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Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 6:23pm
by lestodante
it doesn't matter for the spelling as this is just a test.
I am trying to recereate the new layout so we can make new quests with this style too. So I am using the same font (Carter Sans W01) too.
It is the same they are using for the spell cards and the character's cards, so it will become the official font very soon.
Wonder if they will release a tool like HeroScribe to allow people to generate new quests and share them?
I noticed they put ALL monsters and furnitures icons in that map, so basically we have everything to create anew quest with the new style (if only they were not so bad... I still prefer the old icons as they ar emore clean in my humble opinion)

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 7:17pm
by Orc26
No throne or cupboard unless I missed them...

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 8:32pm
by Oftkilted
Leathaface79 wrote:Day 1: $1,000,000 (actually hit 1 million 30min before 24 hours)
Day 2: $267,000 in Sales
Day 3: $151,000 in Sales
Day 4: $102,000 in Sales
Day 5: $65,000 in Sales
Day 6: $52,500 in Sales
Day 7: $39,698 in Sales
Day 8: $43,647 in Sales
Day 9: $38,097 in Sales
Day 10: $34,048 in Sales
Day 11: $26,248 in Sales
Day 12: $24,049 in Sales
Day 13: $21,848 in Sales
Day 14: $20,448 in Sales
Day 15: $15,799 in Sales
Day 16: $19,899 in Sales
Day 17: $134,741 in Sales
Day 18: $25,445 in Sales
Day 19: $19,599 in Sales
Day 20: $17,949 in Sales
Day 21: $15,399 in Sales
Day 22: $14,049 in Sales
Day 23: $198,837 in Sales Total sales as of Day 23: $2,347,191

Day 24: ?
Day 25: ?
Day 26: (total for 24, 25 and 26 = $53,809) to total at $2,401,000
Day 27: $17,836 in Sales Total of $2,418,836 as of 7pm GMT-4
Day 28: $14,899 in sales Total of $2,433,735 as of 7pm GMT-4
Day 29: $63,646 in sales Total of $2,497,381 as of 8:15PM

We’re trended at ~25K/Day globally over the past 6 days (since the 23rd.)
There are ~16 Days left in the campaign.

At $25K/Day were looking at an additional $400k in sales, and at $15k that’s closer to 240K.

Using the lower number, we will just miss the 2.8M stretch goal, and using the higher we will end up at about 2.9M

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 8:34pm
by Kurgan
Yeah they didn't quite use ALL the furniture or other game system icons yet. But quite a few so far...

Rogar's Hall (by Stephen Baker) converted to Hero Quest Classic in HeroScribe... in case anyone wanted it (png and PDF format).

Edit: Seems there was an omission in the original file! I've added the "G" where it probably was intended to go... you hear that Stephen/Hasbro? Hopefully they fix it before release!

Edit #2: Reversed the "secret door" facing icons. Is this more logical?

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 8:35pm
by Kurgan
And here's the above, UK style. There shouldn't be any errors, but please let me know if you spot any. Feel free to test...
Thanks Stephen Baker for the Quest! |_P

[Edit: Inserted the "G" where it was probably intended to go. Error/omission was in the original... And no offense to Mr. Baker. It's been a few decades, he's a little rusty! Just so long as it gets fixed in the final version... Personally I think the ambiguity would be removed if the Secret door was opening the other direction. I went ahead and reversed the secret door icons, hopefully that looks more logical.]

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 8:36pm
by benvoliothefirst
I don't know about you guys, but seeing the first "official" new HeroQuest map in 30+ years is giving me a pretty good shot of nostalgia!!

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 8:50pm
by Kurgan
I'm excited too! In the last year or so, I've seen the Japanese Game System and "lost" published Quests translated from Portuguese appear, and now this! Much more excited about this than remake miniatures, to be sure.

Via statmaster OftKilter |_P sounds like we can safely assume we'll be getting the female Mummies (who appropriate... UK fans know just what I mean!)

Pity about the second Quest pack, but sounds like not too many people will be upset about the Bard. I guess if they REALLY want to sell us those things, they'll find a way to get them released. If I had $100K sitting around I'd have far better uses for it than a donation to those last two items, I can tell you that much! (plus I couldn't even give away that many mythic sets...)

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 9:15pm
by Orc26
Wait is the Japanese game not the same as all the others? Where can I find this? I want.
And what are these lost quests?

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 9:18pm
by j_dean80
Wasn’t someone asking about an official statement from Stephen Baker calling that figure Mentor? Now we have it. Plus another Stephen Baker official Quest!

Re: Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

PostPosted: Wednesday October 21st, 2020 9:38pm
by Kurgan
He's still Zargon to me dangit! :cry:

Well if the figures come unpainted... just give him a blue cloak. FIXED!