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Forum Update +

Topics related to Super Dungeon Explore

Re: Forum Update +

Postby drathe » Monday July 17th, 2017 10:55pm

Decipher wrote:I'm kinda worried that some of the artwork posted could be lost one day. Is there like a backup on google drive or anything if this should happen?

I back up the forum database every day or three depending on my schedule. Usually daily.
Everything else I have various back ups from different points in the Inn's history.
I back back up everything before any major updates, just to be safe.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby Decipher » Tuesday July 18th, 2017 4:28am

drathe wrote:
Decipher wrote:I'm kinda worried that some of the artwork posted could be lost one day. Is there like a backup on google drive or anything if this should happen?

I back up the forum database every day or three depending on my schedule. Usually daily.
Everything else I have various back ups from different points in the Inn's history.
I back back up everything before any major updates, just to be safe.

drathe, if you don't mind me asking. What do you use to back up all the files? Are we talking like a memory tower, google drive or cd's? I have so much artwork on my computer that I need to backup, I am just kinda wondering how you handle storage.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby Decipher » Sunday July 23rd, 2017 10:45am

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/gallery/image/rating.php on line 170: Attempt to assign property of non-object

Keep getting this when I try to view things in the gallery.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby Gold Bearer » Tuesday August 1st, 2017 11:55am

drathe wrote:We've been holding off on updating as some features we use will not be compatible with the new version, such as the dice roller used for Play-by-Post games.
:o Oh no! I want to finish the PBPs at some point. :cry:
:goblin: 1BP, :orc: 2BP, :fimir: 3BP, :skeleton: 1BP, :zombie: 2BP, :mummy: 3BP, :chaoswarrior: 4BP, :gargoyle: 5BP. US :chaoswarrior: 3BP, US :gargoyle: 4BP.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby drathe » Monday August 7th, 2017 8:06pm

Decipher wrote:
drathe wrote:
Decipher wrote:I'm kinda worried that some of the artwork posted could be lost one day. Is there like a backup on google drive or anything if this should happen?

I back up the forum database every day or three depending on my schedule. Usually daily.
Everything else I have various back ups from different points in the Inn's history.
I back back up everything before any major updates, just to be safe.

drathe, if you don't mind me asking. What do you use to back up all the files? Are we talking like a memory tower, google drive or cd's? I have so much artwork on my computer that I need to backup, I am just kinda wondering how you handle storage.

I FTP download everything on the server to an external HDD.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby drathe » Sunday August 27th, 2017 10:58pm

drathe wrote:Hello Ye Olde Inn!

We will be updating the forum software near the end of August to the newest version of PHPBB.

We've been holding off on updating as some features we use will not be compatible with the new version, such as the dice roller used for Play-by-Post games. But we will need to upgrade eventually as the version we have won't be supported forever and I have a bit of time to do so throughout the summer.

We are also looking into updating the Homepages as well. More on this later, but hopefully the end result will allow us to better provide fan content. There's a lot found on the forum we would like to host on the homepages, but the current setup and coding is outdated and can be tedious to manage. We want to change that.

Target date for the Forum upgrade is September 3 - 4, 2017 GMT-5. Hopefully just a few hours on the 3rd, but I've held the 4th just in case.
Likely in the afternoon and/or evening. The forum will be disabled during the upgrade.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby Spookyhappyfun » Saturday September 2nd, 2017 11:35pm

Are we still on for the update?

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby drathe » Saturday September 2nd, 2017 11:56pm

Spookyhappyfun wrote:Are we still on for the update?


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Re: Forum Update +

Postby drathe » Monday September 4th, 2017 7:11pm

After 15 hours of work, the upgrade was a complete and utter failure. Thus I have restored the forum back to its original state before my two attempts to upgrade.

The first attempt yesterday resulted in numerous error pages pretty much everywhere.
The second attempt today was successful and error free except for the database dropping all posts made in 2016 & 2017 for whatever reason.

Here's where we stand now...
The forum software we are currently using is out of date and no longer supported. I've also discovered during my trials that a lot more of the Modification we use here are incompatible with the newer version than expected.
DiceMod, Rewards, all the custom profile fields, the gallery, etc. There is a gallery available for the new version, but we'd have to rebuild it from scratch as there's no way to transfer the current gallery over to the new one.

I have a couple ideas on how to proceed from here.

1. Continue to try again at a later date and hopefully the database will completely transfer during one of the future attempts. This would be during the Canadian Thanksgiving Holiday (2nd weekend in October) or Christmas Holiday (I'll have a lot more time during the Christmas Holiday).

2. Complete number 1 as a new forum with all users, topics and posts transferred (as long as the database doesn't drop a tonne of posts again), and also keep the current forum in a read-only state as an archive allowing it to be viewed, but no new posts can be made to it.

I like the idea of number 2 personally, as we will have everything for historical purposes and can easily reference everything when rebuilding the gallery on the new version. By the time I can again attempt the upgrade, our host will also have completed some equipment upgrades which will hopefully assist in transferring and updated the database successfully.

Please feel free to discuss the options here.

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Re: Forum Update +

Postby torilen » Monday September 4th, 2017 7:37pm

Hey drathe,
Thanks for all the hard work. I hate to hear that it was all for nothing. I say go with you think will benefit
the group best. You've been running this thing for a long time, you know about it the most.

I wish there was some way we could all do something or give you something to show our appreciation. I just
don't know what.

But, thank you just the same.

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