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Re: The Death Mist

PostPosted: Thursday April 1st, 2021 7:49am
by j_dean80
Anyone have a recommended mini for the Death Mist?

Re: The Death Mist

PostPosted: Thursday April 1st, 2021 10:12am
by Kurgan
Since I treat it like a ghostly whisp of mist with glowing "eyes", I like using the tile. It's so different from everything else you've encountered... (and is a partial inspiration for the Elementals I developed).

But I guess there are a lot of "ghosty" type miniatures out there you could use. Reaper has a few translucent plastic figures for example, that resemble ghosts or demons.

Re: The Death Mist

PostPosted: Friday October 28th, 2022 2:58pm
by dmwiech
As far as destroying the death mist, it is only affected by the spirit blade or tempest spell. Assuming 1 body point? Tempest spell only causes a monster to moss its next turn, but notes say it destroys the death mist. Spirit blade would need to roll am attack. 1 skull equals a kill? Seems weak. Think I will play it as 2 HP the spirit blade must take out.

Re: The Death Mist

PostPosted: Saturday February 4th, 2023 6:44am
by Bareheaded Warrior
I think the answers already given cover the initial questions from a correct way to interpret the official rules, although this part of the responses does confuse me

AerynB wrote:2. The Heroes lose 1 BP when the Mist passes over them on Zargon's turn, but what if they pass over the Mist on their turn. Do they lose a body point then? We played that the Heroes don't lose a point when passing over the Mist tile on their turn, only because it didn't say that explicitly in the rules.

Sjeng wrote:1. Yes, correct.
2. Your common sense is what I did.
3. I treat the mist like a monster you can pass through at the cost of 1 bp. Can not stop on the same square.

If Sjeng (and other posters who agree) treats the mist like a monster you can pass through at the cost of 1BP lost, then surely he would rule that any Hero passing through the Death Mist on their turn WOULD lose 1BP which contradicts the original posts rule 2 that Sjeng states he agrees with?

However I feel like a rewrite could offer an improvement.

The Death Mist is a Wraith and uses the Wraith Monster Card. The Death Mist may never leave the shaded corridor area.

Assumption whilst rewriting these rules is that either a figure or the marker provided can be used to represent the Death Mist. The rules must work in either scenario.

Monster Card: Wraith
Undead, Incorporeal, Life Drain, Invulnerability: Mundane Attacks and Spells*
• Move 6 squares.
• Attack 3 dice
• Defend 3 dice.
• Mind 3 dice
• Body 1 points
*Except Genie, Tempest
May not end its turn on an occupied square
May not move onto the same square twice in the same turn

I've included the standard descriptions for the special abilities listed above on the monster card to save people having to cross-reference

A character with this ability has no physical body so can pass through obstacles such as walls, closed doors, furniture, other characters, blocked squares and even solid rock.

Life Drain
Characters with this ability attack a character’s mind directly through touch. If the attack results in the victim losing at least one Body point, then the attacker gains one Body point. This is not a restore but an increase to their Body points total.
Note: The combination of Life Drain and Incorporeal abilities possessed by a Wraith means that if they pass through a character on their turn, or if a character passes through a Wraith on their own turn, then the character's mind is attacked using its Life Drain ability. This means a Wraith can make multiple attacks in a single turn.

Invulnerability: Mundane Attacks
Attacks from non-artefact weapons have no effect. Attacks from artefact weapons have their usual effects.
Note: Holy Water works as usual against characters with this ability that are also undead

Invulnerability: Spells
Spells cast at the target have no effect with any exceptions listed

Mind Attack
Some spells labelled with “Mind Attack” are targeted directly at the mind of the victim and attempt to dominate them through force of Will. This process works in a similar way to normal combat, with the spellcaster rolling a number of combat dice equal to their Mind value, counting Skulls and the target rolling a number of combat dice equal to their Mind value, counting Shields. Excess Skulls rolled by the spellcaster will determine the amount of damage or the duration of the spell effects, the number of turns the spell lasts for, see specific Spell Cards for details.