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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Monday August 22nd, 2022 5:38pm

There are another two translation errors detected in Spanish Edition of Kellar's Keep expansion box:

- Spell Scroll Cards, "Valentía" (Courage): The card text "En los siguientes turnos del Héroe, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate." is not correctly translated according to original English text. It should had been translated as "La próxima vez que el Héroe ataque, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate.". Then this card could be being played in the wrong way.

- Spell Scroll Cards, "Genio" (Genie): The card text "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero, mostrando todo el contenido de la Habitación (incluido Trampas)..." is not correctly translated according to original English text. It should had been translated as "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero (mostrando lo que hay más allá)...". Then this card could be being played in the wrong way.

And one translation misprint also detected in Spanish Edition of The Frozen Horror expansion box:

- Character cards, "Bárbara" (Female Barbarian): Table's last column heading has a misprint. It is written "Puntos" by mistake instead of "Mentales".

I have updated the Spanish-exclusive errata summary here with the last mistakes reported or found.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Highorph » Saturday August 27th, 2022 7:15am

Thank you so much HispaZargon
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby SirRick » Saturday August 27th, 2022 10:24am

I’m not sure if anyone has found this or not, but I did a search on twitter about the Hand Axe and the Wizard and found this:

https://twitter.com/PSThisIsAwesome/sta ... 1t7O3n9XjA

If the link doesn’t work just search on twitter using: Heroquest hand axe wizard and it’s the first thing that comes up (also with a post from lestodante).
The main post on this thread mentions the hand axe discrepancy but doesn’t seem to include an update. If we take Zargon’s rulings as official, he says the wizard cannot use the hand axe, and that he (Zargon) is the only living muscle wizard.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Saturday August 27th, 2022 12:45pm

Great finding SirRick!


Through all this thread we have always considered any Zargon twitter account as an official communication, so I also think in this case this is also an errata official clarification. As many of us thought, the Wizard may not use the Hand Axe and now we have it also officially confirmed. Thanks a lot!
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby SirRick » Saturday August 27th, 2022 7:56pm

I am still a little saddened by the news. I was amused by the idea of an axe wielding wizard, but Zargon strongly opposes it, so I must bow to his will.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Smigol » Monday August 29th, 2022 4:29am

Hi, in a Spanish telegram group they have found a couple of translation errors:


Page 19, How heroes (except the dwarf) Disarm a Trap with a Toolkit:

It says: "Si sacas una Calavera, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo 1 Punto de Daño Corporal".

And should say according to the original English text: "Si sacas una calavera, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo Daño Corporal"

Page 20, How the dwarf disarms a trap:

It says: "Si sacas un Escudo Negro, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo 1 Punto de Daño Corporal".

And should say according to the original English text: "Si sacas un Escudo Negro, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo Daño Corporal"

In both descriptions they have counted in "1" the damage done by the trap, instead of the damage specified by the trap itself in each particular case of each quest.

(Thanks to Dany Eudoxio for finding that errata).
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Monday August 29th, 2022 12:37pm

So they finally admitted it was an oversight (allowing the wizard to use the hand axe)! I figured all along it was a mistake, but now we know for sure. It wasn't a given that it had to be an error, since the Bracers were only usable by the Wizard in the EU 2nd Edition it originated from and yet now can be used by any hero... (as to whether the Wizard's Cloak can be combined with it, we assume it can, as it is a magical artifact, and not explicitly defined as equipment Armor as it would have been in the EU edition as the "cloak of protection" even without a clarification).

These are the sorts of clarifications and corrections that are so unimportant that they'll only be alive on twitter and on fan forums like ours who keep track of such things...

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Monday August 29th, 2022 6:41pm

Eudoxio wrote:
Kurgan wrote:Another small error... Frozen Horror (BQP) Quest 5 (Deadly Depths) actually calls for two Sorcerer's Tables in the same quest. Oops!

Yup, just seen it, but the looks of the map, the one on the left room with a trap, could be the Rack

Thanks. If we assume the Sorcerer's Table placed in Vilor's room is thematically correct since it is a dread sorcerer, and also assuming that a 3x2 furniture should be placed in the same location as the Sorcerer's Table in left hand room, yeah, that second Sorcerer's Table can be replaced by a Torture Rack model since it is the only furniture model non used in this quest with the same size. This solution ensures the original quest map is not practically altered so I guess it is the best homebrew fix.

SirRick wrote:Perhaps Avalon Hill should post side by side artwork to clear up the confusion. I don’t even think the heroes can tell the difference. It was probably Zargon masquerading as Mentor when he sent the heroes after the Frozen Horror. I mean, who can survive 4 polar war bear attacks from a failed treasure search in the last quest? That has to be Zargon’s doing, and the heroes fell right into his trap. Perhaps if the players and heroes were better informed, they could make better life decisions.

TheLastChaosWarrior wrote:I was always confused by the original 1990 game screen.
It clearly shows a Wizard reading a large tome which is clearly meant to be Loretome, so hence the Wizard should be Mentor.
This is more distinct and confirmed in the 2021 version.
But in the 1990 version, his face just looks like evil personified to me, and given he is shown above all the Chaos minions below, it just made me think HE was Morcar/Zargon. Though I didn't know of Zargon then, of course!
On the subject of Skeletor, He Man's nemesis, has there ever been a better bad guy?
The guy is a legend!

Well, ethernal topic :-).

In case of 2021 HeroQuest's remake I think Hasbro/Avalon wanted to keep the separation more clear. About Mentor, there are many pictures of him in the new questbooks, etc. and about Zargon, it is true that there is not yet any official picture of Zargon, but if you remember the HasbroPulse's first promotional video about 2021 HeroQuest's remake, an evil sorcerer appear there who I guess represents Zargon as a different character than Mentor, but who knows the true...?

Smigol wrote:Hi, in a Spanish telegram group they have found a couple of translation errors:


(Thanks to Dany Eudoxio for finding that errata).

Thanks you two. Misprints already added to the Spanish Edition errata list.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Monday August 29th, 2022 6:42pm

I have updated the errata summary here with the last mistakes reported or found. Last update of the list was performed in July.

I have also updated the Spanish-exclusive errata summary here with the last mistakes reported or found.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Maalicia_Ironhoof » Tuesday September 27th, 2022 3:41pm

The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness
Page 14 (Quest 5): Bottom right corner group of rooms (second room up from the bottom) has a door leading into the shaded corridor.
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