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HeroQuestFrance wrote:Descent is not really a dungeon crawl.
You are facing a game master and that's all.
It's not about searching for an old treasure, secret doors, disarming some traps and trying to find the exit because a invincible gargoyle is running after you in the corridor.
I also have it somewhere. I collect it only because in some years I will sell it with the first edition and all expansions for gold.
chaoticprime wrote:Super Dungeon Explore, likewise, features an absolute lack of exploration.
HeroQuestFrance wrote:Descent is not really a dungeon crawl.
You are facing a game master and that's all.
It's not about searching for an old treasure, secret doors, disarming some traps and trying to find the exit because a invincible gargoyle is running after you in the corridor.
I also have it somewhere. I collect it only because in some years I will sell it with the first edition and all expansions for gold.
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