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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Thursday December 29th, 2022 7:29pm

10 BP for an Ogre really isn't an error. It's technically feasible to stack nine skull tiles under a couple of these figures without them falling over. A party of equipped heroes can survive a battle against a couple of them (though it will be a long, hard fight!). But their reducing it to 5 speeds up the game and makes it easier in those encounters. It might make the final battle a little less serious because one of the bad guys is just like another bad guy in strength. But that's a balancing issue rather than an "errata."

Twist Wood Spell mentions weapons "such as" Staff, Bows and Crossbow, implying it applies to other "wooden" weapons as well (note that a crossbow is not entirely made of wood but still counts). The example given (of the enemy Elven Archers) is an easy one because we already know that enemy strikes with a dagger at close range and so if they lose the bow, they go down to 1 attack die. The question is whether you used the spell on say, an Ogre, what would he roll without his axe? (formerly a club in the old version) Surely a big huge monster like that wouldn't go down to 1 die... or would Zargon say "sure" to that? It's not spelled out so he makes the call.

No enemies use a staff, right? Well generally no, but you also have to remember that it may be that a bad guy would "mirror magic" the spell back at the heroes, meaning THEIR wooden gear could be damaged by it (just as potentially a rust spell could be bounced back at the bad guys). So now you have to do a lot of thinking about these special cases about what ought to happen. When the Ancient Staff rebounds a spell after all, it hits ALL the monsters in the room.

But this is beyond the scope of the errata, it's more just little things that are unclear and nobody has played it ever (or if they did it's been 30 years) so the questions remain!

How "Re-Animation" dread spell is supposed to work is a matter of conjecture. You can read it a certain way very literally to make it a useful enemy spell, or you can read it more how a lot of people read things to say it is a confusing mess that doesn't really work.

They very much did apply some fixes but mostly kept it as is. Elven Bracers are now given in a formerly unmarked chest. Two other formerly unmarked chests are given large quantities of gold (making the "Elven Riches: 200 gold" rule superfulous... it was probably a placeholder in case they ran out of time or missed one in the editing process!).
Another chest that had no treasure is given 200. The Mind Points clarification is still left to "Into the Northlands." Permission is given to use Mercenaries (not just Alchemist Shops) from other packs in this one... for the group quests anyway. "Superior" is added to Potion of Restoration to make it easier to differentiate it from the similarly named potion from KK/ROTWL. Elven Chainmail Armor is made a little less clear... presumably in an attempt to make it for the Elf only, the ended up making it sound like it might be usable by any Hero (taking the card notes super literally it says "allows the Elf" but most lack the text "only the Elf") instead of formerly where it said the Wizard may not use it (implying 3 out of the 4 heroes can use it). If it allows the Elf to do something, would it allow other Heroes to do as well...? And now that we have the Rogue Heir of Elethorn does HE count as an "Elf" for these purposes?

More vague things than outright errors, right?

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Friday December 30th, 2022 11:43pm

Of course it is not strictly an errata because nowhere is said that the helmet is made of a non-metallic material, but an official explanation about the material of the helmet was missing in the game components and this detail affects to other rules, especially to those new heroes like the Bard, Druid and Rogues, so any official clarification in that way I think is also useful for players if clarified in the list.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday January 10th, 2023 12:07pm

The following errata was found only in the Spanish Edition of The Frozen Horror expansion:

THE FROZEN HORROR expansion box content:


- Page 19, Note E: Text "Gothar queda bajo el control del Bárbaro y se mueve tras él." is not an accurate translation of the English text, and it should had been "Gothar queda bajo el control del Bárbaro y se mueve después que él.", which doesn't mean the same from game mechanics standpoint.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday January 10th, 2023 1:55pm

HispaZargon wrote:Of course it is not strictly an errata because nowhere is said that the helmet is made of a non-metallic material, but an official explanation about the material of the helmet was missing in the game components and this detail affects to other rules, especially to those new heroes like the Bard, Druid and Rogues, so any official clarification in that way I think is also useful for players if clarified in the list.

It was mostly an issue brought up by the Mythic exclusives (and we are left to go "ah ha, bracers are armor and not made of metal, so..."), but now we have it again for retail in the form of the Rogue. "Non-metal/metallic armor."

