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I just do not like Descent

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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby Infje » Sunday November 17th, 2013 7:50am

I'm truly disappointed to hear that. I was really sold on this but all these negative reactions and the price are putting me off.

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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday November 17th, 2013 8:51am

THE major knockdown for me is the off-scaleness of the miniatures.
There's a lot of *lemony goodness* minis in the game, but also some potential.
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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby Sandman0077 » Monday November 18th, 2013 1:25am

knightkrawler wrote:THE major knockdown for me is the off-scaleness of the miniatures.
There's a lot of *lemony goodness* minis in the game, but also some potential.

Care to elaborate?
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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby ampersand » Monday November 18th, 2013 9:20am

Have a look on my blog regarding descent. I cover the miniatures quite....honestly :)
Also i have the game . And although ut is t perfect an isnt a dungeon crawler it is still a fun game. I would suggest readin reviews iver at bgg from people that own the game rather than basing judgement on why others didnt buy it. After all in your own right. You may think its great :)

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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby knightkrawler » Monday November 18th, 2013 1:47pm

Sandman0077 wrote:
knightkrawler wrote:THE major knockdown for me is the off-scaleness of the miniatures.
There's a lot of *lemony goodness* minis in the game, but also some potential.

Care to elaborate?

Somewhere else in this thread. My breakdown of the game parts.
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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby Sandman0077 » Tuesday November 19th, 2013 11:42pm

ampersand wrote:Have a look on my blog regarding descent. I cover the miniatures quite....honestly :)
Also i have the game . And although ut is t perfect an isnt a dungeon crawler it is still a fun game. I would suggest readin reviews iver at bgg from people that own the game rather than basing judgement on why others didnt buy it. After all in your own right. You may think its great :)

Just checked it out. Thanks for the info on it. I thought it was a dungeon crawler as well, so thank you for clarifying that for me. I'll probably still check it out though.
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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby The Admiral » Wednesday April 20th, 2016 5:27am

I really loved Descent when it came out and I played it an awful lot. The rich gameplay was fantastic with all the tactics of potions, trips to town and back etc. But after a while it just seemed a bit repetitive and took sooooo long to play. I also needed to read everything if I went back to it after a while. So it has not, and probably will not ever be played again.

I think the main downside for me was it was a (great) combat game. I felt it lacked the roleplay atmosphere I get with HQ. Perhaps Descent 2 has more of that, but I don't have the inclination to get into that though.

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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby Anderas » Friday April 22nd, 2016 6:32am

I have to try that game one day. Didn't play it until now because of all the markers. If there are too much small things to handle, in my experience it gets slow to play so I didn't even try.

Afterwards, there is a lot of very good feedback on that game, so it might be worth giving it a chance.

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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby slev » Friday April 22nd, 2016 6:36am

When playing, treat Descent as it's own thing, rather than as a dungeon bash game. If you go in looking for a dungeon bash, you'll be dissapointed.

Also, you have to keep in mind that you cannot clear teh dungeon, trying will make you lose the game.

The mass of tokens is to avoid having to write things down (it's not a dungeon bash remember). Have them neatly sorted and you'll be fine.

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Re: I just do not like Descent

Postby arntisdale » Wednesday June 10th, 2020 4:05pm

Jumping in four years later here...
I really like Descent!
To me, it's epic. It's as close to DnD in a boardgame as I've seen. RP is not enforced, but if you're good, it's easy to throw in. It's definitely more for the hardcore gamer type who's willing to play games for hours (or days) on end. If you're looking for short plays, then this is not the game for you. I got my uncles into it, and we'll usually play for about two days when we gather to play, taking breaks for all the usual stuff. I've never had trouble keeping track of the bits as I go. I keep the tokens in little bowls, so they're easy to take out, easy to pitch in, and are ready and there in a nice organized way when you need them. As far as the dice having multiple features on one side, it's seriously not complicated, and anyone that does think it's complicated probably just doesn't understand how it works. You need some basic math to run it, but division/multiplication is about as complicated as it gets, and once again, if you can't handle that, then... well...
The heroes are in constant peril, and have to work together and strategize to stay alive. The overlord gets to terrorize them, and if he's good, can really mess them up as they try to blitzkrieg the dungeon. The miniatures (to me) are super cool, but I'll admit, I'm pretty new to the whole miniatures gaming thing. I've never played the 2nd edition, but the 1st edition is more my style from what I've read. We've had epic battles where the heroes thought they were doomed, but barely pulled it off. We've had confident heroes stomping around only to be ambushed, weapons broken, and stuck in webs for turns on end. Even though the game is set up to be Overlord vs Heroes (and I'm always the overlord), I always play with the mindset of making sure my heroes are having fun, facing challenges, moments of feeling doomed, moments of triumph, and other good stuff. I'm not trying to annihilate them, but I do enjoy busting them up. Also, the more expansions you have, the more options become present, which really liven things up. I guess my only complaint would be that the modular map board is not as thick as I prefer, but Space Hulk 4e was my first modular map game, and so I'm probably expecting to much in that department.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark 1st ed is AWESOME.
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