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Re: Forum Update +

Monday September 4th, 2017 8:21pm
by j_dean80
If at first you don't succeed...
Thanks for putting so much hard work in.
Re: Forum Update +

Monday September 4th, 2017 10:38pm
by Spookyhappyfun
I think option 2 sounds good, but really whatever's easier for you. I appreciate all your hard work on this, and it's nice to know that such a fantastic forum has such dedicated and passionate folks both running it and keeping it alive through community participation.
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 2:02am
by knightkrawler
I like Option 2. It sounds safe. Not losing resources, which would again cause a lot of hard work, is most important, I guess.
But, as others have said, whatever you think is best will work for me, too.
Thank you for all the work!

Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 2:59am
by Geofonos
I would just like to say a big "Thank you" for all the hard work you're putting in order to upgrade the forum.
in my humble opinion, option 2 seems the best way to go but whatever rocks your boat is fine by me.
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 3:50am
by Figomurphy
Thanks again for your selfless hard work on this magical forum. Option two sounds like a good way to go.
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 5:53am
by Anderas
Thank you so much for your work
I would like option 2 very much, because like that we can reference the old gallery pictures while we are building up a new one.
That's bad that they apparently have no good solution for an upgrade. Would that mean in 5 or 6 years, we experience that story again?
Sorry to hear that you invested all the time for nothing!
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 6:10am
by mitchiemasha
Seems like every ones going with option 2. I'm here for life, which ever option you pick. Thank you for everything.
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 10:33am
by Gold Bearer
Unless I'm missing something option 1
Continue to try again at a later date and hopefully the database will completely transfer during one of the future attempts. This would be during the Canadian Thanksgiving Holiday (2nd weekend in October) or Christmas Holiday (I'll have a lot more time during the Christmas Holiday).
sounds like the best option because it means we might get to keep everything the way it is now, or is putting it off a risk?
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 11:30am
by clmckay
I am fine with either option.
I think it's a tad sad that the dice roller isn't compatible and that we may loose some of the nice little extra touches (the rewards, titles and whatnot), but the main overarching goal is to have a place to visit and talk. That isn't going to change, so the rest is unimportant to that.
While I understand the thought to leave it as is, time does march forward. If they stop supporting the software, then it will stop (over time) being compatible with browsers. Over time this will mean difficulty accessing for existing users and inaccessibility for new ones. While the clock may be five or more years, I agree with drathe why wait? His interest may not be infinite. I was a member of Trekweb BBS for like 25 years. It failed to get updated and eventually sunk into incompatibility and finally death. Still miss that community.
I do hope that the background and little Inn and HQ icons can come over to a new forum, I really don't like those stock blue phpbb systems.
I hope drathe will do whatever is easiest for him, I appreciate the work that he has done and keeping the place open. I know life moves on and I just hope that he is able to maintain enough personal interest and income with ads to keep it available in any form well into the future.
Re: Forum Update +

Tuesday September 5th, 2017 11:53am
by Gold Bearer
Agreed, I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I want it to stay exactly as it is. If it can be safely put off why not? Maybe going back to it after a few months would help drathe clear his head and figure out the full update without losing anything. If not then no harm done. Of course it's only up to one person but he asked for opinions so that's mine.
P>S. Where's your cards for the quest pack at clmckay?