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Re: Talisman

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday October 1st, 2013 2:10am

Or the EU version.
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Re: Talisman

Postby Blackthorn » Tuesday October 1st, 2013 2:26am

IvenBach wrote:You apparently haven't played Zargon/Morcar much... :P

Oh, but I have! However, the heroes soon learn that have to work together to succeed which is one of the things that makes HeroQuest unique. Even as Zargon I had to show some benevolence from time to time. A TPK early in the game can be a real bummer.
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Re: Talisman

Postby TMU » Tuesday October 1st, 2013 4:23am

Blackthorn wrote:
IvenBach wrote:You apparently haven't played Zargon/Morcar much... :P

Oh, but I have! However, the heroes soon learn that have to work together to succeed which is one of the things that makes HeroQuest unique. Even as Zargon I had to show some benevolence from time to time. A TPK early in the game can be a real bummer.

Especially if your group hates the game like mine. :P No rerounds if TPK happens.
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Re: Talisman

Postby chaoticprime » Tuesday October 1st, 2013 5:42am

Talisman games are each different experiences. It sometimes happens that a player gets snowballed early on with bad draws and never recovers. Luckily, you get killed pretty easily and can start anew. I've seen a twelve-hour game won by a player's third character that was only in play for the last half-hour.

The most common occurrence is that each player avoids the others until the boldest of them makes a run for the Inner Region and the other two go after him. That bold player is usually me, and most of the time I can outrun the other player(s) ardor.

In a two-player game, I am not known to lose very often--not often in three-player games, either.

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