Kurgan wrote:The expansions that were being planned had to do with the Dwarf & Wizard but as SB had left Hasbro in 1992, he wasn't further involved. The latest though is that he wrote more quests at the time of First Light than have been released. Whether those are cutting room floor material or we might see those in the future is unknown at this time.
Two years ago at GenCon Craig Van Ness (of HeroScape fame) was saying how it's typical for a designer who has been around long enough to have lots of unused concepts, drafts, and ideas on the shelf. He doesn't take it personally that for whatever reason (mostly based on financial considerations: budget, perceived commercial viability) they don't get used, but he keeps them around in case there is an opportunity to dust them off and implement them again in some form or fashion.
For all we know Baker's cutting room floor or discarded HeroQuest ideas will find their way into that new game he's working on (Where Heroes Dare). I'd love to see that!
Edit: the WHD page gives a 404 error... wonder what's up?
When Baker worked with Hasbro/Milton Bradley he had nothing to do with North American expansions. He put together the first and second European editions, Keller's Keep, Return of the Witch Lord and started fade from the projects when it came to Against the Ogre Horde & Wizard's of Morcar.
Baker had no part in the planned Wizard and Dwarf quest packs, nor did he touch on Frozen Horror or Mage of the Mirror. Baker was only originally involved in the European quests.
That is until recently with Prophecy of Telor and First Light. But there might be others.