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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Teldurn » Friday July 18th, 2014 4:03pm

Oh wait. You said genus, not genius.

DAMMIT. I'm having such a bad day today. Sorry everyone, I brainfarted.
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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday July 19th, 2014 1:19am

Don't bother yourself. Half of my post count is brainfarts. |_P
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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby GimmeYerGold » Monday July 21st, 2014 10:59am

I like the idea of inclusion in board games.

I noticed that the American expansions of the Elf and Barbarian Quests both introduced female hero figures, as well as used "they" and "their" language in the cards to gender-neutralize the descriptions.

I'm going to follow suit in my custom cards, as well as print up versions of the character cards that have a female Hero depicted as well. I already have a female version of all the hero figures, so that makes sense for my games.

This is of course, all a matter of choice--some men like to play as female characters and some women like to play as male characters, but having the choice is good for everyone.

While HQ is somewhat lacking in the RPG elements, adding a few touches like this can encourage any player to "get into character" while they hack and slash their way toward gold and glory!

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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Bob-Bob » Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 7:50am

Sorry to bump such an old thread, Teldurn, but when you said you uploaded the HeroScribe assets to Roll20 along with the card decks, does that mean anybody on there can use them or was this only for your game and your game only?

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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Teldurn » Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 11:05am

Bob-Bob wrote:Sorry to bump such an old thread, Teldurn, but when you said you uploaded the HeroScribe assets to Roll20 along with the card decks, does that mean anybody on there can use them or was this only for your game and your game only?

No worries on necroposting; it keeps threads more coherent. :)

But the way Roll20 works in regards to who has access to uploaded assets is per account. So yeah, only I can use them for my games and campaigns. The way I see it, there are only two ways for other people to use the same assets I've uploaded (neither of which are actually feasible in reality).

First, I have to invite other people into the game campaign and then give them GM status so they have access to assets. But this would only work in the specific game to which they were invited. In other words, they wouldn't be able to use the art for their own games.

Or second, upload the whole set of assets onto the Roll20 marketplace for people to download/purchase and use themselves. But I don't own the art so I couldn't possibly do that.


Actually, I just thought of a third option. I could provide a link to my Google Drive where I keep the files so anyone can download them locally and then upload them for their own Roll20 accounts. That could work.
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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Bob-Bob » Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 5:33pm

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. But can we get busted for copyright infringement? Or would that not happen since the assets aren't being sold for a profit?

How difficult is it to upload assets to Roll20 and how long does it take?

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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Teldurn » Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 5:57pm

Well, to be fair, a large majority of the art assets are all the icons already available in HeroScribe. They're each only a couple hundred kb at most, so it doesn't take long at all to upload each one, maybe a couple seconds - but there are a lot of them individually, so it adds up. For me, I saved a lot of time by figuring out beforehand what I needed and what I didn't so I didn't upload things I'd never use. This way I also saved some room in my upload limit. The only thing that took a lot of time for me was making all the custom cards. It was a lot of "setting up infrastructure" on the front end. But once it was all uploaded, it was smooth sailing after that. I could easily find what I needed when I needed it.

Uploading things is a breeze. You can even select large chunks of files and hit upload and it will do them one at a time for you, which is a big time saver, so you don't have to upload one at a time.

I'm not 100% clear on the copyright infringement bit, but I think you should be safe as long as you aren't making money off the game or any of its parts.
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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Bob-Bob » Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 8:29pm

So if you make all the assets available for us to download and upload ourselves, that would save the rest of us a lot of time on the card-making front.

Although I am kinda curious to know how you made those custom cards. It would help the rest of us in case we wanted to add our own. :D

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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby QorDaq » Monday March 30th, 2015 5:17pm

I followed a link from another (more recent-ish) Necrothread on Roll20 HQ to find this topic. Looks like a very successful use of Roll20.

How were the dice done? I noticed that there were in fact proper icons on the die rolls, awesome.

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Re: Zargon Goes Online

Postby Teldurn » Monday March 30th, 2015 5:27pm

QorDaq wrote:I followed a link from another (more recent-ish) Necrothread on Roll20 HQ to find this topic. Looks like a very successful use of Roll20.

How were the dice done? I noticed that there were in fact proper icons on the die rolls, awesome.


Thanks! Yeah, I made a rollable table (as you can see in the chatlog), called it Dice, and assigned each line item with an image of one of the faces of the dice. Then I weighted each of the sides appropriately (Skulls=50%, White Shield=33%, Black Shield=17%). This ensured the dice would roll correctly. :D
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