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Every cent received goes toward Ye Olde Inn's maintenance and allows us to continue providing the best resources for HeroQuest and Fantasy Gaming fans.
Patroclus wrote:I know many of you will hate me, but I have to say that I was a really good boy in 2013… This is what I get today… Just amazing work… My photos can’t show exactly all the details… The only thing I could tell is that you can’t recognize where the one color starts and where it finishes.
chaoticprime wrote:Its a Dwarven sword thief. He snatches up your gladius's and sprints off into the night.
chaoticprime wrote:'s ay Dworven sword thayf. 'ee snutches op yer gladiuseseses an' sprants orf inta th' noight.
chaoticprime wrote:You were also meant to hear my above quote in a ribald cockney accent.
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