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What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

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What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby Ragnar IronFist » Thursday December 1st, 2016 5:19pm

Just wondering...
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Re: What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby QorDaq » Thursday December 1st, 2016 6:38pm

It's been years since I've played Talisman (ca. 1992?), however at the time, and granted the expansion options were far fewer than what's available today, but at the time I really liked the Space expansion, added space marine, grav-sled, tech weapons, as well as a unique additional exploration board, it was interesting.

And next I'd say the expansion that had alternate win objectives for the Crown of Command (but I don't recall what the expansion was called, and I don't know if there is a current analogue to that one).

Regardless, I feel that it likely depends on what you want from the game. I love the add-on boards (City, Dungeon, and Space back in the day)... Primarily because it gave folks a chance to wander off the main board and kind of do their own thing a bit more. But, if I had to choose one in the modern version, it'd probably be the city? But who am I kidding, *IF* I ever got back into Talisman I likely would not be satisfied unless I had everything available at the time.

I'd be curious to hear what others, who may be playing the newest version (4e?), have to say on this question though.

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Re: What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby slev » Sunday December 4th, 2016 5:16am

For Revised 4th Edition, my preference from best to worst:

The Sacred Pool
The Frostmarch
The Reaper
The Nether Realm (POD)
The Blood Moon
The Dungeon
The Woodland
The City
The Highland
The Deep Realms (POD)
The Lost Realm*
The Harbringer
The Dragon
The Firelands
The Cataclysm

*this is the missing "pair" to The Deep Realms, by the same designer, currently being produced as a fan project on the Talisman forum.

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Re: What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby Ragnar IronFist » Monday December 5th, 2016 4:22pm

slev wrote:For Revised 4th Edition, my preference from best to worst:

The Sacred Pool
The Frostmarch
The Reaper
The Nether Realm (POD)
The Blood Moon
The Dungeon
The Woodland
The City
The Highland
The Deep Realms (POD)
The Lost Realm*
The Harbringer
The Dragon
The Firelands
The Cataclysm

*this is the missing "pair" to The Deep Realms, by the same designer, currently being produced as a fan project on the Talisman forum.

I'm surprised Cataclysm is so low! Looks pretty cool, almost a sequel game since it's a whole new board and all.
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Re: What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby slev » Tuesday December 6th, 2016 2:56pm

Which is why it's not much good as an *expansion*.

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Re: What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby Ragnar IronFist » Tuesday December 6th, 2016 6:53pm

slev wrote:Which is why it's not much good as an *expansion*.

Duly noted lol!
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Re: What's the Dopest Talisman expansion?

Postby Jackyboy » Wednesday December 7th, 2016 6:35pm

Slev's preference is quitr similar to mine in some aspects.

I'm not overally fused about Harbinger, Dragons and Cataclysm as they change too much of the game. I like to expand the game without changing too much of the fun of getting to the middle and killing your friends! :)

The four corner boards are great if you have a big enough table (I don't anymore!!!) I love the extras it brings such as shopping spree's in the city and crazed fate fairies in the woodlands. The Nethrealm is also great! a 40 card deck can be such a game changer...all players getting killed by a magical litter critter by rolling doubles is a 'different' way to end a game :)

Head on over to Talisman Island to download a huge amount of talisman homebrew... the 4th edition stuff prints really well; I have found just the right settings on the work printers ;)
Please PM me if any of my old links to files are currently down. I am in the process of hosting them somewhere new!


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