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Make a small donation to Ye Olde Inn!
Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
...knightkrawler wrote:There you have Skaven (Stormvermin size), very cool snakemen, another boss monster, a grim looking wolf,
and - roll drum - great minotaurs, and I know you like them.
knightkrawler wrote:Orcs - unneeded, Bruenor paints them a different color as hobgoblins which is a great idea,
Skeletons - basis for my dwarf skeleton conversions *chopchopchop*,
Mummies - source for stacking up on them,
Ogres - my cave ogres, cannon fodder for the fat ones (look at the faces, they fit perfectly),
The Manticore - an awesome miniature, really
and the Cobran Sorcerer - Snakeman boss monster or just another Chaos Warlock type mini.
Jewels wrote:Five hours to go, $15, and no bids yet if anyone in NA is looking
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