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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby The Admiral » Saturday September 14th, 2024 8:04am

Nlinindoll wrote:Yeah, I’m thinking that is not errata. Plenty of unmarked chests through the Questbooks that have NOT been previously listed in the errata list.

The best thing about Heroquest is the 'Nothing' treasure card.

Despite a thorough search....you find nothing! :|

Which is an accurate description of me looking for the Chaos Warrior :evil:

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Monday September 16th, 2024 2:25am

Yes, no official "nothing" card in the remake edition... nothing wrong with home brewing it one way or another.

They did clarify that if there's no note for a treasure chest then you just draw a card like any other un-noted room. That was stated on social media via "Zargon."

Trouble is they seemed to think it was a mistake with the EQP and added the "Elven Riches" general rule (never utilized) and then the specific correction of each and every previous unmarked chest with a noted item (Q1, Q2, Q7). So an errata from 1992 that was "fixed." Maybe it's time we put those remaining unmarked chests in the official errata list?

GS Q3 is a clear error when you compare to the EU original (this was simply copied from the 1990 NA edition).

ATOH Q5 was treated as an error in the remake (Q8 in the AH edition, the unmarked chest was simply removed).

FH doesn't specifically say, but it's hinted that you're supposed to hide those new artifacts from "Into the Northlands" in heavily guarded areas if you wish, which is a perfect setup for at least one heavily guarded chest in Q9 that has no note for it.

You could argue I suppose that it was never an error, they just went around changing or clarifying these because people complained about it (too boring, I guess?). It is interesting in each case when they added a note to a previously un-noted chest, they never just simply added "the chest is empty" which would seem to be a no-brainer if that's what they intended by leaving it out. Hence we're left to wonder what was really supposed to be there but was forgotten... or you could take it as a hint you're supposed to make something up, as Zargon, but like so many other things, we're just left to wonder. I agree not every chest has to have something awesome inside it, it might have something good, bad, nothing, or just be a generic piece of furniture and not special at all, but there you go. Maybe some would apply the "Elven Riches" to every unmarked chest you find even outside of that expansion, who knows.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby The Admiral » Monday September 16th, 2024 9:25am

Kurgan wrote:Yes, no official "nothing" card in the remake edition... nothing wrong with home brewing it one way or another.

They did clarify that if there's no note for a treasure chest then you just draw a card like any other un-noted room. That was stated on social media via "Zargon."

Trouble is they seemed to think it was a mistake with the EQP and added the "Elven Riches" general rule (never utilized) and then the specific correction of each and every previous unmarked chest with a noted item (Q1, Q2, Q7). So an errata from 1992 that was "fixed." Maybe it's time we put those remaining unmarked chests in the official errata list?

GS Q3 is a clear error when you compare to the EU original (this was simply copied from the 1990 NA edition).

ATOH Q5 was treated as an error in the remake (Q8 in the AH edition, the unmarked chest was simply removed).

FH doesn't specifically say, but it's hinted that you're supposed to hide those new artifacts from "Into the Northlands" in heavily guarded areas if you wish, which is a perfect setup for at least one heavily guarded chest in Q9 that has no note for it.

You could argue I suppose that it was never an error, they just went around changing or clarifying these because people complained about it (too boring, I guess?). It is interesting in each case when they added a note to a previously un-noted chest, they never just simply added "the chest is empty" which would seem to be a no-brainer if that's what they intended by leaving it out. Hence we're left to wonder what was really supposed to be there but was forgotten... or you could take it as a hint you're supposed to make something up, as Zargon, but like so many other things, we're just left to wonder. I agree not every chest has to have something awesome inside it, it might have something good, bad, nothing, or just be a generic piece of furniture and not special at all, but there you go. Maybe some would apply the "Elven Riches" to every unmarked chest you find even outside of that expansion, who knows.

Your right. We won't ever know if it was an error unless they actually come out and say it was.

Talking of chest errata, JoD Quest 9, room C is missing one, unless they meant the treasure to be found in the statue as occurs in another quest? Either way it's a mistake.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Monday September 16th, 2024 2:03pm

Even the errata can have errata! :mrgreen:

Even without an admission of error on the part of the designers (which is always nice) we can still surmise that it was something that was probably not intentional in each case. We may not know the intended solution... for example if the chest was meant to be "empty" or contain a trap, or a treasure, or some combination of things, or was simply forgotten before anyone came up with how it should be used.

Certainly drawing a card is a perfectly legitimate way to play it without bothering any type of fix or change.

Minor errata to me are still errata. As kids I don't remember if we just drew a card because there was no note or took the lack of a note to mean there wasn't anything inside those chests. I should say that the chest in Frozen Horror Q9 could also be a good candidate for the never-found artifact the Armband of Ice (though that's pretty late in the game to find such a thing). Then again the 1992 packs (and beyond) weren't shy about putting more than one/type item into a single chest.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday September 17th, 2024 10:46am

Avalon Hill already confirmed long ago that is not an errata for page 9 of Game System questbook. They said that if no quest note exists for a chest, you just have to draw a treasure card from the deck.


