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Count Mohawk wrote:Wouldn't the simplest way to fix the Cloak of Shadows, if it is indeed broken, be to allow the caster to voluntarily dismiss the Cloak on his turn? You'd probably want this feature anyway, in case you accidentally cover a secret door you needed to move forward in the level, leading to an instant failure condition, barring pass through rock shenanigans.
Sotiris wrote:HeroQuestFrance wrote:It disappears when the spell launcher dies.
This is the only addition i did in my spell card to fix some problems.
Goblin-King wrote:I'm still not sure what the problem is...
It's a spell that creates a safe zone; the price being you can't be offensive yourself. Simple as that.
In my humble opinion I think it's the intention that the field is 100% impenetrable from both sides.
Nothing can be harmed inside the zone, and those inside can't harm anyone themselves NO MATTER THE SOURCE OF THE HARM.
The intention is to hide the wizard (or any low BP hero) while clearing a hard room.
You can of course do some min/max gaming and move into the zone after attacking and stuff like that, granting a damage free round every second round; assuming you'd want to move outside again next turn to attack.
And the monsters are free to do the same thing.
Using it like this is pretty powerful, but not more than Courage in my opinion.
The only problem I see is Quest objective bosses hiding inside, but come on... The solution here is quite simple...
Cloak of Shadows:
This spell summons a shroud of darkness. Place the Cloak of Shadows tile on the game board. Any figure in the shadows may not attack, be attacked or cast spells while they are there. The Cloak of Shadows may not be moved and lasts until the end of the Quest. Place this card beside the game board for reference.
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