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List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc from the Kellar's Keep Quest Pack.

List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Kurgan » Saturday July 13th, 2019 4:39pm

Not quite as interesting as a list of Artifact locations for some of the other packs, but here they are:

*possible spoilers*

Magical Throwing Dagger - Quests 2 & 6
Fire Ring - Quest 4
Spell Scrolls (Random Draw) - Quest 6
Elixir of Life (again, from GS) - Quest 7

If I missed any, let me know!

Other Artifact Locations:

Game System
Return of the Witch Lord
Elf Quest Pack
Barbarian Quest Pack
Mythic Tier quest packs
Rise of the Dread Moon
Jungles of Delthrak
Last edited by Kurgan on Tuesday July 23rd, 2024 5:48pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Anderas » Sunday August 11th, 2019 3:48am

I like how you interlinked those topics.

It would be interesting to see empty chests or other good places for putting an artifact that has been lost or not yet found. That famous base game artifact you never owned, or whose owner was falling down a bottomless chasm.

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Kurgan » Sunday August 11th, 2019 7:42pm

The way the base game system instructions talk about it, when a Hero dies and loses an Artifact, or the Heroes fail to get it (especially if it is needed later), Zargon is supposed to make it available as a special treasure early in a future quest (or the revamped version of the previously unfinished quest in the case of a Total Party Kill!). So I always just did this by putting the relevant Artifact card(s) into the Treasure card pile (near the top). I've seen other GMs just have them ready to go the first time somebody searches for treasure... a bit like the "whip upgrades" in the original Castlevania for the NES if anyone remembers that mechanic.

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Friday August 23rd, 2019 2:23am

Question on spell scrolls: are they seriously only quest 6 of KK?

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Kurgan » Saturday August 24th, 2019 1:29pm

Yes. ROTWL has spell scrolls in 4, 7 & 8 (specific named ones) and BQP has random draws in 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10. EQP 4 & 6 have the "Treasure Without Doom" scroll. So if you want specific instances, there aren't many in the official quests. That's why I am tending to use them as bonus items that an "upgraded" Elf will start with, or are given when a magical class character searches a Sorcerer's Table for Treasure (when there's no specific quest treasure for that room).
Last edited by Kurgan on Thursday December 10th, 2020 6:16pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Saturday August 24th, 2019 2:25pm

Well that sucks. Not many chances for them to draw a pass through rock scroll in case they get separated by a falling block trap, especially since that particular scroll doesn't even appear until RotWL

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday August 28th, 2019 6:23pm

Of course Zargon can do as he pleases, so if you think it will be needed and you want to cut them a break, just mix some in with the Treasure cards. We did that to get our group started since we were starting with basic heroes already in the Quest packs. I sprinkled the KK & ROTWL artifacts in there and they got them all pretty quickly. Perhaps that was too generous, but I wanted to do that rather than just outright nerfing the new stuff if it wasn't strictly necessary. I want the heroes to get through the Quests, but I want them to work and sweat a little too...

Again, you can do what you like. If a Hero is trapped in one of those stupid rooms (like in Against the Ogre Horde) where there is a tiny room with a falling block trap at the door (and the Hero stupidly decides to go forward), you could always just hold that card and when he searches for Treasure, give it to him. He's going to have to use it up instantly anyway if he doesn't want to be trapped forever (inside a room, not even inside solid rock!).

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby wallydubbs » Thursday August 29th, 2019 7:23am

I usually let the heroes draw a random spell card whenever they come across a Sorcerer's Table. With an exception on Pass Through Rock, my heroes generally don't hoard spell scrolls and use them at convenience.

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby Kurgan » Friday March 22nd, 2024 9:43pm

The work around for ATOH (since they didn't include any Artifacts in the pack at all) that I will use moving forward is that if a hero is trapped by a fallen block trap, they can use the Toolkit (or the Dwarf's natural ability) to disarm it (using the EU disarming rules!). Failing the disarming roll in 1 BP of damage, but either way, the trap is removed... the disarmer just has to declare what they are doing and move onto the trap square. On the off chance that you don't have Pass Through Rock to use and nobody with a disarming ability is alive, then I guess you're stuck... game over.

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Re: List of Artifact Locations (Kellar's Keep)

Postby SirRick » Saturday March 23rd, 2024 12:03am

Its funny that KK introduces the concept of a spell scroll deck, but you don’t even have a chance to find many.

Just for fun, here is a list of the empty chests, weapons racks, and sorcerer’s tables in this quest book. A Zargon who likes to reward players occasionally may find this useful.

Quest 1
A: Empty chest

Quest 4
D: The Dwarven Forge weapon rack

Quest 5
-Center room, empty tomb

Quest 6
-SE Room weapon rack

Quest 7
-West Room weapon rack

Quest 9
B: Borokk’s sorcerer’s table
C: Empty chest
-NE Room weapon rack

Quest 10
-SW Room weapon rack

Edit: I realized I did list all the the locations, even the weapon rack right by the entrance of quest 6, but if you consider empty cupboards and other furniture the list could be longer. May favorite spots to add an artifact is the weapon rack in the Dwarven Forge of Quest 4, and in Quest 9, empty chest “C” in the small room with three traps in it.

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