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Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack.

Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby joec » Friday October 18th, 2013 11:22am

*Brushes off dust*

Hey guys -- It's been a few moons since I've seen you all, aye?

My players are just about to go through the RotWL quest pack, and I was doing some read-throughs to prep for the upcoming sessions. (I don't think we'll get through the first two quests tonight. We'll be lucky to reach quest #2.) But, I came to this quest and was about to ask about it, but you guys have already had the discussion!

Thanks for the info!

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby Daedalus » Saturday October 19th, 2013 9:51am

Take some pics and post in the Saturday Night Dungeon subforum. Good to hear you're still at it.

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby joec » Thursday June 5th, 2014 4:44pm

Holy Necro post here... My group is FINALLY meeting Friday to challenge this quest, and I had to come back to see what my options were as proposed by all of you.

Thanks again, for all who gave their input, and I'll try to remember to let you all know how it went....

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby Teldurn » Thursday June 5th, 2014 10:07pm

Good luck!
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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby SirRick » Saturday March 5th, 2016 5:15pm

After reading this old post and examining the quest book, i dont think the keys mentioned are needed. I know Mentor mentions them in the story text, but the quest notes never mention the keys being used for anything except to sell for extra cash later. I believe the keys are just bonus treasure if the heroes can figure out how to get into the labritory. Nothing in the quest stops them from continuing to the next adventure.

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby GimmeYerGold » Sunday December 6th, 2020 1:31am

SirRick wrote:After reading this old post and examining the quest book, i dont think the keys mentioned are needed. I know Mentor mentions them in the story text, but the quest notes never mention the keys being used for anything except to sell for extra cash later. I believe the keys are just bonus treasure if the heroes can figure out how to get into the labritory. Nothing in the quest stops them from continuing to the next adventure.

I just hosted this quest tonight with some friends over tabletop simulator and this is how we played it. To each their own, as the rule book says, it’s up to Zargon how to decide in cases like these! It’s not a clear case of losing by all the heroes dying, for instance. The reason I agree with Sir Rick is this quest is a more effective lesson if they miss the keys and can complete, as it will encourage them to try better on puzzles in future quests, than it is to handhold them thru the same quest till they “get it” for the same puzzle. Like rubbing their noses in it, then handing them 800 gold for the trouble. Not as thrilling in my opinion :2cents:

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday December 8th, 2020 9:39am

The keys don't really have any importance past this quest and attribute nothing to overall defeat of the Witch Lord, so I wouldn't mandate them.

However, as I'm aware that many players implement the "no armory or Alchemist shop" between quests in Keller's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord, the keys, therefore remain keys until they could be traded in for gold. So when all the heroes' gold is taken in their subsequent capture, they keys, may indeed remain with their equipment.

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby Daedalus » Monday August 30th, 2021 1:44am

Since Quest 6 removed the Heroes' gold and gems and the keys were described as gold keys in Quest 4, my group simply ruled that they were lost. Needless to say, we weren't happy with the turn of events as we were playing no return trips.

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Re: Quest 4: the Halls of Vision

Postby LucaRocks » Thursday April 18th, 2024 7:45pm

Thanks for the help! Going to play this quest soon and this thread was gold. Thanks again!
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