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Fireburst Trap

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby chaoticprime » Sunday December 29th, 2013 11:11pm

Teldurn wrote:I've never played any of the expansions to know how the trap plays, but going by this, there's no way to disarm it?


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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Patroclus » Monday December 30th, 2013 7:09am

If we must re-rule this we should keep it simple without changing the main idea.

“When you enter the room, place the fireburst in the centre of the room. The door behind you is blocked from falling rocks in a way you cannot leave the room from the door you came, but the other Heroes can jump inside. At the beginning of Zargon’s turn, it explodes with 3 attack dice to any figure in the room, destroying the rocks that blocked the way behind. It may only be disarmed with a Tempest spell.”

You can use this, if the “it’s a European trap- use the European rules in that room” is not a good answer for your players.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby TMU » Monday December 30th, 2013 8:16am

Or it could only be found by searching for treasure. Useally first player searches for traps, so atleast one would be hitted. And if no one searches for treasure, it explodes on Morcars/Zargons turn.
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Beiren » Monday December 30th, 2013 8:32am

Why not use normal rules. Let the trap become effective when you actually step on it. How would an ancient trap get triggered by proximity? Getting stepped is far more logical. And the chances are way bigger that more then one person is in the room. So using a tempest spell on this one is more effective.
The place of these traps shouldn't be in the center then, otherwise everybody would step around this one place.
You can even add the sacrifice ability. If you step on it, you have two options:
- 1: You run further and at zargons turn it will explodes (if tempest isn't used, maybe the wizard hasn't got the spelle anymore or isn't in the neighbourhood) and everybody in the room should trow 3 dice.
- 2 Or you stand still and sacrifice yourself and you lose 3 (or maybe 2) life and nobody else gets hurt.
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby TMU » Monday December 30th, 2013 8:42am

I like the sacrifise rule, that would be a nice twist to the game :)
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby chaoticprime » Monday December 30th, 2013 6:44pm

My suggestion was the best one. Go back and read it again, because it makes the most sense and scarcely changes anything while fixing the issue that is unsatisfactory.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Teldurn » Monday December 30th, 2013 10:44pm

chaoticprime wrote:My suggestion was the best one. Go back and read it again, because it makes the most sense and scarcely changes anything while fixing the issue that is unsatisfactory.

chaoticprime wrote:Nah, I think we should amend the trap this way:

When a Hero first enters an empty room, the trap is sprung, but not put into play. At the start of the Evil Wizard's next turn, the trap detonates. If any Hero searches for traps between before then, the trap tile gets put into play.

At the point of the trap being sprung but the tile not placed, do you tell the Heroes that the trap was sprung?
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby chaoticprime » Tuesday December 31st, 2013 1:36am

God no.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Sjeng » Tuesday December 31st, 2013 4:05am

So how could they ever disable it, if it always goes off? Unfair man.
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby knightkrawler » Tuesday December 31st, 2013 5:14am

I don't think so. It's a magical trap, and can be disarmed with Tempest.
I'd even say, let's make it disarmable by discarding any water spell.
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