by SirRick » Saturday March 23rd, 2024 12:03am
Its funny that KK introduces the concept of a spell scroll deck, but you don’t even have a chance to find many.
Just for fun, here is a list of the empty chests, weapons racks, and sorcerer’s tables in this quest book. A Zargon who likes to reward players occasionally may find this useful.
Quest 1
A: Empty chest
Quest 4
D: The Dwarven Forge weapon rack
Quest 5
-Center room, empty tomb
Quest 6
-SE Room weapon rack
Quest 7
-West Room weapon rack
Quest 9
B: Borokk’s sorcerer’s table
C: Empty chest
-NE Room weapon rack
Quest 10
-SW Room weapon rack
Edit: I realized I did list all the the locations, even the weapon rack right by the entrance of quest 6, but if you consider empty cupboards and other furniture the list could be longer. May favorite spots to add an artifact is the weapon rack in the Dwarven Forge of Quest 4, and in Quest 9, empty chest “C” in the small room with three traps in it.