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PostPosted: Sunday September 12th, 2010 6:13pm
by drathe
Deutsch translation project:

    Common Elements:
  • High Adventure in a World of Magic - Translation Complete
  • Home, News, Contents, Forum, Gallery, Quests, Tiles, Links, Credits - Translation Complete
  • Jump to Bottom - Translation Complete
  • Return to Top - Translation Complete
  • Expanding HeroQuest - Translation Complete
  • This HeroQuest Site is dedicated to:
    Ye Olde "Agin's Inn"
    HeroQuest is © 1989-2010 by Milton Bradley Company. - Translation Complete
  • Best viewed with HeroQuest Fonts installed - Translation Complete

    Link Buttons:
    Some of the link buttons still need translating.
  • Game System - Translation Complete
  • Kellar's Keep - Translation Complete
  • Return of the Witch Lord - Translation Complete
  • Against the Ogre Horde - Translation Complete
  • Wizards of Morcar - Translation Complete
  • Mage of the Mirror- Suggested to leave as-is.
  • The Frozen Horror- Suggested to leave as-is.
  • Adventure Design Kit- Suggested to leave as-is.
  • Cards - Translation Complete
  • Design & Game Tools - Translation Complete
  • PC Games - Translation Complete
  • Quests - Translation Complete
  • Rules - Translation Complete
  • Tiles - Translation Complete

If you have any suggestions that are better than what's been provided on any of the Web-pages, please let us know.


PostPosted: Monday September 13th, 2010 6:32am
by SirDionysDobermann
Hello there,
I am not sure what you require exactly, but I could help translating into German. Would you like to have the texts from the German version booklets or new translations?

For example, I could translate your "Common Elements" list or, if available, have a look what matching phrases were used in the German edition.

Common Elements / Gewöhnliche Ausdrücke
* High Adventure in a World of Magic / [my suggestion:] Spannende Abenteuer in einer magischen Welt
* Home, News, Contents, Forum, Gallery, Quests, Tiles, Links, Credits /Home [usually not translated], Neuigkeiten, Inhalt, Forum, Galerie, Questen, Zusätzliche Felder, Links [normally the English phrase is used], Danksagung
* Jump to Bottom / Nach unten
* Return to Top / Nach oben
* Expanding HeroQuest / HeroQuest Erweiterungen
* This HeroQuest Site is dedicated to: / Diese HeroQuest Seite ist
Ye Olde "Agin's Inn" / dem ehemaligen „Agin's Inn“ gewidmet [initial quotation marks are at the bottom line „XXX“ in Geman or use the French version: »XXX«]
HeroQuest is © 1989-2010 by Milton Bradley Company. / [usually no translation necessary]
* Best viewed with HeroQuest Fonts installed / Für beste Lesbarkeit empfehlen wir die Installation des HeroQuest-Zeichensatzes

Re: Deutsch/German

PostPosted: Monday September 13th, 2010 2:10pm
by drathe
Thanks SirDionysDobermann. I've applied the translations to the Deutsch Ye Olde Inn and taken your suggestions into account.

Re: Deutsch/German

PostPosted: Tuesday September 14th, 2010 3:22pm
by SirDionysDobermann
My pleasure, drathe!

In retrospect, I would suggest to change "Tiles" / >Zusätzliche Felder< once again, because "Felder" only includes floor lay-outs, whereas in the tile section there are also doors, furniture and even walls (e. g. in Mage of the Mirror). There is no single German word to cover all these things, but a rather clumsy expression could be more appropriate: Kartonteile (meaning literally "cardboard parts" or "cardboard pieces"; drop the "zusätzliche", meaning "additional" since there are tiles from the basic games as well, not only player add-ons), Sorry for that confusion!

What else do you need? I could provide more translations, but I am afraid it will take some time, depending on my work schedule.

Re: Deutsch/German

PostPosted: Tuesday September 14th, 2010 5:25pm
by drathe
Noted. I've made the changes to "Tiles". I will update the button later this evening.

As for what's next on the agenda, anything in the first post that is not marked as Translation Complete . Thanks again for the help.


