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Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

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Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby Kurgan » Monday March 18th, 2019 3:31pm

So I found this tutorial (probably well known to others on here, but it was new to me), about fixing the Barbarian's sword. I had one in perfect condition but acquired another that had a broken
off (and missing) blade. Originally I just super glued on a plastic tine, but that wasn't the best. You see players tend to pick the mini up by his sword and super glue just isn't up to the task.
His solution has held steady so far...

All Credit to Andrew Numbat ! (mini hand drill, wire from twisty ties, acrylic putty and some paint!)

Takes some patience to do all that slow drilling and blowing out the excess plastic dust, but a pretty satisfactory solution in the end.

Here are my results (touched up the paint since, it blends much better... doing the same thing with the Elf I probably need to file it with one of those mini files):
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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby Kurgan » Monday March 18th, 2019 3:32pm

Part two:

(original is on the left)

Since this photo I matched the color a lot better on the paint, but you get the idea...
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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby lestodante » Monday March 18th, 2019 7:30pm

I also used the same tutorial , filed the miniature perfectly but had problems while drilling the sword.. it melted or broke! I used a 0,8 mm drill.
Did you use an electric drill or a manual one?

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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby Kurgan » Monday March 18th, 2019 8:44pm

I used manual (this I got at my local game hobby shop), the smallest sized bit I could find. It was painstaking process... basically each day I'd drill at it for a few minutes, and eventually it was deep enough to stick the metal wire in there (I used an exacto knife to strip off the rubber coating from one of those twisties that binds up the cords on new electronic equipment like ear buds). I filled in the gaps with acrylic putty. The "sword" in question was your usual cocktail skewer. For the Elf I used a smaller skewer (more of a double prong fork as opposed to the miniature broadsword) and this was a lot harder because it was so small. I goofed up at one point and had to trim it off with the razor and start again. Painstaking but eventually successful (again except for a little extra nub on the outside with the elf).

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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby mitchiemasha » Tuesday March 19th, 2019 2:12am

You mean you didn't take this opportunity to give Barbs an AXE




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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby benvoliothefirst » Tuesday March 19th, 2019 8:03am

Wrong glue: http://www.thistothat.com

Plastic cement will give you a better bond than super glue, FYI.
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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday March 19th, 2019 5:55pm

|_P Neat stuff, both of you. |_P

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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby devarionarias » Wednesday March 27th, 2019 11:49am

Nice work, guys!

Your photo gave me a great idea where you've glued the wire in, but before the axe is added. Why not create a small assortment of weapons which could be interchanged by the player by placing them on the wire? That would be neat!

Of course maybe not so helpful if all your players insist on lifting the piece by the weapon, but I would think doing it this way would also be a deterrent. :)

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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby lestodante » Wednesday March 27th, 2019 6:13pm

devarionarias wrote:Why not create a small assortment of weapons which could be interchanged by the player

Chaoticprime did something like this already. You can check them at this post from the Christmas Exchange 2013: viewtopic.php?f=191&t=1860&start=210#p32616

Anyway, this is my Barbarian, I followed the same tutorial and had no problem with the mini but when I tried to drill the sword it was a disaster and broke it.
I used a 0,80 mm drill. I will try with a manual drill when I'll get one.

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Re: Miniature figures sword repair: Success!

Postby Kurgan » Thursday March 28th, 2019 6:37am

Manual drill is the way to go !

Removable weapons, wasn't that something Dragonstrike did? Granted, HQ did it with the Mercenaries, and Ogres, but we're talking Hero figures here...

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