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The Death Mist

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack.

Re: The Death Mist

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday March 28th, 2019 8:09pm

If I'm playing with an expanded Treasure Deck that includes cards from other expansions, such as Air Walk from MotM, Magical Traps from WoM and Potion of Magic Resistance (from FH), etc.
There are three types of Potions of Magic Resistance: Fire and Effects (From WoM) and Damage (From FH).
Would the Frozen Horror one, which specifies Damage caused by Magic, cancel out the damage done by Death Mist?

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby devarionarias » Thursday March 28th, 2019 8:39pm

Good question... I'd house rule it as non magical damage on account it isn't technically a chaos spell cast by an enemy, but it could go either way.

I'm not sure the game designers thought people would use new expansion cards with the older sets.

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby Maurice76 » Friday March 29th, 2019 5:38am

I'd wager that the Death Mist is some magical entity, trying to choke the Heroes with poisonous gasses or something. It's a bit the same question with regards to the damage of a Fireball. The Fireball is conjured through magic, but does that mean that the fire damage caused by the Fireball is also magical in nature? Or is it simply natural, just like any other ordinary burning fire in the world?

Given that the entity is in the same tile as the Hero it's choking and apparently needs to spend effort to maintain cohesion in its gaseous form, I'm leaning towards the damage of the Death Mist being magical in nature, necromantic to be precise, sapping the victim's life energy.

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby wallydubbs » Friday March 29th, 2019 7:45am

I'm sure the game designers didn't plan to mingle the decks like this either, but just the same...

Fireburst traps are indeed Magical, they are listed on the Magical Reference Chart in WoM and it's practically the only thing Potion of Magic Resistance (Fire) works on in that quest pack (unless you modify it to let a hero pass through Wall of Flame).

Although the quest notes don't exactly say the Death Mist is Magical, but' it can only be destroyed by a magical weapon (Spirit Blade) or a spell (Tempest). The introduction to The Silent Passages does say "It is said that ancient and terrible magic at work here." One can only assume this is meant to be the Death Mist. So it seems like Potion of Magic Resistance (Damage) should work. It won't dispell the Death Mist but it'll prevent the hero from taking damage.

Also, since we're on the Death Mist, do you suppose a hero can pass through it without damaging if he uses Veil of Mist?

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby Maurice76 » Friday March 29th, 2019 9:06am

wallydubbs wrote:Also, since we're on the Death Mist, do you suppose a hero can pass through it without damaging if he uses Veil of Mist?

I'd say no. The Death Mist is filling up the tile, but since it's incorporeal, one can move right through it - albeit with harmful consequence of course.

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Friday March 29th, 2019 8:34pm

I disagree. I think veil can be used to pass through death mist.

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 7:23am

Jalapenotrellis wrote:I disagree. I think veil can be used to pass through death mist.

Although I appreciate the feedback, Jalapeno, I'd like to know your reasoning.

I can understand Maurice's argument. You can pass through Death Mist anyway, though it takes 1BP.
Veil of Mist allows a hero to pass through monster spaces unseen... as would Dust of Disappearance. Though I can certainly understand wanting to make these (VoM/DoD) worth more then they are, I think a bit more justification is required.
In like manner, would a hero still take damage under the effects of Invisibility (from WoM) or Disappear (MotM)?
Under these effects a hero can't be attacked or have spells cast on him... Death Mist, depending how you view it, can be either, neither or both...

I guess it kinda comes down to how you view Death Mist. Does it choke the hero if he breathes it in as Maurice views it, or is it more like that that fog in the 2nd Hunger Games movie, causing a hero to break out into boils?

This is just bringing up scores of other questions:
If the Wizard casts Wall of Stone to cut off the Mist in its path, would the mist be stopped, go right through it or destroy the wall?
Could the Wizard use Dispell to vanquish the Mist? Yes, I understand the quest booklet already says only Tempest and the Spirit Blade can destroy it, but this was written long before the expansion spells were ever thought up. In that case, I think it should.

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby The Admiral » Saturday April 6th, 2019 5:06am

wallydubbs wrote:Would the Frozen Horror one, which specifies Damage caused by Magic, cancel out the damage done by Death Mist?

I would say yes. I do see the death mist as a magical entity.

I don't see Veil of mist as an anti magic thing, it just means the monsters can't see you? Does the death mist need to see you to harm you? I would say not, but it does appear to have two little evil eyes! So maybe it does. I would be happy for the GM to rule either way, but I'd say it doesn't work to negate the death mist

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Saturday April 6th, 2019 2:15pm

My thoughts are that the Veil spell lets you pass through danger without being seen, allowing you to move beyond the enemy line. I haven't got to the quest yet with the death mist though. If it did do damage, I'd say the hero would have to stop at the mist like any trap. It should let you go beyond the enemy line without engaging in body point reduction or combat. Since it can only be disarmed with wind tempest or spirit blade, it seems more like a monster entity than a trap.

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Re: The Death Mist

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Saturday April 6th, 2019 2:22pm

Actually, reading the quest, the death mist only does damage when it is moved through heroes... not when the heroes move over it. It wouldn't matter if the hero cast veil or not... The mist would not do damage when the hero passes through it. The mist only does damage on zargon's turn

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