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BQP: The Frozen Horror Remake Main Thread!

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror.

Re: BQP: The Frozen Horror Remake Main Thread!

Postby Vorimir » Wednesday May 31st, 2023 2:42pm

Yeah, I allowed the female barbarian as a 5th hero after they saved her in one of the first quests. She was a good help but was killed in a Wandering Monster trap by two yethis. I used an adaptation for the first quest to be played by all heroes and the wolf went all five quests. I even add sime narrative magical power to the Frozen Champion items when needed.
Is a bit sad that we got the same undeveloped product.

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Re: BQP: The Frozen Horror Remake Main Thread!

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday May 31st, 2023 4:40pm

Yeah, Wandering Monsters can only attack the Searcher (or the Knight instead if he invokes the "Knight's Challenge" skill card of course), so in these quests it's best for the heroes if they stay bunched up in the corridors when searching (and backed into corners with other heroes/mercs in the way of the searcher forming a protective screen).

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Re: BQP: The Frozen Horror Remake Main Thread!

Postby SirRick » Wednesday May 31st, 2023 6:32pm

The Ice Gremlins having 3 Body Points always seemed a bit much. The only reasoning I can come up with is that they are roughly little Frozen Horrors in appearance, so maybe they are supernaturally tough.

The Body Point bloat in BQP and EQP is one of the biggest issues with those releases. The ogre being reduced to 5 BP is a good start. I do understand a lot of people wanting previously released content to be in its original form, but I don’t think anyone would complain about the ogres having less BP in this case. I still wish they could have done something, like adding a chart on “Into the Northlands” with alternative BP totals for the monsters in the BQP, that Zargon can choose to use if desired.

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Re: BQP: The Frozen Horror Remake Main Thread!

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday May 31st, 2023 7:18pm

Zargon can always and easily designate certain monsters as having different stats than the norm. There is one quest where it seems the point is to have a "trap" early on that forces the heroes to use up most or all of their healing right away (similar traps exist in Kellar's Keep and to a lesser extent Return of the Witch Lord). Reducing Ogre body points across the board as the remake suggests changes this outcome (which will to be the liking of many heroes I'm sure!). To me though restoring the "boss level" body points to the FINAL Ogre in MOTM makes the most sense even if none of the others are adjusted.

The EQP/BQP quests are very long, from 2x-4x longer than the GS quests, not only because they often take up most of the board with rooms, but because of the high BP of the monsters. Yes, you can certainly speed things up by knocking down the BP totals of the monsters, but an even easier way to handle it is just to remove some of the monsters. Why do you need three Ice Gremlins nearly ever time you encounter them and two of each other type of monster? Why do Wandering Monsters need to be in multiples? Yes, it makes the game "harder" but also much longer. So unless you are trying to "Beat the designs as written" (which, let's face it, some of us are trying to do, even though we realize it at least requires some extra potions or second chances to make that happen, maybe even some help from the draft notes or rule "clarifications" and "playtesting" suggestions), removing some of the monsters (or substituting "weaker" monsters for some of them) will work wonders in making the quests go more quickly and be easier (and maybe even more fun for those playing them).

Of course one person's way of making these quests easier and better is going to vary from those of another, but I think removing some of the monsters and/or replacing some of them with weaker monsters goes a long way towards this. Changing a monster's stats across the board is a more drastic change which may improve some quests more than others.

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Re: BQP: The Frozen Horror Remake Main Thread!

Postby Vorimir » Friday June 2nd, 2023 7:06am

At the end: At the end all those questions should have been made and answered by the designers, not by the fans after getting a half baked quest book twice.

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