Source: https://x.com/AvalonHill/status/1473334457310588931
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby j_dean80 » Tuesday September 17th, 2024 11:20am

I've never seen it as an errata. Not every piece of furniture has a note in every room.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Thursday September 19th, 2024 1:29pm

No but treasure chests are a pretty important game mechanic. The only reason to put a treasure chest but no note would be to fool someone into thinking they're going to trigger a note. The vast majority of chests DO have notes, so we expect them, unlike say the Weapon's Rack, or the Cupboard or Bookcase (or in the expansions, various "general rules" created specifically for certain pieces of furniture, like the Sorcerer's Table in ROTDM or the Cupboard in First Light).

I think the easiest explanation as to why a minority of Treasure chests have no note is because they just forgot... which we know has happened in the past (see Quest 3 in the NA edition, a clear screw up). I think it's an errata to not put anything, ever since the original game. That's why today you will see them correct it anytime an unmarked chest is spotted or make a general rule against it. If CoPD comes to retail, we'll see that chest either removed entirely or a note inserted saying what's in it (even if it's just "the chest is empty" or a trap only).

The "Elven Riches" thing appeared in MOTM (despite it not even being needed in the actual quests, as they added notes to all of the unmarked chests) after the social media clarification about drawing a card (was this a change in rules in order to appease fan expectations? or a correction?). While it's true it doesn't break the game if you just draw a card, I think we can still call it out, as many of these errata don't break the game either. Zargon makes a decision and moves on, the game continues forward. A gap left in an errata like this gives Zargon an opportunity to do an on the spot correction where he can insert his own trap, treasure or both if he wants to. Or say it's empty, anything he wants. I didn't read the social media answer as meaning it was never an error, but rather how you can most easily work around it (with that solution you don't need to decide what you think is or isn't in it, just draw). Just like gameplay doesn't grind to a halt just because you decided to pick up two shields and still try to attack (your base attack is always 1).

But yeah I won't waste anymore space (in this very useful thread!) debating about whether it deserves inclusion in the official list in this thread since I'm not the thread owner. People can say it was never an errata, even though AH had to speak out to clarify it, and made official corrections within an expansion (which I think gives strong evidence it was just an oversight, as much as forgetting to place a door, letter, or forgetting to color a trap orange), but people also say there was never any errata when it comes to other things that we debate perennially (see Courage, Crossbow, Borin's Armor, line of sight generally, etc). I know that even things that may seem clear to one person (like whether you have to walk up to a chest to search it/obtain the treasure inside it, whether you have to expend movement squares from your dice roll to disarm a trap, whether you can use a longsword with a shield, for example) are not so clear to someone else. Not talking about stuff where you wish it was one way but it's not and you're not really confused (ie: wondering whether the Warlock was intended to be able to use the Wizard's spells).
Last edited by Kurgan on Friday September 20th, 2024 12:52pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Thursday September 19th, 2024 1:46pm

Jungles of Delthrak page 28, note C... good catch!

The Admiral wrote:Talking of chest errata, JoD Quest 9, room C is missing one, unless they meant the treasure to be found in the statue as occurs in another quest? Either way it's a mistake.

100%. The quest note says "chest" but there's no chest in the room.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Saturday September 21st, 2024 8:44am

As discussed here by The Admiral and myself, it looks like that JoD questbook has a kind of innacuracy in the quest notes of page 25.

The intro text there refers to the 'Zombies' of Quest 7 as the remains of endemic fauna, however the quest map on page 24 only shows 1 Zombie icon. Probably the intention was actually refering to the 'Skullblight' monsters since there are much many shown in the map (7) and their background described on page 49 perfecly fits with the idea of being former fauna creatures of the jungle.

It is true that Skullblight monsters could be understood as a kind of zombies, however the word "Zombies" is written in capital letter, so according to the wording style in HQ, it could be understood as the designer is explicitly refering to Zombie monsters, so tough it is not a big mistake which does not affect to the game in any case, so I think here there is a very small misprint. However, in my opinion "Zombies" should have been written as "zombies" OR there should have been better said "Skullblights" for the best accuracy.

On beside, the Spanish community of fans has already detected a small misprint on page 47 of Spanish questbook: Spawn ability of the Serpent should have been written as "Engendrar" instead of "Engendro" for coherency with the rest of the book. Fortunatelly, in Serpent monster card is correctly written.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday September 25th, 2024 11:28am

Not an errata but just noticing that "Unthreatened Movement" first introduced in "Into the Northlands" (the prelude to Frozen Horror) is an optional rule also mentioned in Against the Ogre Horde remake and Jungles of Delthrak. I wonder if it will be included in First Light as well? (granted, you can use it anywhere, just like any other optional rule)

How would it work with the elven Potion of Speed ("Celerity" in ROTDM)? When we played it an Elf added 12 squares to his full movement... which I thought was brilliant, as Zargon, so I allowed it.

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