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Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack.

Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby torilen » Friday May 13th, 2011 6:03pm

Is it just me - or does it seem completely ridiculous that they would design this quest book in such a way that they
give the heroes great treasure for the first five quests, just to have it all stolen, with no way to get it back, in
quest 6.

I've never played through this questbook with any group, so I don't know how this goes over with the players. How
have your players reacted to this, and how have you handled it, as the Evil Wizard. Do you give them a way to get
their gold back, or is it just too bad, tough luck?

Just curious.

My two gold coins worth, though: If i ever play this questbook with a group, I'm gonna have to fix what, in my opinion,
is a horrible game design flaw.

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby Phoenix » Friday May 13th, 2011 9:42pm

I think it's brilliant!! It gives some creative control to Zargon, as to whether they 'mysteriously' find it later, or go without. Get the players' hopes up...and knock 'em down!! :twisted:

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby drathe » Friday May 13th, 2011 10:56pm

I never give it back. Lesson learned for all those hoarders!

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby Big Bene » Saturday May 14th, 2011 7:32am

Money is for spending. Saved money is useless, you can't eat it. If the heroes have spent their gold wisely for equpment, they won't loose it.
Have a look ;)

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby Phoenix » Sunday May 15th, 2011 7:45pm

The problem here, is that according to the addenda rules for Return of the Witch Lord, this Quest Pack should be played as a 'single' adventure. They are fighting their way to the Witch Lord in a single 'dungeon'. Their spells, body points and mind points are restored between each Quest, however, they are unable to return to 'town' to get new or replacement equipment. That is why this is such an evil quest. The Heroes get to dream of all the things their newly acquired gold will get them, and then it gets taken away from them, never to be returned. Evilly genius, I tell you!

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby el_flesh » Sunday May 15th, 2011 11:15pm

Worx for me!
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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Friday March 30th, 2012 11:11am

I was also wondering if anyone out there toyed with this rule. I thought about how much I would have hated it personally, especially if I had no chance of spending the money in the first place. Is there anyone out there who plays it differently?
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby Thrawn » Friday March 30th, 2012 11:28am

Assuming you played the initial quest set first, by the time you reach RotWL, money is of no use under the basic rules anyway. I know when I ran originally (without adding special rules to the system) the characters had nothing left to buy after about quest 8 or so in the initial quests.

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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby lorddax » Friday March 30th, 2012 12:31pm

I was wondering that too, I remember in my old games gold was great, then it really became only a marker between players. I was looking at adding more gold sinks but sadly my group was disbanded before I got to start tweaking an advanced ruleset. Anyone add simple additional gold outlets that didn't make the heroes overpowered?
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Re: Quest 6 - all gold stolen

Postby Thrawn » Friday March 30th, 2012 1:19pm

I'm adding "levels" this time around, at a cost of 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000, and only allowing the buying of a level between quest packs. Each level gives a choice of a skill that will have some impact on the game (but hopefully not take the game over) including buying up to 2 body points for the barb and dwarf or 2 mind points for the elf and wiz. (Mind points come with additional spell schools, so +1 MP will gain +3 spell cards.)

I think I posted it in it's own topic with a little more detail.

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