I realize they are keeping it short to fit things on cards mostly, but yeah. There are those who will interpret it maximally (to get the most benefit for their character possible) and those who will interpret it minimally (to diminish the advantage).

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby QorDaq » Friday January 13th, 2023 12:05pm

I believe I have mentioned this before, but it would be fantastic if AH released an "Official" F.A.Q. doc that they could update as needed.

I say this in full recognition that HQ as a DIY tool box for doing one's own sandbox game has immense value, and likely played a part in the longevity of the system prior to the 2021 re-release. However, I think that there is also value in consolidating clarifications on vague or oft misunderstood rules. Equipment and Spells would be a great place for them to start.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Nlinindoll » Friday January 13th, 2023 3:04pm

QorDaq wrote:I believe I have mentioned this before, but it would be fantastic if AH released an "Official" F.A.Q. doc that they could update as needed.

I say this in full recognition that HQ as a DIY tool box for doing one's own sandbox game has immense value, and likely played a part in the longevity of the system prior to the 2021 re-release. However, I think that there is also value in consolidating clarifications on vague or oft misunderstood rules. Equipment and Spells would be a great place for them to start.

Last March, Avalon Hill on Twitter said they were working on something after someone shared the URL to this very thread: https://twitter.com/avalonhill/status/1 ... OTQGUHo-Wg

Now, that was in March, so perhaps it was in reference to the "Rules Clarifications" found in the "Into the Northlands" PDF, but I'm hoping for something more in depth.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby QorDaq » Friday January 13th, 2023 6:22pm

Nlinindoll wrote:...I'm hoping for something more in depth.

I'd dig seeing something, for sure.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby DeMnoGoniS » Sunday January 15th, 2023 12:54pm

HispaZargon wrote:Another point for discussion if it is an errata or not... let's see:

The Game System rulebook does not explain anywhere how many combat dice mayroll a unarmed Hero nor if rolling Skulls still damaged an enemy without using a weapon, but in my opinion, a rule to cover such situation should had been written there. I know that the rulebook is not intended to cover all possible situations, in fact the rulebook says that any rare situation should be solved by Zargon player, etc. Ok, but... what happen with a new Wizard who throw his single dagger in the first mission? Yes, the Wizard will automatically become an unarmed Hero.

Well, don't know what you think, but I see this situation really probable, which could happen very early in a game, especially playing with kids, so I see it could be enough to justify that dedicated rules for such situation should had been included in the rulebook.

I will not open here the debate of how to homebrew this, there are already other forum threads for such discussion, I am just declaring that in my opinion, there is a clear lack of rules in the rulebook about how unarmed heroes should combat.

I found this answer from Zargon on Twitter in response to the question "Does the rogue lose the dagger after throwing it? Or is there a mechanic for recovery?". Considering the rogue has the same starting weapon as the wizard, does that mean the wizard can also throw infinite knives as if they were arcane blasts? That wouldn't be bad at all!
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Sunday January 15th, 2023 3:43pm

DeMnoGoniS wrote:Hi,
I found this answer from Zargon on Twitter in response to the question "Does the rogue lose the dagger after throwing it? Or is there a mechanic for recovery?". Considering the rogue has the same starting weapon as the wizard, does that mean the wizard can also throw infinite knives as if they were arcane blasts? That wouldn't be bad at all!

Not sure if I have understood your words well, but I think the case you say is not the same I mentioned. The Wizard only starts with one dagger, however the Rogue starts with infinite daggers because this Hero is equiped with a Bandolier, the Wizard not.

In the other hand, this is the list of errata that I have exclusively found in the Spanish version of Mage of the Mirror expansion:

Libro de Misiones:

- Página 2, Poción de Restauración: El nombre de la poción no está correctamente traducido de acuerdo al título de la carta original en inglés (Potion of Superior Restoration). El nombre correcto de la poción debería ser "Poción de Restauración Superior". Además, la ilustración de la carta muestra por error la ilustración de la Poción del Recuerdo, cuando debería mostrar otra imagen.

- Página 2, Poción de Velocidad: El texto "... en vez de tirar el Dado Rojo." tiene un error de redacción ya que debería decir "... en vez de tirar los Dados Rojos." Además, el texto "Podrá además atacar dos veces por turno." no es una traducción totalmente precisa del texto original en inglés, y que debería decir "Podrá además realizar 2 ataques por turno."

