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How to counter door blocking + Crossbow LoS issues

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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby chaoticprime » Wednesday October 15th, 2014 10:32pm

Actually, I am going to retract my argument. I think there's a schism between how they say to do the thing, and how they show it done--a rules inconsistency.

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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby Redav » Wednesday October 15th, 2014 11:19pm

chaoticprime wrote:a rules inconsistency.

:o in HeroQuest? Surely not!
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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby Jafazo » Thursday October 16th, 2014 12:19am

Far as I'm concerned chaoticprime hit the nail on the head and ended this for me when he said "They put two different graphics of it up there, which they didn't do in the UK version." In the US version, line of sight 'does' pass by solid corners so the Shooter can shoot diagonally. If the UK version shows that line of sight 'doesn't' pass through a corner this way, then boom, GM discretion, and personally, since I could put solid block tiles alongside doors and move doorways so they hug one side of the wall to minimize the shooters line of sight (Awesome suggestion on door placement TheRoadWarrior), I'd just simplify and say "No, you can't trace a line of sight diagonally through a doorway." I've seen the light and change my ways.
Unless you specify your version I'm going by the US rules.
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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby chaoticprime » Thursday October 16th, 2014 1:49am

You're welcome, you crazy cat.

EDIT: Also (and especially), thank you.

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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday October 16th, 2014 2:47am

What are you going on about with inconsistencies? Where?
You can cast spells on things you can "See". Crossbow uses the same keyword so we can safely assume it follows the same rules.
They tell you to draw a straight line from center to center. The "Rule of thumb" is in fact the actual rule.

UK diagram

NA diagram

As far as I'm concerned at this point RoadWarrior's diagram is indeed absolutely correct.
Spells/bolts can shoot around corners as long as they only grace the mathematical pinpoint at the very edge of the corner...


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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby chaoticprime » Thursday October 16th, 2014 3:50am

Nope. Those lines extending from the elf do no originate at the center of the square. That's not all, either. In one place it says what you can "see" is determined by the figure, and in the very next paragraph it says its determined by the squares you're in.

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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby mitchiemasha » Thursday October 16th, 2014 4:27am

I just looked at the american rules for a different reason and seen the image of the Wizard attacking the Ork with his staff diagonally through the blocked by the Barbarian door way. Then i realised technically shooting diagonally isn't actually shooting over that character. I would of previously thought to not allow shooting this way but now i'd say it is allowed. I'd of allowed the diagonal shot in Road Warriors image if the barbarian wasn't there, now i'd say for sure he can be there.

This may of been added to show that attacking diagonally through door ways was ok, to prevent the Evil player blocking them. I always see that as more of a problem than the Heroes doing it. It makes for a very boring and longer game for the Heroes so they never do it.

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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby Goblin-King » Thursday October 16th, 2014 5:16am

chaoticprime wrote:Nope. Those lines extending from the elf do no originate at the center of the square.

Are you kidding? That's what this is about? That's just because they don't want to draw lines across the pretty icons!

chaoticprime wrote:In one place it says what you can "see" is determined by the figure, and in the very next paragraph it says its determined by the squares you're in.

This got me intrigued... Where did you read this? NA or UK on which pages?
The only thing I could find (UK pg. 11) is that monsters in the same room are always visible, but monsters in passages or different rooms requires a straight line.

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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby The Road Warrior » Thursday October 16th, 2014 5:18am

I believe the question in the original post had the potential to spark a far more interesting discussion than the current one on the Line of Sight rules. Just saying |_P
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Re: How to counter door blocking

Postby knightkrawler » Thursday October 16th, 2014 5:52am

Goblin-King wrote:
chaoticprime wrote:Nope. Those lines extending from the elf do no originate at the center of the square.

Are you kidding? That's what this is about? That's just because they don't want to draw lines across the pretty icons!

No, that's not it. cp has it right there. Take that dotted line between the Elf and the upper right Orc and invisibly draw it further across the Elf's square. It won't go through the center. So there's a dichotomy between what the diagram shows and what the text says.
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