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Postby HeroQuestFrance » Tuesday January 20th, 2009 1:04pm

I've noticed no one talks about DESCENT.
The action points system taken to Space Hulk suits perfectly to this fantasy game.
You can open door use a potion move run fight launch a magic spell & you have the choice between a lot of characters.
The dices are nice and there are a lot of great adventures with the expansions.

http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/17226" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

However there are some bad points fans hate to discuss :

* a ugly modular board (advanced heroquest one looks better ! what a shame) with white grids to form the squares !
* uglies figurines and most of them are too big.It cannot be used to other games
* parties are too long
* it takes one or 2 hundred years to set the game on a table
* no 3D furnitures included . .. even D&D of Hasbro give us 3D forest elements,pilars & other things.

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Postby drathe » Wednesday January 21st, 2009 11:25pm

I've heard a lot of people talk about the game, but I've never seen it anywhere. Surprisingly (and somewhat shamefully, because there are lots of other great games out there) the only miniature related thing that's really big in my immediate area is Warhammer 40k. The forum is still really new, so perhaps more people will visit and talk about it. Then I'll split it into its own forum like other games.

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Postby Milk » Friday April 3rd, 2009 5:51pm

Actually, Descent is precisely why I've (unfortunately) dropped off the map concerning HQ. There are a LOT of elements I really enjoy about this game, but pretty much everything HeroQuestFrance listed as gripes are exactly the same gripes I have as well.
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Postby zep » Monday April 27th, 2009 11:57pm

I really like descent. I own it, but have only played a few times. I think the minatures of the monsters are great, but the adventurer figures are way too small. I don't see why the monster figures couldn't be used with HQ. They are fairly proportionate. I know some are large monsters, but that makes things interesting for use HQ. If I recall the dragons take up 6 spaces. Obviously all of the heroes could surround the dragon, but that is more realistic. You just have to stat out the dragon to have multiple attacks like two claw attacks, a mouth attack, and a tail attack. You could also give it some chaos spells.
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Postby HeroQuestFrance » Saturday August 28th, 2010 2:47pm

I now own this boardgame with all expansions including sea of blood the latest.
I played it a lot but I've stopped because the politic of Fantasy Flight Games is too bad : taking fans of Descent for € cows.
Example : last expansion is about 45€.
If you want all minis (not included in the box) of the boss, kraken, siren etc + the real water map you need to pay a total of 150€ !
More postage & package ... mm I said bye bye to Descent until they don't change their € politic.
What made the success of the game (huge box full of figurines dices and boardgame elements) in the past is definitively lost due to the greddy behaviour of the FFG company now.

I will make a review full of photos for drathe's forum soon.

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Postby Daniel Anteron » Friday September 24th, 2010 9:07pm

I just recently purchased this game, and I got to say. I really like it. I love the combat system its really nice.
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Postby HeroQuestFrance » Sunday February 6th, 2011 7:10am

I've stop collecting things about this gameboard with heroes of legend.
The politic of FFG to take you as good cows is enough.
The figurines sold separetely are too expensive (10, 15, 25€ !!), the map of the latest expansion sea of blood is cheaper and fragile into the expansion box & another made in solid cardboard is sold around 20/25€ !
The 3 first expansions were quite good with all figurines and cards so I will make a presentation I promised to drathe for this website and others too.

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Postby gravaillon » Sunday February 6th, 2011 8:48am

i have bought the base system box of descent... Impressionant material i think at the first look... Lot of figurines, and the board is wonderful (in my opinion) entirely modulable.

Lots of tiles and beautiful cards... Interesting Dices... After, not randomly generated quests. I haven't yet tested the game, the rules seems to be boring in comparaison of HQ, very grosbill. there's a lot of bigatures (too big, like dragons, giants...) who can not be used with another boardgame.

I have begin to paint them, and when you look them carrefuly, you can see that they are ugly (always in comparaison of the games workshop miniatures). I think I will not buy the expansions, descent is a money maker machine. Like heroquest france said, no furnitures, no 3D elements (except doors- not so much)... For 80 Euros, it is a little just. But I work actually on a version who will mix some elements of the games with HQ. I will later post a pdf file of this work for my remastered HQ works (see kellar's keep if it is not already done).
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Postby LordZeke » Sunday February 6th, 2011 11:12am

I have thought about getting a copy, maybe after you play through a little tell us how it goes!

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Postby HeroQuestFrance » Sunday February 6th, 2011 2:42pm

Gravaillon : I think you should buy the first 4 expansions. (mer de sang = no need)
It's something rare for the first expansion since the french edition is over !
Take as priority number 1 the expansion "le tombeau de glace" for the minis !
Anyway I have free time, I will present you this boardgame and all expansions with many photos to make you decide wisely.

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