So, I've wanted to pick up Doom for a few years - missed the boat on a decent price. Someone sent me a text offering me a box for $30 with no quest book after I posted an ad online then never responded to me again lol. Sometimes I see the Mini's on eBay... but unlike all the old Space Crusade/HQ/WHQ etc etc games I haven't seen tiles/boards/card scans for these OOP games show up online.. is FFG a bit more active in voicing their dislike for this or has there not been enough interest? .
I managed to score a copy of Descent 1st Ed + Quest guide HC for like $50 last year, but the expansions like Road to Legend which are entirely cardstock/tiles seem to sell for $150+? Maybe they are not worth it anyway IDK, I haven't managed to convince anyone to have a game of Descent yet lol. Doom appeals to me because the OG games had a huge influence on me.. I'll probably just have to wait around for a decent priced copy to show up... I should buy Gears of War though before it goes OOP lol, it looks similar.
I would be happy to scan my Descent 1st E, but I only have a shitty scanner, and it's already punched.. but don't want to get on the wrong side of anyone or bother if they are around somewhere already that I haven't found...