Hi, about note "the chest is empty" discussion... According to what I say below, I think the questbooks may be left as they are now in case of chests without any content description and treat them as any other irrelevant furniture, ignoring what they are, so they may not be considered as erratas:
Daedalus wrote:I agree with your assessment that the above-mentioned chests are empty. As such, searching Heroes should draw a Treasure Card, same as if a Cupboard other piece of furniture was there but not noted. I think this is the intent of the designer--more possible rewards in a tough Quests.
Yes, I think you are right, I agree.
Daedalus wrote:The rooms should not have notes added about the chests being empty. If they were changed to include such notes, then that would count as special treasure noted for each room (the chest is empty.) That means no Treasure Cards may be drawn there, since they are only drawn if there is no special treasure noted for that room.
First afirmation is correct according to 2021 HQ rulebook, page 15: "If no special treasure is called out in the Quest Book, you must draw a random card from the treasure card deck..." but sorry, the second one is not correct according to 2021 HQ rulebook, page 14: "A room may be searched
by all four heroes, but each individual hero may only search the room once..." and page 15: "The special treasure is discovered only once by the first hero who searches the room for treasure,
even if other heroes later search that same room". Additionally, several of the new questbooks assume the heroes may search the same room several times, for example there are rooms with more than one chest where first hero who searchs only opens the first ches, the second hero who searchs only open the second chest, and so on. I don't like too much playing in that way for 3 reasons: First, Heroes draw too many treasures and they gain too much equipment too early. Second, it is more difficult for the Evil Wizard player account which rooms have been already searched yet and which Hero did it. And Third one: It makes the playing experience quite slow. I only allow seaching once each room, but this is another thread... and the rules today are the rules.
Kurgan wrote:By that logic the first hero to search gets nothing but the other three get to each draw a card. Does that make sense?
Well, according to the 2021 rules I think it is clear that is how it should be played if there is a note in que questbook that says "the chest is empty". It has not too much sense... or yes, the first player tries to find something first in the chest with no success an he/she wastes their turn and after that another hero searches another corners of the room

... I don't like it, of course the result sucks a little bit if you write the note "the chest is empty" and you strictly follow the rules... therefore, I agree
Daedalus, leaving those chests without any note is better since it means that players should draw a treasure and if has any reward, we could assume for example it is found inside the unknown chest or wherever else in the room.
Daedalus wrote:Sorry I didn't make it clearer, Kurgan, but no. (You got my meaning, Nlinindoll.) As Joe's Quests are written, all four heroes get to draw Treasure Cards. If a Quest note of "the chest is empty" were added, no Heroes would draw Treasure Cards. At least, that's how I understand it.
Again, if you strictly follow the 2021 rules (see above),
Kurgan is right in the case "the chest is empty" is writen and first player will search the room by opening the chest with none reward and second player will search room by drawing a card. It is quite silly but if you follow the rules that's what they mean I think since all 4 players may search treasure in any room. If there is furniture with a reward taken by first searching hero, the rules do not avoid to search the room a second time by other hero. I insist I don't play in such way but it is what the rules say.
Cael Darkhollow wrote:Wait, what? I've never played that way ever. Just one traps search per room, one secret doors search per room, one treasure search per room...you guys let all FOUR players search for treasure in every room?!?!?!
According to 2021 rules (see above) YES, the four heroes can search all the rooms, in other words to be clear, each room can be searched four times in any case.
Nlinindoll wrote:No, I take it as if you can ignore the chest. As if there were only some other uninteresting piece of furniture in the room. So, after the first person searches, “the furniture/chest reveals nothing of interest. Draw a treasure card for searching the room.”
Nlinindoll wrote:...but upon rereading the Rule Book for the Hasbro HQ21, it appears this is the rule: heroes can each search a room once and draw a treasure card after any quest book treasures are claimed by fhe first hero searching.
Yes, I think you are right. My interpretation of 2021 rules is the same.