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Spirit Blade, Kessandria and Skulmar, oh my

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack.

Re: Spirit Blade, Kessandria and Skulmar, oh my

Postby Zenithfleet » Thursday March 9th, 2023 12:38pm

SirRick wrote:There is a quest note in RotWL that says the Spirit Blade is so powerful it is not destroyed when striking the orc statues.

Not in the published EU version, there isn't. :twisted:

wallydubbs wrote:In the beginning of this expansion when going over the coffins, the quest pack does state that these can be searched. However, nowhere in the quest book is any treasure attributed to a coffin.

This must be another North American addition. Why does it bother to say they can be searched? Couldn't you just search in the room whether or not there are coffins around?

wallydubbs wrote:In Quest 2: The Cold Halls, I take away the Secret Door for the Central/exit room and add a locked door which COULD be bipassex by the Genie, but otherwise could only be unlocked by defeating the Spirit Riders.
As mentioned earlier I like the Spirit Riders to the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Upon entering their rooms to face the Spirit Riders I tell the players that each door is labeled: War, Pestilence, Famine and Death. After the heroes defeat each one they're given the option to open each coffin. Inside the heroes will find:
War : A Battle Axe or some sort of weapon to represent War
Pestilence : A swarm of insects and poisonous spiders emanate from the coffin and for every turn the hero stays in that room he loses a body points due to poison, which can be rectified by anti-venom potion.
Famine : upon opening this coffin a hero must discard 2 potions he has in his inventory.
Death : the hero will find a mystery potion in this coffin, if he drinks the potion his body points will be reduced to 0 but will not kill him, he may then wander the rest of the quest unnoticed by the undead. If he comes across Skeletons, Zombies or Mummies they will view him as one of their own and will not attack until his body points are raised above 0.


Ooh, I like that!

I've always liked the Spirit Riders. They made quite an impression when we first played RotWL because they're unusually tough for EU monsters (they have that extra skull save) and we had to run away from them. I always wanted to get some old GW skeleton cavalry models for these four. It would be awkward to move the large models around, but it would look cool. 8-)

In the EU rules, secret doors pop open as soon as you find them ... which means all four Riders' rooms are activated the moment you do a single search in that back corridor, and they all start coming after you at once. :shock:

Re: your idea, I really like the Four Horsemen theme, and that two of the 'rewards' are actually penalties.

The only thing I'm hesitant about is making the Spirit Riders into an almost-mandatory boss battle. One of the things I like about this quest, and many other quests, is that it has a 'pointless' area with no rewards, just danger if you happen to wander in there. It makes the quest feel more like a real place you're exploring and less like a sequence of set pieces. (The Goldeneye N64 effect, if you know what I mean.) At least, that's how it is in the EU quest.

However, if you do want to make sure players fight the Spirit Riders (unless they get desperate with Genie), then special rewards / penalties would make it more fun.

Ogre Lord
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