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Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Oftkilted » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 2:53pm

nathanielz wrote:Another 33k jump in funding within the last hour... it seems they keep having occasional manual updates.

Total of up $41997 since last night with another 4 hours till ~24 hours since the last track point.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Orc26 » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 3:16pm

Feels like they will be able to set the number wherever they would like... Who is there to provide oversight? Want to hit 3m for bragging purposes, but only 2.9 pledged? Just tap a couple of buttons and bamn bragging allowed. "Over 3 million earned!"

Edit: Someorc is feeling extra cynical today...

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby nathanielz » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 3:39pm

not cynical, realistic.

In a kickstarter, you can't tinker with numbers. If a stretch goal is missed, it is missed.

On your own platform, you can tinker the numbers. And even if they don't, remember that they said that overseas numbers aren't included in the current display. How do we know what these numbers are really today. If we hit 2.9M at the end of the campaign, they can say that we had 1'100'005$ sold overseas so the total is right above 4M - who's to say these numbers are right or wrong?

Either way - they paid Joe to do the 4M questbook, they paid the artists to do the renders of each bonus figure between 3 and 4M. Are they going to waste that money spent if the sum is not at 4M? Maybe, and after all they can..

Finally - I think that every previous Haslab project reached 4+M. The current Razor Crest project is already past 4M. If the first boardgame they put on haslab "tanks" with a mere 3M or less, it could look bad. Hence, a quick "tinkering" of overseas orders is the perfect remedy to this problem.

Either way, we only can wait and see, but I'm happy with more stuff included. Already have a couple ideas of special roles to give to the bonus monsters :gargoyle:

Final note: 10th post, I have now a monster icon too! Yay Goblins :goblin:

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Kurgan » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 3:46pm

The Quest book would be harder to explain (unless they released it a few years down the road as a stand alone product after some people had the actual game to play with and nostalgia isn't waning...)...
but honestly the miniatures could literally be used for anything else. Just dump them onto the WizKidz line and they'd fit perfectly.

The artwork similarly could be used for something else. They surely wouldn't let it go to waste if the $3 mill mark isn't met.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby nathanielz » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 3:51pm

Oh of course, they absolutely could. Though in that case they still would be releasing them (just not "inside" the mythic tier, but one could buy them as addons), they wouldn't be wasting them.

I hold hope for the fact that if we miss the 4M mark (which is likely, unless the final days manage to give 1M or more), that they'll release what Joe wrote. I enjoy what the community made, and I'm also happy to see more official content.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Fallensaviour » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 5:52pm

It was pretty poorly executed overall they should have just put up the 4 mill stretch at launch.
It more than likely would have driven pledges up,only putting up the 2 million stretch probably really hindered the process.
People can’t get behind something they can’t see.3 mill stretches weren’t visible until half way through.
If the 3 million isn’t met we may never know what was potential at 4 million it’s all just rumours and speculation.
Sure joe talked about his quest but is it even done?
Does it even exist?
I’m sure they could bundle it up as a future expansion if it doesn’t get to 4 million.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby FainFlynn » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 8:36pm

It looks like they fixed Baker's quest and added the "G" where it should go.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Oftkilted » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 8:39pm

Leathaface79 wrote:Day 1: $1,000,000 (actually hit 1 million 30min before 24 hours)
Day 2: $267,000 in Sales
Day 3: $151,000 in Sales
Day 4: $102,000 in Sales
Day 5: $65,000 in Sales
Day 6: $52,500 in Sales
Day 7: $39,698 in Sales
Day 8: $43,647 in Sales
Day 9: $38,097 in Sales
Day 10: $34,048 in Sales
Day 11: $26,248 in Sales
Day 12: $24,049 in Sales
Day 13: $21,848 in Sales
Day 14: $20,448 in Sales
Day 15: $15,799 in Sales
Day 16: $19,899 in Sales
Day 17: $134,741 in Sales
Day 18: $25,445 in Sales
Day 19: $19,599 in Sales
Day 20: $17,949 in Sales
Day 21: $15,399 in Sales
Day 22: $14,049 in Sales
Day 23: $198,837 in Sales Total sales as of Day 23: $2,347,191

Day 24: ?
Day 25: ?
Day 26: (total for 24, 25 and 26 = $53,809) to total at $2,401,000
Day 27: $17,836 in Sales Total of $2,418,836 as of 7pm GMT-4
Day 28: $14,899 in sales Total of $2,433,735 as of 7pm GMT-4
Day 29: $63,646 in sales Total of $2,497,381 as of 8:15PM
Day 30: $46,297 in sales Total of $2,543,678 as of 8:25PM

We’re trended at ~28K/Day globally over the past 7 days (since the 23rd.)
There are ~15 Days left in the campaign.

This was an odd blip in that there were large chunks added in two days in a row. Likely international numbers added in piecemeal rather than in the block as last week.

At $28K/Day globally the numbers are trending upwards towards an additional $420k in sales, and at $15k (the typical NA domestic number) that’s closer to 225K.

Using the lower number, we will just miss the 2.8M stretch goal, and using the higher we will end up at about 2.95M. Just shy of the final 3M amount. However, with the international numbers remaining fairly consistent we are likely to reach the 2.8M goal for the alternate sculpt mummies.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Fallensaviour » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 9:06pm

Hammer Orcs is all I’m concerned with at this point!!!
Then we’ll worry about Mummies.

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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

Postby Orc26 » Thursday October 22nd, 2020 9:36pm

Is it bad that I've recently been more excited about Oftkilted's number breakdown than anything else right now?
The sample quest was ok, and I'm coming around to the visual style, nostalgia told me the old ones were better but after using the new one, it worked just fine.

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