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Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

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Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby Decipher » Sunday June 16th, 2013 7:25pm

I do not really know much about this game and I have never played it, but there are a ton of tiles and min's that I can deffinately convert to HQ. I thought it was a good price because there were two other copies for $65+.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/200930106848?ss ... 1497.l2649

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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby chaoticprime » Sunday June 16th, 2013 8:37pm

I played it a few times as a lad. I still have the chests for it, somewhere. Its not the bees' knees like Heroquest or eating cereal in the dark, but its alright.

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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday June 16th, 2013 9:25pm

Useful minis.
Here's my list for anyone interested:

Orcs - unneeded, Bruenor paints them a different color as hobgoblins which is a great idea,
Skeletons - basis for my dwarf skeleton conversions *chopchopchop*,
Mummies - source for stacking up on them,
Ogres - my cave ogres, cannon fodder for the fat ones (look at the faces, they fit perfectly),
The Manticore - an awesome miniature, really
and the Cobran Sorcerer - Snakeman boss monster or just another Chaos Warlock type mini.

I am glad to have all these.
Even better: the second game of the franchise, Village of Fear.
In the third installment, Dragon's Gate, there are beautiful trolls.
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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby Decipher » Sunday June 16th, 2013 11:05pm

Knight, the Darkworld mini's are HQ size right?

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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby knightkrawler » Monday June 17th, 2013 2:56am

Yes, perfect match, all of them. Promise.
Orcs are as big as HQ orcs, Mummies as big as HQ mummies, Ogres a tad taller than HQ Ogres, but not so fat.

And with 25 bucks you made a bargain. I hear the game is rare in NA.
If you can spare the money make sure you also grab a hold of DarkWorld: Village of Fear.

There you have Skaven (Stormvermin size), very cool snakemen, another boss monster, a grim looking wolf,
and - roll drum - great minotaurs, and I know you like them.
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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby Big Bene » Monday June 17th, 2013 3:51am

knightkrawler wrote:There you have Skaven (Stormvermin size), very cool snakemen, another boss monster, a grim looking wolf,
and - roll drum - great minotaurs, and I know you like them.
And buildings (cardboard walls, plastic roofs, look great)! And a really nice village gameboard!
The whole Dark World game is full of great ideas and material, but the overall gameplay is flawed, as there are no different quests, but always the same story.
knightkrawler wrote:Orcs - unneeded, Bruenor paints them a different color as hobgoblins which is a great idea,
Skeletons - basis for my dwarf skeleton conversions *chopchopchop*,
Mummies - source for stacking up on them,
Ogres - my cave ogres, cannon fodder for the fat ones (look at the faces, they fit perfectly),
The Manticore - an awesome miniature, really
and the Cobran Sorcerer - Snakeman boss monster or just another Chaos Warlock type mini.

Don't forget the spirit hunter!
There's also a big plastic structure with stairs leading up to a throne, looking very impressive, some open-able chests and four heroes with exchangeable weapons.
Have a look ;)

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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby knightkrawler » Monday June 17th, 2013 4:01am

And the gameplay selector!
I forgot about that.
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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby Decipher » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 5:50pm

Oh thanks guys, I'm so excited! Can't wait.

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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby Jewels! » Tuesday June 18th, 2013 6:09pm

Five hours to go, $15, and no bids yet if anyone in NA is looking

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Re: Just picked up Dark World $25.00 Ebay Yay!

Postby Decipher » Wednesday June 19th, 2013 12:37am

Jewels wrote:Five hours to go, $15, and no bids yet if anyone in NA is looking

Dang, I got ripped lol. Should have waited and got this one. If he re-lists this, Im getting it too.

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