PostPosted: Wednesday October 6th, 2010 1:56pm
by SirDionysDobermann
*** Here comes another one: The Adventure Design Kit - is there a seperate link to the adventure design booklet, or should that remain untranslated?
>Bogen< is singular, >Bögen< is plural.***

Abenteuer Design Set *or* Abenteuer selbst erschaffen!

Bogen mit Aufklebern

*Text / Description*

Morcar ist zufrieden. Deine Siege über die Helden des Kaisers sind ihm nicht verborgen geblieben, und nun erhältst Du Deine Belohnung. Fünf neue Verliese sollen errichtet werden, und Du, Feldherr des Chaos, darfst sie vorbereiten ...

Mit diesem Abenteuer Design Set kannst Du Deine eigenen Labyrinthe erschaffen, die unvorsichtigen Abenteurern zum Verhängnis werden. Bösartige Monster liegen hier auf der Lauer, und tödliche Fallen werden den Untergang der verwünschten Helden des Kaisers besiegeln.

Das Anleitungsheft gibt Dir nützliche Ratschläge, wie Du aufregende Abenteuer gestaltest, und die Bögen mit den Symbolen für Monster und Einrichtungsgegenstände geben Deinen Lageplänen den letzten Schliff.

Zuguterletzt bieten die neuen, größeren Charakterbögen den Heldenspielern mehr Platz, um darauf ihre Ausrüstung und die gefundenen Schätze zu notieren. Nun liegt es an Dir, dem Feldherrn, die neuen Verliese phantasievoll auszustatten. Das Schicksal der Helden liegt ganz in Deinen Händen.

* Inhalt
* 1 Anleitungsheft für eigene Abenteuer
* 4 Bögen mit selbstklebenden Abziehbildern *actually, they are only adhesive when printed onto adhesive paper sheets*
* 1 großer Block mit 80 Charakterbögen

Re: Deutsch/German

PostPosted: Thursday October 7th, 2010 2:00am
by drathe
I've been informed recently that in the German version, Ulag the Orc Warlord is titled as Feldherr, meaning Commander, or General. If you wish to stay consistent with the German versions of HeroQuest and its expansions, I'm fine with that, in fact I believe it would be best to remain as consistent as possible. As for other things, such as two possible descriptors (ie Stickerbogen *or* Bogen mit Aufklebern), go with which ever one you believe is best.

Re: Deutsch/German

PostPosted: Friday October 8th, 2010 2:58am
by SirDionysDobermann
Very well, thanks for the answer - I looked that up, it is correct (Feldherr for warlord). Sorry I did not check that before, but I simply did not think of it.
I changed the translation accordingly.

Re: Deutsch/German

PostPosted: Friday October 8th, 2010 10:15am
by drathe
Changes made. Thank you. :)
SirDionysDobermann wrote:*** Here comes another one: The Adventure Design Kit - is there a separate link to the adventure design booklet, or should that remain untranslated?

As I am aware, the Adventure Design Kit never saw a German release, therefore I will leave the link to the English version until the time comes that someone decides to translate the book.


PostPosted: Thursday March 17th, 2011 12:55pm
by SirDionysDobermann
Hello drathe,

Sorry it took so long to call in once again - loads of work and some computer troubles. Anyway, I am quite eager to translate some more. I am still not sure, though, what needs to be done. Do you want the whole website to be translated into German, buttons and all (for example for visitors who only read and write in German)? Or do you need scans of the German booklets and game parts?

Here are some more suggestions for translating some English words on another part of the website (I am simply working down my way your to-do-list) :

HeroQuest Cards to Compliment or Expand Milton Bradley's fantasy board game

HeroQuest Karten zur Vervollständigung oder Erweiterung des Fantasy Brettspieles von Milton Bradley

Character - Combat - Equipment - Monster - Potion - Skaven - Spells - Treasure - Other Cards - Images for Cards

Charakterbögen - Kampfkarten - Ausrüstung - Monster - Tränke - Skaven / Rattenmenschen - Zaubersprüche - Schätze - Andere Karten - Kartenbilder