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Future Sight

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Wizards of Morcar Quest Pack.

Re: Future Sight

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday January 29th, 2019 6:13pm

lestodante wrote:
wallydubbs wrote:Courage and Rock Skin only last for one turn in Europe; but the North American cards are conditional, allowing these spells to last longer, much like the Elven spell "Double Image." I find Spells of Darkness pretty well balanced by American standards;

That's not correct. In 1989 first release they last only 1 turn. But on the 2nd release (1990) they edited many cards, so Courage last until you can see monsters and Rock Skin until the hero suffers a damage. NA version use the same descriptions of the second EUR version wich is (of course) much better than the previous one.

Oh... is that so? I bought a copy of HeroQuest Advanced Quest and Keller's Keep on E bay a couple months back, from Europe for only $120. I thought it was a helluva deal even though I already had the game system and Keller's Keep. This Advanced European version has the Courage and Rock Skin spell cards that only last for 1 turn... I guess I must have one of the first versions...

Yet I do recall a post I believe you made regarding Fire of Wrath, where it originally was used to destroy a piece of furniture. I thought this was from the first version, yet it's not part of this Advanced Quest.

Just the same, I'd like to make the expansion spells more formidable compared to the rest of them, and I do respect your opinion leste, any suggestions?

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Re: Future Sight

Postby lestodante » Tuesday January 29th, 2019 6:40pm

because many sellers have incomplete boxes or spares and mix the parts to make a complete set. But they probably mixed 1989 and 1990 pieces together.

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Re: Future Sight

Postby mitchiemasha » Wednesday January 30th, 2019 12:46am

wallydubbs wrote:Yet I do recall a post I believe you made regarding Fire of Wrath, where it originally was used to destroy a piece of furniture. I thought this was from the first version

There's a good chance that Fire of Wrath was only in the commercial. Some people notice that the text on the card is different when he plays it.

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Re: Future Sight

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday January 30th, 2019 3:28am

The title is different, too: "Foire of Roth"
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Re: Future Sight

Postby kyrrahn » Thursday May 2nd, 2019 11:15pm

wallydubbs wrote:It also seems that Spells of Detection are rather weak in regards to other spells...

Does anyone else think Future Sight, through North American adoption at least, should last longer; probably until there are no more monsters in the hero's line of sight?.

That would make it broken. Imagine a hero with Courage, Rock Skin, Double Image and extended Future Sight.
Future Sight is a fantastic card if used properly, especially if cast on a suitably armed hero. Due to it ending on the spellcaster's turn I've seen it paired with Timestop to great effect.
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Re: Future Sight

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Friday January 28th, 2022 6:05pm

Attack, defense, or movement dice rolls.

I have ruled in Against the Ogre Horde that Mind Lock reduces 'other attacks' (other than mind attacks) to 1 defense die. This way Festral and psychic/mind chaos sorcerers can't obliterate the player on the next attack with a Mind Blast just because they landed a Mind Lock (although, if they just Mind Blast twice, it will have the same effect as player death in most cases). I wouldn't allow it to reroll mental saves, such as to break a spell. That is a specific instance doesn't apply to the intent of the spell, and I like strategy to deal with spells. If they cast Future Sight, I can land a crowd control spell to counter it. Flavor wise, Future Sight doesn't always predict everything clearly--there are multiple paths :)

Of course, other Morcars can decide to buff up the spell to make this set more appealing for players, if that works for you. At this point, we're all houseruling and making executive decisions, even me, a by-the-book type of person, for some of the unclear rules in these expansions (luckily I have played enough Wiz War and D&D to figure this out). I don't see it making a huge difference either way in gameplay. If you want it to be an easier game, go with the more liberal interpretation. My players need more difficulty, so we go with the more restrictive interpretation.

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