- Página 2, Poción de Visión: El texto "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas (marcadas en ..." no es una traducción completa del texto original en inglés y debería decir "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas normales (marcadas en ...".

- Página 8, Sistema de Hechizos Actualizado, segundo párrafo: El texto "Si la Elfa no elige las Cartas de Hechizo Élfico actualizadas, ..." es incorrecto y debería decir "Si la Elfa elige las Cartas de Hechizo Élfico actualizadas, ...""

- Página 11, Transformar Héroes en Hombre Lobo: De acuerdo a los comentarios anteriores, en el último párrafo debería decir "Poción de Restauración Superior", en lugar de simplemente "Poción de Restauración".

- Página 29, Nota C: El Hechizo de Terror "Orden Imperiosa" no existe, sino que de acuerdo al texto original en inglés debería ser el Hechizo del Terror "Dominación".

- Páginas 12 y 34, palabras de Mentor: Aunque no se trata de una errata estrictamente hablando, sí que creo que merece la pena indicar lo siguiente: La versión española de estos textos no distinguen entre el Reino de la Reina Terellia y el Reino del Rey, pues habla de ambos indistintamente a pesar de que son distintos reinos, ya que tanto "Kingdom" como "Realm" pueden traducirse a español como "Reino". Sin embargo, la edición original en inglés de estos textos sí que establece dicha distinción, por lo que el sentido de los textos en español en realidad debería ser ligeramente distinto. Esto por su puesto es una herencia de la edición clásica de esta expansión, donde en realidad no había un Rey y un Reino, sino un Emperador y un Imperio, así que en el texto clásico no había lugar a error, y se podía deducir que el Reino de los Elfos formaba de alguna manera parte del Imperio, o quedaba claro que al menos eran aliados de este.

Cartas de Equipo:

- Poción de Restauración: El título de la carta no está correctamente traducido de acuerdo al título de la carta original en inglés (Potion of Superior Restoration). El título correcto de la carta debería ser "Poción de Restauración Superior". Además, la ilustración de la carta muestra por error la ilustración de la Poción del Recuerdo, cuando debería mostrar otra imagen.

- Poción de Velocidad: El texto "... en vez de tirar el Dado Rojo." tiene un error de redacción ya que debería decir "... en vez de tirar los Dados Rojos." Además, el texto "Podrá además atacar dos veces por turno." no es una traducción totalmente precisa del texto original en inglés, y que debería decir "Podrá además realizar 2 ataques por turno."

- Poción de Visión: El texto "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas (marcadas en ..." no es una traducción completa del texto original en inglés y debería decir "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas normales (marcadas en ...".

Cartas de Hechizos Élficos:

- Regresión: El texto "... primer turno del Héroe e cancelan." tiene un error tipográfico y debería decir "... primer turno del Héroe se cancelan."

- Madera Torcida: El título de la carta no está correctamente traducido de acuerdo al título de la carta original en inglés (Twist Wood). El título correcto de la carta debería ser "Retorcer Madera" o "Torcer Madera".

- Fuego Hipnótico: La frase "Una si una figura saca una puntuación igual o menor que sus puntos mentales, la ilusión no la afecta." está mal redactada y tiene errores tipográficos y de estilo, por lo que debería decir "Una figura que saque una puntuación igual o menor que sus Puntos Mentales, no se verá afectada por la ilusión."

Cartas de Hechizos de Terror:

- Estallido Mental: El texto "... tira 1 Dado Rojo por cada Punto Mental que tenga." no es una traducción correcta del texto original en inglés, que debería haberse traducido como "... tira 1 Dado Rojo por cada Punto Mental que tenga en ese momento.", que no significa lo mismo. Además, el texto "... Línea de Visión del Monstruo que o lance." tiene un error tipográfico y debería decir "... Línea de Visión del Monstruo que lo lance"

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Monday January 30th, 2023 10:45pm

Once again, Zargon twitter account has officially commented about Bracers rules, saying that they may not be combined with any body armour:


Edit, 2023-03-03: Once again, Zargon informs about it through twitter:

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