giant Snake

Medium Priority - Why not if the above has already been done:
-Shaman (Goblin)
-Goblin Berzerker
-Goblin Archer
-Orc Archer
-Skeleton Orc
-Skeleton Goblin
-Skeleton Archer

Low priority - Don't care or want for arbitrary reasons:
-Male Amazon - lol wut?
-Giant (Hill, Stone etc)
-Female Evil Queen
-Vampire (Generic Male)
-Vampire (Generic Female)
-Wolf Rider (Goblin)
-Female Lich
-Male Lich
-Undead Knight
-Gelatinous Cube
-Mind Flayer (Illithid)

No priority - These already exist:
-Ogre II
-Ogre Chief
-Chaos Warlock (Updated)
-Male Barbarian
-Male Dwarf
-Male Elf
-Male Elf II
-Female Mage II
-Female Cleric II
-Male Cleric II
-Female Barbarian
-Female Barbarian II
-Female Elf
-Female Elf II
-Polar War Bear
-Orc War Chief
-Orc Champion
-Warlock (Generic)
-Chaos Overseer (Update) - not sure what this is?
-Spirit Riders - These are either ghosts or wights so no need for specialized models
-Skaven - The AHQ models will suffice
Last edited by Goblin-King on Sunday August 16th, 2015 6:34am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby Decipher » Sunday August 16th, 2015 6:23am

Goblin-King wrote:It's a long list already, but here is my shot at a prioritized list.
Personally I'm not that interested in "remaking" any models, but rather expanding. I understand people who want remakes, but this is not for me personally.
I also deem variant models low priority. For starters I don't think it's important with several different versions of the same heroes eg Female Barbarian II...
The high priority list could probably also be further refined, but you get the general idea...

Top priority - These are either actually needed or thematically missing:
-Dwarf Skeleton
-Witch Queen
-Female Dwarf - (important to me she has same proportions as original dwarf! The dwarf model has no legs!)
-Female Mage WIZARD

I think the Princess and prisoner should be added to this list.

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Re: First Miniature to produce?

Postby TMU » Sunday August 16th, 2015 7:11am

What GK said |_P
"There is no greater danger than playing it safe."

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