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Discuss the Quest Eyes of Chaos, published in White Dwarf Magazine #145.


Postby Stoner81 » Saturday February 11th, 2023 12:38pm

I couldn't find an epilogue for this series of quests so I wrote my own which is as follows;

"My friends! Welcome back and congratulations on your victory this day! Your prudence and determination have
once again thwarted for the evil forces of Chaos. For now though you have earned a much needed rest so go and
be merry for I fear it will not to too long before the lands… and the Empire, have need for your services once

Fairwell… for now, Heroes of the realm!

Not the greatest writing but it will suffice for what I need it for since all the other packs have one so my OCD was going mental not having one :lol:

|_P |_P |_P |_P

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